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Status-quo & Poverty!


Apr 2, 2008
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An artical written by an intellectual the senior columnist Mr. Irshad Haqqani, where he elaborating the bitter realities faced by a common Pakistani person. Specially the Salaried person getting punishment from state and Culture.
Well... the said artical is being copied here for friends review, comments & advises.

its really nastiest situation observed and faced by Pakistanis.....facts showing no improvement expected.
Our Politicians are just behind the self created Judiciary Issues, while in my view this issue not such a complicated which could not solve by the bunch of peoples who poses intellectuality and claimed leadership!
Amazing that, such brilliants have no capability (as observed)to resolve the matters regarding "Judiciary" and do not have any intention to make any effort for public relief!
"Judiciary" is not such a complicated issue if it is resolved with simple intention for sake "Justice for all", while any simple issue may have lot of complications if its implement with manipulated shape for individuals interests.

In my view and also view of public watched at Tv Channels, that issues related to Judiciary (Even if it is real Judiciary for Justice) is lesser then the issues which pressing peoples badly, and majority of Pakistani nation fighting in war against worstiest inflation. so as saying "Laws are silent in times of war".
But still Hope are there as:"While there's life-there's hope"
In following of this thread status, I also forward an article expressing more or less same scenario:
NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) to give release just for men-eater elites, like licence to Kill, destroy and jeopardize country peace & stability.
While no one even think to make reform to relief the helpless nation against massive issues.
Was this the charter to make Pakistan?
Is Pakistan made just for corrupt mafia (elites consisting of Fuddles, capitalists, civil & army bureaucrats & criminals) ?
Don't these elites think that, the time may come soon, when the tolerance of the sufferers will finish and there could be revolution!
Care about themselves and make efforts to workout reforms to reliefs for public as early as possible, before peoples lose their temperament!
This is self-explanatory:
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