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Suicide Bombing In Peshawar Kills Senior Minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour & Oth

But they have targeted ANP repeatedly, lot more than any other party

That is simply because they want to assert their presence in KPK, nothing more. The ANP has no higher profile that any other political party in Pakistan when it comes to threats from the Taliban. If anything, i would say the PPP has a higher threat profile due to Zardari & Co. chummy relationship with the West atm.
RIP, He was a good man.

His brother ghulam ahmed Bilour the railway minister was also on taliban hit list but they removed his name when he announced 10million bounty on anti-islam film maker.
Taliban kill students, teachers, doctors, nurses, street vendors, Christians, Muslims, Yuppies, Stoners, Cops, Robbers, basically everyone who don't conform to their viewpoint. This chap was much lower the food chain to be of any interest to the Taliban, also try driving from taxila to Pindi with a Sindh or NWFP/KPK plate and count the check points, heck count the check points you have to cross from Nowshera to Peshawar...

Considering the state of alert following the Airport incident, i find it a bit hard to swallow that a lone suicide bomber was able to complete this take unaided.

Sir believe you me I was about to write the same. I live in Pindi Cantt area, have to travel to Wah and Kamra every now and then due to relatives living their. there are alot of checkpoints. Don't forget these ministers have a security protocol / security detail with them ( if it wasn't their then it should have been) . I find it really hard to swallow that a lone bomber made his way to the minister himself. why no one from the security detailed stopped him.
As elections are coming closer and closer, expect the number of attacks to go high.......
I really find it amusing when all these political leaders from different parties are coming on t.v screen and blaming security establishment. Heck you goons are in the govt. FIA , CID , Police Special Branch, IB , CIA , Police Commandos, all of these forces are under their control, why not make them better, IB , CID , SB main task is Internal C.I and Internal Defence, why are they failing at it.

Are we going to put everything on the shoulders of Army. Because clearly PA is refusing to go in.

Edited : Are we going to blame ISI? . Oh please! we have blame them a lot and they have been grilled enough by the media, in fact i was waiting for a time when a dog / cat is found dead on the road side and it would have been put on ISI's head. We know how they do things, they have very different way of doing things, either let them do it and stay shut ( keep a check in a respectful and professional manner) or do the things yourself
Ever heard the phrase.
"behtii ganga mein sabb haath dhotay haun'' ?
OK, I got your answer….. you have never heard or came across any news that ANP was ever involved in suicide bombing.

Thank you.
Suicide attack kills senior minister Bilour, seven others in Peshawar

DAWN.COM | 59 mins ago

PESHAWAR: Senior provincial minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour was among eight people killed Saturday after a Pakistani Taliban bomber blew himself up near a meeting of the Awami National Party (ANP) in Peshawar, the capital of northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Police and hospital officials confirmed that at least seven other people , including a police SHO and Bilour’s personal secretary, were also killed in the blast in the Dhaki Nalbandi area near the busy Qissa Khwani Bazaar.

Bilour was critically wounded with injuries to the chest and stomach and was being treated in the operation theatre, a senior hospital official had earlier confirmed before senior minister passed away.

According to details, the blast took place when senior leader Bilour and workers of the ANP, which is the largest and the ruling party in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, had congregated for a party meeting.

At least 18 people were also wounded in the blast, hospital officials confirmed.

Speaking to Dawn.com from an undisclosed location, a spokesman for the banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Ehsanullah Ehsan, claimed responsibility for the blast and Bilour’s assassination.
Really sad he was a brave man, always spoke against talibans..My deepest sympathies with the family

Bashir Ahmed Bilour is the brother of Ghulam Ahmed Bilour who is railways minister.
That is simply because they want to assert their presence in KPK, nothing more. The ANP has no higher profile that any other political party in Pakistan when it comes to threats from the Taliban. If anything, i would say the PPP has a higher threat profile due to Zardari & Co. chummy relationship with the West atm.

ANP is not the only party that want to assert their presence in NWFP, they may not be a good party but they are far more secular than any other party in Pakistan. Indiviually their leaders may not have higher threat profile but as a party Yes ANP has a higher threat profile
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