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State Secretary says goodbye to Turkish passport


Jun 7, 2017
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State Secretary says goodbye to Turkish passport


Sat 05/08/2017 - 11:42 Michaël Torfs

The Belgian State Secretary for Equal Opportunities Zuhal Demir has announced on Facebook that she wants to shed her Turkish passport. Demir now has the double Belgian-Turkish nationality. Being from Kurdish descent, Demir feels that the gap between her and the central Turkish government has grown too big.
In an emotional address on Facebook, under the title 'Afscheid' (goodbye), Zuhal Demir explains about the friction between her Kurdish and Turkish background. "While my parents were (and are) speaking to each other in Kurdish, they thought their children in Flanders Turkish. Turkey was the country that prevented them from living a free Kurdish life."

Demir adds that "we grew apart, Turkey and I. I have become a Flemish woman with proud, Turkish roots. Everything Turkey didn't want. I studied here, lived here, found love here with a Flemish man. I got the chance to grow here and to go into politics. This is enough a home for me. Flanders adopted me and I adopted Flanders. My Turkish passport has long passed its 'best before' date."

"Turkey will remain a part of my identity forever, but I am giving back my Turkish citizenship."

Demir's decision comes amidst growing tensions between Belgium and Turkey. Yesterday, PM Charles Michel said that "nothing prevents Belgium to ban a possible referendum here on the death penalty in Turkey" answering to a question by Barbara Pas of the far-right Vlaams Belang.

''Demir recently joined the program "De Afspraak," aired on state-run Canvas...When she was shown a photograph of her attending a pro-PKK meeting, she said that it was quite normal. Demir also said that she marched at the PKK rally in Brussels in November...''

the source: https://www.dailysabah.com/war-on-t...ended-pro-pkk-events-appointed-state-minister

A person who attends a terrorist meeting becomes a Minister responsible for equality in the country tells a lot about the country, state and politicians with respect to Humanity.

Not: İlgili videonun hangi dilde olursa olsun bulunup paylaşılması Türkiye karşıtı bu propaganda haberini çürütmekle kalmaz, Belçika'nın devlet olarak terörle bağlantısına görsel kanıt olur.
''Demir recently joined the program "De Afspraak," aired on state-run Canvas...When she was shown a photograph of her attending a pro-PKK meeting, she said that it was quite normal. Demir also said that she marched at the PKK rally in Brussels in November...''

the source: https://www.dailysabah.com/war-on-t...ended-pro-pkk-events-appointed-state-minister

A person who attends a terrorist meeting becomes a Minister responsible for equality in the country tells a lot about the country, state and politicians with respect to Humanity.

Not: İlgili videonun hangi dilde olursa olsun bulunup paylaşılması Türkiye karşıtı bu propaganda haberini çürütmekle kalmaz, Belçika'nın devlet olarak terörle bağlantısına görsel kanıt olur.
Leftist terrorists are the good terrorists in Europe, its all ok as long as pkk shows itself as leftist and only kills people in Turkey, Iraq and Syria.

The latest civilian killed by pkk was only 15 years old


European left regarding pkk:
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Just hand over your passport and get over it, why make a show out of it?

Good riddance btw
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