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Success! Japanese and Korean lawmakers pledge to resolve comfort women issue


May 29, 2014
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United States

SEOUL (Jiji Press)—Japanese and South Korean lawmakers pledged Saturday to resolve the issue of so-called comfort women at an early date.

Members of suprapartisan parliamentarians’ groups in Japan and the South Korea said in a statement issued after a meeting in Seoul that they would strive toward restoring the honor of Korean women who were forced to work as comfort women during World War II.

The lawmakers also said in the statement that they would try to improve relations between Japan and South Korea next year, which marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two neighbors.

They also expressed willingness to help the two countries hold a summit meeting at an early date, saying the participants shared the view that their countries needed to establish future-oriented relations by squarely facing up to their history.

Lawmakers vow solution to comfort women issue - The Japan News

Ugh, "pledge to resolve". I've come to dislike this praise. To many pledges have been made that never amount to anything substantial. Still, even discussing the issue is a win for both sides and with much hope I look forward to any progress that is made. Can we have China be part too?
pretty amazing this is still an issue.
pretty amazing this is still an issue.

When you were on the receiving end, it never stops being an issue. Especially when people still use it as some sort of "political card" (like visits to the Yasukuni shrine).

Would Jewish people forget the Holocaust, if the German leaders kept visiting shrines to honor the war criminals of WW2?
When you were on the receiving end, it never stops being an issue. Especially when people still use it as some sort of "political card" (like visits to the Yasukuni shrine).

Would Jewish people forget the Holocaust, if the German leaders kept visiting shrines to honor the war criminals of WW2?

forgive but don't forget. time to move on. milking it for to long.
forgive but don't forget. time to move on. milking it for to long.

Who is the one bringing it up by visiting the Yasukuni Shrine as a political card?

It's easy for the perpetrator to tell you to forget about it, but those on the receiving end, such as the Native Americans who lost their country, it's not so easy.
why are you bringing up Native Americans :rofl:

The shrine now lists the names, origins, birthdates, and places of death of 2,466,532 men, women and children, including 1,068 war criminals; 14 of which are considered A-Class, leading to extreme controversies. The Honden shrine commemorates anyone who died on behalf of the empire, including not only soldiers, relief workers, factory workers, and other citizens, but also those not of Japanese ethnicity such as Taiwanese and Koreans who served Japan.

war criminals make up a small fraction of those being honored. get over it.
Tell that to the Jews (who lost 6 million people in the Holocaust) or the Native Americans (who lost over 100 million people and lost their country too).

It's easy to say "get over it" when you were the perpetrator.

Jews,Native Americans, Slaves, anyone else you want to lump in there?
How about you go to one of the aforementioned groups in person (there are plenty in America), and tell them to "get over it"?

why would I? is it still a problem??? I said forgive not forget. If they are going to try guilt trip me like you are then I would say "get over it" I'm not going to apologize for what my ancestors did.
why would I? is it still a problem??? I said forgive not forget. If they are going to try guilt trip me like you are then I would say "get over it" I'm not going to apologize for what my ancestors did. was it wrong yes!! but the world is shitty place this is what has happened over and over it. war and conquest. just like China it didn't start out that big right?? you all killed and took over land. so get over it.

Such an internet hero. :lol:

I bet you wouldn't have the balls to go to any American who is Chinese/Korean/Black/Jewish/Native and say that. Even in your own country.
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