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Splendid Victory of Pakistan Security Forces by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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According to one of the leading Indian news paper “Times of India” report of August 13,2009 Asma Jahangir, the Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) while delivering a lecture to the students on "Democracy and Human Rights in Pakistan: A dead-end" at Agha Khan university said that Pakistan Army is running foreign policy of the country and media cell is working to improve the image of spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and advising young journalists "what to write and what not to write". Earlier on August 19, 2009, “Telegraph Weekly” revealed that Asma Jahangir, accused armed forces for extra-judicial killings in Swat valley. She also alleged that more than 100 bodies have been found dumped in the streets of towns and villages in Swat since July 13. She also tried to instigate Balochistan people while claiming that Balochistan was given 14 seats against the 14 percent population of the country while FATA having 2.5 of the country's total population was given 12 seats. She further said "Recently there has been some development work in Balochistan, but it has not been carried out according to the wishes of the people of Balochistan, and the only set of people benefiting from the work are the Pakistan Army,"

Asma Jahangir started criticizing Pakistan Security Forces when they are meeting with splendid success after sacrificing their officers, junior commissioned officers and brave soldiers during war against militancy. Asma has forgotten the occurrences when Taliban use to hang the bodies of innocent people, slaughtering and beheading, lashing of women and murdering of Benazir Bhutto. She has also elapsed the killing of 69 Pakistani in blasting of Samjota express by Col Prohit in India. Asma botched to raise voice against Taliban and Hindu brutality in Pakistan and Kashmir. Should nation excuse her for such lapses since at that time she was committed for shaking hand in yellow dress with Moodi and Bal Tahckery who has also been involved in assassination of innocent Muslims in India?

Jahangir meeting Bal Tahckery, an Indian terrorist who called on Indians to form 'Hindu suicide squads' to target his own countrymen who happen to be Muslims.

There is a perception in the masses that most of the Human rights organizations are being funded or sponsored by anti Pakistan countries. Thus, pleasing the donor’s countries for money making on the cost of national interests has to be plaid by the government. The funds of such type organization should be audited by the concerned government agencies. In short, Asma type personalities always displayed negative role and tried to create instability just to delight their foreign masters and earning loathsome popularity.

Her purpose of targeting/blaming Pakistan Security Forces for extra judicious killing in FATA and Swat Areas would be taken as defaming sensitive and vital organs of the country on some foreign directives. It is also interesting to note here that her statements against Pakistani Security Forces have been given extraordinary coverage by Hindustan Times, The Telegraph and Indian Times. Issuing of such types of statements followed by wide coverage by Indian and western media should be an eye opener for the patriotic opinion makers. Asma Jshangir, Aaamjr Mir and people like Pervaiz A. Hoodbhoy are continuously criticizing nuclear programme and Pakistan Security Forces government policies in relation to war against terror are really agitating most of the minds whether said personalities are Pakistani or Indian. There is a need to condemn such type of characters and organizations which are working against the national interests. Probably people working on foreign agenda are not digesting the splendid victory of Pakistan Security forces, and ISI. Moreover they also not like to see instability in the country and peace in FATA and Swat.

She has touched Balochistan issue exactly in Second week of August 2009 when anti Pakistan elements were going to announce liberation of Balochistan province. Is she deliberately raised the issue or just a coincident? The question left for the leader judgment to answer.

As per news reports, Pakistan’s Human Rights Commission Chairperson, Asma Jahangir during her one of the visit to India also committed in a sidelines functions that the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks came from Pakistan soil. On the other hand, it is yet to be established that whether Ajmal Kassab is a Pakistani or otherwise.

It may be mentioned here Pakistan Security forces and ISI defeated foreign sponsored war on terror in FATA and Swat which was appreciated by the nation too. RAW, CIA, RAAM and Mossad from 2005 onwards tried their best to destablize Pakistan .Weapons like Kalashnikovs, MI-4 American rifles, Israeli sniper rifles, 12.7mm, 14.5mm and 107mm guns, mortars, pistols, RPG-7s, grenades, explosives, equipment like, remote control sets, jamming devices, sophisticated telephone and wireless sets, bullet proof and suicide jackets, kits, and currency of different countries have been provided to the militants. Terrorist have been sent to Pakistan through Indian training camps located at Afghanistan.

Almost four divisions of force have been involved in elimination of militancy in FATA and Swat area. Pakistan Army also managed to take care of her eastern border too. The forces came all out to undertake Operation Rah-e-Rast and her soldiers set the gallant examples while clearing Swat, Dir, Buner, Kanjoo, Shangla and other areas. General Kayani and his team has displayed excellent professional capabilities, ISI unveiled the foreign agenda and fully supported security forces in eradication of terrorists. In this connection over 1000 troops including officers and men have laid down their lives. 2.8 million Individuals of Swat and surrounding area became IDPs. Asma Jahangir probably closed her eyes and is unwilling to see the families of brave soldiers who scarified their today for ours tomorrow. Can she bring these soldiers’ lives back who laid their lives for the country? Can she go in front of bullets for few thousand only? Can she restores those disables individuals who have been deprived from legs, arms and other body parts as result of explosions and mines laid by the militants and terrorists? Can she complete irreparable losses caused to the lives of innocent civilian as a result of suicidal bombing and terrorist activities. In this regard I would like to request her to stop playing in the hands of foreign donors and discontinue with defaming Pakistan vital organs. By doing so, she is only serving our adversaries. She should condemn the brutality of militants and help her security forces in elimination of militancy of the area. She must realize herself that why her statement against Pakistan Army and ISI is being given widely coverage on world media. She should protect the rights of innocent people of Pakistan those have become the victim of terrorism rather defending terrorists’ rights.

Concluding I just say Pakistan Security forces are determined to eliminate the militancy from Pak land. They would be successful with the help of brave nation and locals of the effected area. Pakistani soldier would keep on writing new chapters of sacrifice and heroism with their blood. Nation is satisfied over the recent actions of forces in which militants like Baitullaha Mehsud, Fazlullah, Muslim Khan, Shah Doran and Mulvi Umar have been killed, seriously injured and arrested. aHuge quantity of arms and ammunition have been seized, tunnels and hideouts have been destroyed. Large number of terrorists are being killed or arrested almost on daily basis. Most of the militants are surrendering themselves before the forces to save their lives and promised to lead a peaceful life. The IDPs have are returning to their home town. Now government should take steps to rehabilitate IDPs and unemployed locals be adjusted in public sectors. Particular attention be given to the development of FATA, Swat and Balochistan. At the same time national media policy should be announced and irresponsible statements of so called leaders be taken care for guarding national interests.

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