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Such Gup!


Apr 24, 2007
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Dont tell the beards

Jemima Khan has bought a stately home and estate in Oxfordshire, Kiddlington Hall, and she threw a grand fund raising party there in July. the evening raised BP400,000 which is more than Rs, 5 crore. amongst those present were lady helen taylor, tom jones, model kate moss and IK himself. on the menu was spit-roasted organic lamb, brut champagne, vodka cocktails, and espresso martinis. lets hope IK's friends in the bearded brigade dont find out!!!:no:
May i please know the source of your news Sir? I hope you don't mind
. .
Dont tell the beards

Jemima Khan has bought a stately home and estate in Oxfordshire, Kiddlington Hall, and she threw a grand fund raising party there in July. the evening raised BP400,000 which is more than Rs, 5 crore. amongst those present were lady helen taylor, tom jones, model kate moss and IK himself. on the menu was spit-roasted organic lamb, brut champagne, vodka cocktails, and espresso martinis. lets hope IK's friends in the bearded brigade dont find out!!!:no:

Sir we have enough people displaced which can equal the whole population of Australia - UNO has just Listed this disaster over the Tsunami.

IK is doing what he can and when you are in London and raising money , you cannot expect Brits to eat Parathas and Drink lassi can you.

Every nation has its own social codes and this is how it works , we should not worry about how the money is coming for help and who is doing what to raise it. BTW IK does not drink , i know that for a fact .

I can remember a bottle of wine used to be awarded to the man of the match in Cricket matches and all players including Team Pakistan used to accept that. I am sure most of them were not drinkers :P
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