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Sri Lanka says no violation by U.S. jets


Jul 6, 2009
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Sri Lanka says no violation by U.S. jets -- Shanghai Daily | ???? -- English Window to China New

Sri Lanka says no violation by U.S. jets

COLOMBO, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Sri Lankan authorities on Wednesday said investigations have now found that U.S. jets had not violated the country's airspace last week.

Civil Aviation Minister Priyankara Jayaratne informed the island's parliament that not a single foreign aircraft had entered Sri Lanka's airspace.

A U.S. aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, with accompanying ships recently transited the Indian Ocean while returning to the Pacific and conducted routine flight operations during the transit.

The U.S. embassy in Colombo had said that the jets which were on the aircraft carrier had flown outside of Sri Lanka's airspace.

However the Sri Lankan air force said on Tuesday that U.S. jets had entered Sri Lanka's airspace but they withdraw after communication was established with the pilots.

Jayaratne however told legislators on Wednesday that investigations found that no foreign aircraft had violated the country's airspace.

Aair force spokesman Andrew Wijeysuriya told Xinhua on Wednesday that they maintain the position that U.S. jets did enter Sri Lankan airspace as they were picked up on the radars.
Epic Facepalm....

We had like 4-5 threads just on that... even a thread saying President going to China.. what will happen... again President in China.. what will happen... somebody help us....LOL..:lol:
Epic Facepalm....

We had like 4-5 threads just on that... even a thread saying President going to China.. what will happen... again President in China.. what will happen... somebody help us....LOL..:lol:

That srilankan fellow uselessly spices up the story for no reason. He makes 3-4 useless threads on same topic to promote hate mongering. Even in his first thread, the report mentions that matter is under investigation but he likes to give twists to facts like SL sovirginity compromised etc.

Now investigation says that planes were not in terriroty of SL and see now he is crying. lol
Just yesterday some srilankan poster here(i think every1 knows who that is) was saying of shooting down the US planes with SAMs..looks like US shot down the whole of Srilanka without firing even one bullet...SL is now laughing stock to the world:laugh:
even in the above news article in the last lines Sri Lanka Air force says US jets violated Sri Lanka air space. Like i said Sri Lankan goverment on U turn.
even in the above news article in the last lines Sri Lanka Air force says US jets violated Sri Lanka air space. Like i said Sri Lankan goverment on U turn.

But president was in China... what happened to that?? why U turn??? what happened to SAM's???
now cool down sril lanken brother its don officials say no violation forget it now .
But president was in China... what happened to that?? why U turn??? what happened to SAM's???
This is stupid diplomacy by Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Air force says one thing. Sri Lankan govenment says another. On a same issue.
Normaly if this kind of a incident happens, External affairs ministry need to respond. But Civil aviation ministry responded. Another joke by SLG.
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