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Suicide attack on in Miran Shah, North Waziristan !!!

There are literally TTP bases in Paktia, Kunar and Khost. All out in the open. I am sure the army reconnaissance is aware of them. Taliban have done nothing. TTP to Taliban is like hezbollah is to Iran. They do smuggling, drug dealing, ransoms, assassinations, whatever brings in the money and that's why they are based on the border because most of their work is cross border.

No point picking off 3 or 4 of them in the mountains inside Pakistan. Need to massacre these towns because they have the blood of 70k Pakistanis on their hands. A price must be paid and order restored. I promise you once their families are in pieces scattered everywhere they will reflect on their actions. Pakistan is a soft touch because it has a deep state which is low IQ jahil over 60s uncles.

For anyone worried about making more enemies, what happened after NATO left? Afghans were all rushing into their planes trying to get to the US :lol: This is after they bombed and killed them and occupied them for 20 years. There is nothing wrong with holding people accountable for their actions, Pakistan always so fearful, bunch of p**sies :lol:
It's more like TTP is to PA what Hizbullah is to Iran. TTP won't have a square inch to operate on in Pakistan, if PA wanted it that way.
It's more like TTP is to PA what Hizbullah is to Iran. TTP won't have a square inch to operate on in Pakistan, if PA wanted it that way.

Yes I have heard this all before, gaslighting for the Afghans. Its the army, India, US, Israel, India. Anyone but the Afghans :lol: I think some Pakistani folk are genetically hardwired to gaslight for them. Its like they can do no wrong. Literally killed 70 thousand Pakistanis with zero accountability.
Yes I have heard this all before, gaslighting for the Afghans. Its the army, India, US, Israel, India. Anyone but the Afghans :lol: I think some Pakistani folk are genetically hardwired to gaslight for them. Its like they can do no wrong. Literally killed 70 thousand Pakistanis with zero accountability.
Let alone the thousands of drones strikes these same sahabs cry about. Maybe those drones were launched from mars?
Clean up GHQ and all this will stop. That is why dreaming Idiots like IK will never succeed because they lack the ability to project Physical force.

Finally, somebody gets it.

Nobody understands how power really works. That's why they all become willing or unwilling pawns of the establishment eventually.
Clean up GHQ and all this will stop. That is why dreaming Idiots like IK will never succeed because they lack the ability to project Physical force.
How successful were the US and NATO? Surely you are not calling them dreaming idiots as well.
How successful were the US and NATO? Surely you are not calling them dreaming idiots as well.

They have the Doha accord and they will never attack the west again. They got taught a generational lesson.

Whilst Pakistan is still at square one, still getting attacked :lol:
They have the Doha accord and they will never attack the west again. They got taught a generational lesson.

Whilst Pakistan is still at square one, still getting attacked :lol:
Taliban have backtracked on some of the agreements hence the recent drone attack. Don't expect them to keep their side of the promise. There is a reason why US actively maintains means to tackle elements inside Afghanistan that are detrimental to American interests.
Yes I have heard this all before, gaslighting for the Afghans. Its the army, India, US, Israel, India. Anyone but the Afghans :lol: I think some Pakistani folk are genetically hardwired to gaslight for them. Its like they can do no wrong. Literally killed 70 thousand Pakistanis with zero accountability.

No one wants to accept that some pashtuns and Baloch have lost their minds, 75 years of this bullshit has created havoc

We have 230 million people to look after, we have enough problems and enemies all around and in the midst of this pashtun and Baloch want to act endlessly stupid over every little thing

Taliban are pashtun
TTP are pashtun
Pashtun are the major cause of terrorism and it's to do with ethnocentric jahilat

The main people pashtuns hurt is their own children and families, women and people

Over the last few years Pakistan has done everything to give a fig leaf to these people, we have given TTP space, negotiations,etc

All because of a establishment belief that our pashtun will be upset if we hit their brethren hard in Afghanistan, maybe not all pashtuns but the tribal donkeys in particular

Pashtuns now need to wake up and end this shit and call out the problem amongst their people
Taliban have backtracked on some of the agreements hence the recent drone attack. Don't expect them to keep their side of the promise. There is a reason why US actively maintains means to tackle elements inside Afghanistan that are detrimental to American interests.

So the US holds them accountable. Why does Pakistan not hold them accountable?

Are the ruling elite afraid to lose the refugee assistance money? All for a few million which probably goes to 20-30 people. Honestly the more I look into this country the more of a joke it is. Its security policy is handicapped by pittance which goes to a small circle of corrupt elites.
On realistic note, this require more of investigative police work rather than military action to get rid of these sleeper cells like digital fencing catching the aiders and cell
So the US holds them accountable. Why does Pakistan not hold them accountable?

Are the ruling elite afraid to lose the refugee assistance money? All for a few million which probably goes to 20-30 people. Honestly the more I look into this country the more of a joke it is. Its security policy is handicapped by pittance which goes to a small circle of corrupt elites.
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Let's say that we are ruled by incompetent and extremely selfish rulers who sometime deliberately bring country to standstill and other times due to their incompetence do the damage.

No amount of Aid is going to make up for the implicit loss Pakistan has incurred so it is anybody's guess whose coffers are being filled.
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