hey, tork update your facts, US took our threats very seriously that's why they canceled it, unlike Romainia which get used like a prostitute left and right
But still no matter how sweet the russian promises and advances are we reject them and i don't see to many romanian analysts and politicians speaking nice of Moscow while the other way they look like in love teenagers,makes you wonder who the real prostitute is,
Yes we raped for country your 200 years you resisted a little
, now fast forward to 2013 and Romania is country that most of word never heard of, with GDP smaller than Moscow
Care to put your money where your mouth is and provide a link of you directly invading us besides WW2 ?? Oh,there is none inspite your 200 years occupation and rape blabering
))...maybe 1812? but that was a land grab in a treaty without war with us.
In WW1 we were allies ,at least on paper because ,as per your usual custom, you dumb retards found it a good ideea to have a revolution in the middle of a world war and left us holding the front alone against bulgaria,austro-hungarian and german armies.Also in that war because we were allies and the german armies were aproaching our capital we thought as a good ideea to trust our "friends " and send our national treasury for safe keeping to Moscow.But hey,!you beeing thiefs and all here we are 97 years later still missing
93 tons of our gold.
You couldn't even maintain your dominance during "glorious" soviet times:
"Romania's independent national defense policy helped to underwrite its assertion of greater policy autonomy. In the only Warsaw Pact body in which it continued to participate actively, the PCC, Romania found a forum to make its disagreements with the Soviet Union public, to frustrate Soviet plans, and to work to protect its new autonomy. The Soviet Union could not maintain the illusion of Warsaw Pact harmony when Romanian recalcitrance forced the PCC to adopt "coordinated" rather than unanimous decisions."
"The Romanian leader, Ceausescu, after refusing to contribute troops to the Soviet intervention force as the other East European countries had done, denounced the invasion of Czechoslovakia as a violation of international law and the Warsaw Pact's cardinal principle of mutual noninterference in internal affairs. "
"With the aim of ending Soviet domination and guarding against Soviet encroachments, Romania reasserted full national control over its armed forces and military policies in 1963 when, following the lead of Yugoslavia and Albania, it adopted a territorial defense strategy called "War of the Entire People." This nation-in-arms strategy entailed compulsory participation in civilian defense organizations, militias, and reserve and paramilitary forces, as well as rapid mobilization. The goal of Romania's strategy was to make any Soviet intervention prohibitively protracted and costly. Romania rejected any integration of Warsaw Pact forces that could undercut its ability to resist a Soviet invasion. For example, it ended its participation in Warsaw Pact joint exercises because multinational maneuvers required the Romanian Army to assign its forces to a non-Romanian command authority. Romania stopped sending its army officers to Soviet military schools for higher education. When the Romanian military establishment and its educational institutions assumed these functions, training focused strictly on Romania's independent military strategy. Romania also terminated its regular exchange of intelligence with the Soviet Union and directed counterintelligence efforts against possible Soviet penetration of the Romanian Army. These steps combined to make it a truly national military establishment responsive only to domestic political authorities and ensured that it would defend the country's sovereignty."
"Romania is the only Warsaw Pact country that has escaped Soviet military-technical domination. In the late 1960s, Romania recognized the danger of depending on the Soviet Union as its sole source of military equipment and weapons. As a result, Romania initiated heavy domestic production of relatively low- technology infantry weapons and began to seek non-Soviet sources for more advanced armaments. Romania has produced British transport aircraft, Chinese fast-attack boats, and French helicopters under various coproduction and licensing arrangements. Romania has also produced a fighter-bomber jointly with Yugoslavia."
So much for "200 years of non stop rape"...