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Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards


Aug 8, 2011
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United States
New Delhi: In an attempt to deal with the increasing menace of Pakistan’s Border Action Teams along the International Border and the Line of Control, Indian security agencies are now planning to set up their own specialised commandos units along the Indo-Pak border.

According to highly placed intelligence sources, there is a growing view within the new BJP-led NDA government that Pakistani forces and terror outfits operating out of their soil need to be given a terse message irrespective of the recent diplomatic overtures between the two countries.

The office of the national security adviser, which is in the process of being made more internal security oriented with a greater mandate to deal firmly with the vexed issue of terrorism, is likely to play a significant role in the new security deployment pattern along one of India’s most critical borders.

In the past, Pakistan’s BAT, a mix of Pakistan Army regulars and terrorists, have entered into Indian territory severing the heads of soldiers.The new government is now planning to deal with the issue by having their own specialised commando units in the border area.

Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards
Someone with balls:taz:
New Delhi: In an attempt to deal with the increasing menace of Pakistan’s Border Action Teams along the International Border and the Line of Control, Indian security agencies are now planning to set up their own specialised commandos units along the Indo-Pak border.

According to highly placed intelligence sources, there is a growing view within the new BJP-led NDA government that Pakistani forces and terror outfits operating out of their soil need to be given a terse message irrespective of the recent diplomatic overtures between the two countries.

The office of the national security adviser, which is in the process of being made more internal security oriented with a greater mandate to deal firmly with the vexed issue of terrorism, is likely to play a significant role in the new security deployment pattern along one of India’s most critical borders.

In the past, Pakistan’s BAT, a mix of Pakistan Army regulars and terrorists, have entered into Indian territory severing the heads of soldiers.The new government is now planning to deal with the issue by having their own specialised commando units in the border area.

Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards
Someone with balls:taz:
I need more information on this. It seems from they article they would be an Indian analogy of BATs but BATs are made up of Paksitani SF and terrorists but obviously the Indian teams would be 100% military and there are already Ghatak platoons (Special Operations Capable infantrymen) with every infantry btn and SOFs on call by local commanders should the need arise so what is this proposal actually advocating?
New Delhi: In an attempt to deal with the increasing menace of Pakistan’s Border Action Teams along the International Border and the Line of Control, Indian security agencies are now planning to set up their own specialised commandos units along the Indo-Pak border.

According to highly placed intelligence sources, there is a growing view within the new BJP-led NDA government that Pakistani forces and terror outfits operating out of their soil need to be given a terse message irrespective of the recent diplomatic overtures between the two countries.

The office of the national security adviser, which is in the process of being made more internal security oriented with a greater mandate to deal firmly with the vexed issue of terrorism, is likely to play a significant role in the new security deployment pattern along one of India’s most critical borders.

In the past, Pakistan’s BAT, a mix of Pakistan Army regulars and terrorists, have entered into Indian territory severing the heads of soldiers.The new government is now planning to deal with the issue by having their own specialised commando units in the border area.

Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards
Someone with balls:taz:
Than come on we are waiting quite disappointed when no adventure took place after those 5 Indian soldiers
I need more information on this. It seems from they article they would be an Indian analogy of BATs but BATs are made up of Paksitani SF and terrorists but obviously the Indian teams would be 100% military and there are already Ghatak platoons (Special Operations Capable infantrymen) with every infantry btn and SOFs on call by local commanders should the need arise so what is this proposal actually advocating?

Usually, I'd say something witty, but I think I'm more confused than anything else. I actually don't understand what the purposed new unit's mission statement is supposed to be. What role are they going to play that other units of the IA aren't capable of doing?

Are they going to be a unit that specializes in crossing over to Pakistan's side of the border? What is their mandate?
New Delhi: In an attempt to deal with the increasing menace of Pakistan’s Border Action Teams along the International Border and the Line of Control, Indian security agencies are now planning to set up their own specialised commandos units along the Indo-Pak border.

According to highly placed intelligence sources, there is a growing view within the new BJP-led NDA government that Pakistani forces and terror outfits operating out of their soil need to be given a terse message irrespective of the recent diplomatic overtures between the two countries.

The office of the national security adviser, which is in the process of being made more internal security oriented with a greater mandate to deal firmly with the vexed issue of terrorism, is likely to play a significant role in the new security deployment pattern along one of India’s most critical borders.

In the past, Pakistan’s BAT, a mix of Pakistan Army regulars and terrorists, have entered into Indian territory severing the heads of soldiers.The new government is now planning to deal with the issue by having their own specialised commando units in the border area.

Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards
Someone with balls:taz:
Yay finally, now bring us some heads:butcher::butcher::yay: and kills
Yay finally, now bring us some heads:butcher::butcher::yay: and kills
and potentially cause a war, right?

What is it with people who keep advocating killing of soldiers? There is seriously something wrong with people. This isn't a fucking game, lives are at risk, people are going to die. Do you people understand that? Parents are going to lose children, children are going to lose parents, wives are going to lose husbands. What is wrong with you people?

You people (Pakistani and India alike) should be praying that violence doesn't ever have to be used. War is supposed to be a last resort, not the first option you go to.
They already did a few times like like Saourab Kaalia and another 2 last year if I'm not mistaken
Torturing a pilot is nothing,We broke your back and carved a separate nation, A NATION that speaks volumes of our capabilities and how we do it, we do the big jobs once we do, we permanently change the scenario. :rofl: btw, wait sometime, next time pakistani tries any stunt,they will find some headless bodies

and potentially cause a war, right?

What is it with people who keep advocating killing of soldiers? There is seriously something wrong with people. This isn't a fucking game, lives are at risk, people are going to die. Do you people understand that? Parents are going to lose children, children are going to lose parents, wives are going to lose husbands. What is wrong with you people?

You people (Pakistani and India alike) should be praying that violence doesn't ever have to be used. War is supposed to be a last resort, not the first option you go to.
Did it cause a war? when our soldiers were killed?If you think your army can cross into our border and kill then if it takes a war then so be it.It is upto pakistan if they want to escalate it to war or not.
Did it cause a war? when our soldiers were killed?If you think your army can cross into our border and kill then if it takes a war then so be it.It is upto pakistan if they want to escalate it to war or not.
First of all, Indians tend to forget that Pakistani soldiers were killed by Indians first, Pakistan retaliated; And it very well could have caused a war.

Yeah, actually, it's up to India if they want to escalate. Pakistan is in no position to cause trouble with India, and the PA realizes that. India, being in a dominant position, holds all the cards right now. It's up to India whether it wants to pick a fight, or actually reciprocate Nawaz Sharif's gesture of good will.
Torturing a pilot is nothing,We broke your back and carved a separate nation, A NATION that speaks volumes of our capabilities and how we do it, we do the big jobs once we do, we permanently change the scenario. :rofl: btw, wait sometime, next time pakistani tries any stunt,they will find some headless bodies

Did it cause a war? when our soldiers were killed?If you think your army can cross into our border and kill then if it takes a war then so be it.It is upto pakistan if they want to escalate it to war or not.
and we can say that we ruled you for a 1000 years but thats not going to change reality of the day :lol:, Admit it India is stuck in a limbo :cheesy:
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