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SSK to gather for an extraordinary meeting for defense-system tender


May 11, 2012
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United States
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on the Defense Industry Implementation Committee (SSİK) to convene for an extraordinary meeting to conclude the tender of a long-range air defense system that was postponed for several times.

The project has a cost of $4 billion.

The SSİK would have its regular meeting in June but it will gather instead on March 26 after Erdoğan's call for a meeting.

The meeting will be attended by Erdoğan, Chief of General Staff Gen. Necdet Özel and Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz.

Bidders for the tender are American Patriot, Russian Antey 2500, Chinise HQ-9 and French-Italian partnership Eurosam Samp-T.

Defense sources, who talked to Today's Zaman on condition of anonymity, said the SSİK generally holds two meetings every year. The first meeting was held in January and the second meeting was slated for June but there has been a request for an extraordinary meeting from Erdoğan.

Officials from the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) said the final decision will be made by Erdoğan.

They said, unlike previous prime ministers, Erdoğan follows the SSİK meetings closely and asks many questions to defense ministry bureaucrats on the projects.

In addition to the tender of the long-range air defense system, new projects to be launched in the defense sector will be discussed at the meeting.

A decision for the mass production of Turkiye's first national unmanned aerial vehicle, Anka (Phoenix), may also come out of this meeting.


China also underbids ($3 Billion) Raytheon proposal for Turkiye's new missile defense system

The race for Turkey’s missile tender, worth $4 billion, is warming up, with China bidding below $3 billion and thus forcing the U.S. to decrease its offer in order to stay in the competition, anonymous sources have claimed.

Despite representatives of Raytheon declining to comment on the tender process, according to the sources the U.S. firm has been working hard to rehabilitate its offer for the Patriot system. . . .

For the estimated $4 billion contract, the pan-European company Eurosam, maker of the Surface-to-Air Missile Platform/Terrain Aster 30 system, is competing with a Raytheon-Lockheed partnership marketing Patriots; Russia’s Rosoboronexport, marketing the S-300 system; and China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corp., offering its HQ-9.

DUDE best OPTION for Turkey is to Produce a 300 MW INfra RED LASER like the US MARINES have made but thier is 150mw, US Navy has 200 MW, ABL is 300MW of USAF, REst is just wasting MOney On Old Tech and the Range for those lasers are 1000s or kM specially the 300 MW Laser search you tube for the the Marine THAL weapon It takes out even small Mortars and no one can see it without thermal camera and even then It blinds your Eyes

all those new systems that are not Laser Bassed are Garbage Imagine 1000 Petra Watt Laser

and the Speed of the laser is speed of light so no aircraft or missile can evade it Even if it pulls 1000g every second
It goes to Nobody because we have Patriots Already :)

(Turkey don´t pick China ,it´s only Against Aircrafts and not Balistic Missiles,but Turkey need against Balistic Missiles).

yeah probably the winner will be pac3 also if we choose chinese system, tf-2000 project may suck for lack of an-spy1 and sm-3 missiles but 4 billion for just 4 batteries :tdown:
yeah probably the winner will be pac3 also if we choose chinese system, tf-2000 project may suck for lack of an-spy1 and sm-3 missiles but 4 billion for just 4 batteries :tdown:

But the thing is US also said they wont supply SM-3 to our TF-2000 program because we use our own software GENESIS and refuse to join Aegis network so nothing is certain right now.
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