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Suicide blast in Quetta’s Hazara town kills at least 28

Sir ji the problem is not just about the Wahabis/Tafrikis that we in Pakistan jump to blame. There are alot of other forces at play, along with these sellout terrorists, who are busy serving their masters to fulfill their vendetta. I personally believe that there is a bigger game being played, and we are right in the middle of it. Thus I said, we have to first understand the problem rather then just looking for a solution.

Nato wants to talk to the talibans because they want to get out of Afghanistan, we dont have any such luxuries. Its our country, they are the outsiders. What we need is a serious effort from the gov, not only with the gun, but also on the PR front. They should I personally believe bring in clergy to preach the message. Counter their propaganda, but no effort is being put into countering the propaganda element of it.

Hon Sir,

You seem to be another apologist of these inhuman butchers. I dare you to watch this video and tell me if these followers of Dajjal are worthy of belonging to human race.

Al Qaeda Affiliated (Sunni) Group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Behead 2 Shia | MRCTV

These scum of the earth then boast about it and claim that they are doing the work of Allah. No matter how sinful Shias may be, only a follower of Satan can butcher two men like this and make a video of it.

If such inhuman creatures are Muslim, I am a kafir. If these so called Muslims will go the heaven, I would ask Allah to send me to hell but as a member of the human race I can’t detest anyone more than LeJ, SSP and their sympathizers.
I repeat what I always said;

If Army commences an military operation, everyone has a problem with it (killing innocent Balochis).
If Army doesn't do anything, then everyone starts to speak against it.

Just let the Army do their work, kill every single militant, and crush their groups. This is the only solution for peace.
PMLN has to take principle stance on terrorism and try to act against them and start accountability
QUETTA: At least 28 people were killed and over 70 injured in a suicide blast near an Imambargah on Kirani road of Quetta’s Hazara town.

Capital City Police Officer, Mir Zubair Mehmood confirmed to Dawn.com that at least 28 people were killed and over 70 were injured as a suicide bomber riding a bicycle blew himself up in a crowded area 40 to 50 metres away from an Imambargah.

Mehmood said the dead included nine women as well as four children.

He admitted that despite strict security measures, the bomber struck a highly sensitive and guarded area of Quetta. He stated that the dead bodies would be handed over to their heirs after identification.

Para-military troops and police were dispatched in the area to control the situation. The injured were taken to CMH hospital in Quetta for treatment.

The Jafaria Alliance and Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen announced mourning for three days following the attack.

Chief Minister Balochistan Dr Abdul Malik Baloch as well as the Hazara Democratic Party have condemned the blast.

Suicide blast in Quetta?s Hazara town kills at least 28 - DAWN.COM

Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'alaa) Says in the Noble Qur'an;
"Who, when afflicted with calamity say: "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."" [The Qur'an; Chapter 2 (Al Baqarah - The Cow) : Verse 156]
"Allatheena ithâ asabat-hum museebatun qaloo inna lillahi wa innâ ilay-hi raji'oon"

No worries Mr Nawaz The Almighty is watching this injustice..
Saudi funded sectarian terrorism will be the end of Pakistan
Indians really dont need to buy bombs and jets because we Pakistanis are on the course of self destruct due to mutual intolerance & bigotry
the forces that considered Quaid e Azam , Kafir e Azam & considered Pakistan a great sin are bringing Pakistan to a civil war .

as far as the shia killing across the globe is concerned it seems that the sole purpose of Saudi/ UAE funded Islam is defined by killing shias from Egypt to Pakistan thats pretty much their Islam and then target the Sunni population and turn into some mindless human killing bots.

Lashker e Jhangvi & TTP will bring Pakistan to a point where there will be an open season on all minorities in Pakistan once it descends into a civil war like Syria. and that is sure to happen because our jobsworth army and its intelligence agencies are both inept and complicit in all these sectarian attacks. when mass killers like Malik Ishaq are given vip protocols & flown into GHQ to negotiate with the terrorists then what chance do Hzara have that they will get any relief from the government or army and any safety from their repeat killers?

it is time that Hazara must reach UN and say that state of Pakistan is unwilling to protect them or is party in their genocide and request UN intervention.
When will this genocide stop?

until the Saudis run out of their fundings, its no secret that they are funding terrorism in Syria, Somalia and Pakistan. there is no other way to sugar coat it. their actual target are the moderate and peace loving Sunnis that are being turned into vicious and inhumane killing machines. its a pitty that their entirety of Islam is defined by killing shias and sending a message to the rest of the world that thats what means by a religion of peace.

the day shias also started the revenge attacks, the sectarian terrorists will jump with joy, because they will be able to persuade the moderate sunni population to join them in the killing of all minorities
there are fliers doing circles in the towns asking the general public to start looking for and start killing shias in their neighborhoods and there is a fatwa that rapping shia women is justified and killing children is also allowed.
the stage is being set where there will be general anarchy and state will collapse and we will see the scenes of the Partition where communities turned on each other. and normally the minority suffers
this will stop until..pakistan have
1.pakistan cut all ties with saudi & west
2.kill all khawarij/wahhabism in pakistan
3.stay neutral
4.Pakistan People must erased all sunni & shia sect..........then live as pure muslim like prophet muhammad
5.destroy corruption & good education..........build your homeland like malaysia,brunei & finlandia/swedia/norweygia system
this will stop until..pakistan have
1.pakistan cut all ties with saudi & west
2.kill all khawarij/wahhabism in pakistan
3.stay neutral
4.Pakistan People must erased all sunni & shia sect..........then live as pure muslim like prophet muhammad
5.destroy corruption & good education..........build your homeland like malaysia,brunei & finlandia/swedia/norweygia system

we have lived together much better before

instead of beheading shias we have given food and water in Muharram time. observed muharam by not playing songs etc.

Imam Hussain RA is not just a shia's religious figure he is grandson of Muhammad PBUH who we claim to follow as our last Porphet

the irony is that for Saudis it didnt matter if Zardari was a scumbag thief, a fraud and a looter but the fact that he was a shia they told Pakistanis that they were unwilling to deal with it directly.

Saudis are so much obsessed with sectarianism that they are funding the canabals (who rip the hearts out and chew them in the name of Islam) in Syria against the Assad regime not because Assad regime is barbaric, inhumane etc (which Arab regime is not?) but because it is Alawite.
Saudi funded sectarian terrorism will be the end of Pakistan
Indians really dont need to buy bombs and jets because we Pakistanis are on the course of self destruct due to mutual intolerance & bigotry
the forces that considered Quaid e Azam , Kafir e Azam & considered Pakistan a great sin are bringing Pakistan to a civil war .

as far as the shia killing across the globe is concerned it seems that the sole purpose of Saudi/ UAE funded Islam is defined by killing shias from Egypt to Pakistan thats pretty much their Islam and then target the Sunni population and turn into some mindless human killing bots.

Lashker e Jhangvi & TTP will bring Pakistan to a point where there will be an open season on all minorities in Pakistan once it descends into a civil war like Syria. and that is sure to happen because our jobsworth army and its intelligence agencies are both inept and complicit in all these sectarian attacks. when mass killers like Malik Ishaq are given vip protocols & flown into GHQ to negotiate with the terrorists then what chance do Hzara have that they will get any relief from the government or army and any safety from their repeat killers?

it is time that Hazara must reach UN and say that state of Pakistan is unwilling to protect them or is party in their genocide and request UN intervention.
Hon Sir,

.........If such inhuman creatures are Muslim, I am a kafir. If these so called Muslims will go the heaven, I would ask Allah to send me to hell but as a member of the human race I can’t detest anyone more than LeJ, SSP and their sympathizers.

Well said, oh very well said.

I am a Hindu, proud of it, and have no desire to be of any other religion. But if your thinking is what makes you Muslim, why I would gladly be Muslim too.
Outside of Iran, India is the only country, with significant Muslim population, where Shia's enjoy safety from sectarian genocide.


Hon Sir,

You seem to be another apologist of these inhuman butchers. I dare you to watch this video and tell me if these followers of Dajjal are worthy of belonging to human race.

Al Qaeda Affiliated (Sunni) Group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Behead 2 Shia | MRCTV

These scum of the earth then boast about it and claim that they are doing the work of Allah. No matter how sinful Shias may be, only a follower of Satan can butcher two men like this and make a video of it.

If such inhuman creatures are Muslim, I am a kafir. If these so called Muslims will go the heaven, I would ask Allah to send me to hell but as a member of the human race I can’t detest anyone more than LeJ, SSP and their sympathizers.

I will give you another opportunity to go back, and correct your self. Also show me where did I apologize for anyone. If U can prove to me that I made an apology for any terrorist I will personally say sorry to you and all of Pakistan. But if u realize that in your frustration, or lack of simple understanding, or just what ever reason, u didn't get my message, you will correct your self.
RIP.. Not a good Weekend for Pakistan's anti terrorism effort..
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