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Speakers call upon Pakistani, Chinese media to highlight CPEC positively for mutual benefits


Aug 3, 2008
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Speakers call upon Pakistani, Chinese media to highlight CPEC positively for mutual benefits

Parvez Jabri
4 hours ago


BEIJING: Speakers at a seminar held here on Tuesday called upon Chinese and Pakistani media to play a meaningful role to highlight the importance of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project of Belt and Road Initiative which is not only beneficial for the people of Pakistan and China but also a model for the win-win cooperation for the entire world.

The seminar on “Belt and Road and building a community with shared future for China and Pakistan” was jointly organized by Guangming Daily and Jang Media Group.

Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Pakistan, Beijing, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that Pakistan and China relations are based on equality, mutual trust and harmonious coexistence and have progressed over the years.

She said this relationship has developed into one of the most important relationships in Asia which serves as a model of friendship between neighbours.

Mumtaz Baloch said the CPEC has added another dimension of cooperation in an already strong multi-faceted relationship between Pakistan and China, adding, the BRI is a model for regional integration and win-win cooperation.

Pakistan’s Vision 2025 emphasizes on regional connectivity and economic cooperation through physical infrastructure development, empowering people and people to connectivity.

By the year 2025, Pakistan is expected to establish an efficient and integrated transportation system that facilitates the development of a competitive economy.

She said the common themes in BRI and Vision 2025 have made the development of the CPEC a natural choice for Pakistan and China. With construction of Gawadar port, roads and railway network, the CPEC would emerge as a vital bridge connecting silk road economic belt and maritime silk route.

Pakistan, she said is fully aware of challenges for the development of CPEC. There are some forces which are opposing BRI and CPEC but their opposition against development and prosperity is baseless.

She said the entire nation is united for overcoming all the challenges to CPEC as it enjoys support from all over the country, adding, “We believe the connectivity and development are critical for progress, prosperity, and security of our nation.”

The CPEC is a recipe of economic development, enhancing trade and energy security and a model for win-win cooperation for all countries.

Mumtaz Baloch said media exchanges offer an invaluable opportunity to the people of the two countries to broaden the base of our friendship.

To reach out all sections of society and spread the message of Pak-China friendship, the media has a critical function in propagating goodwill bridged by earlier generations of Pakistanis and Chinese from all segments of society and this will be a relationship which will be inherited by future generations.

She urged the media to play its role and share this message with the people of Pakistan and China and the rest of the world.

She said the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Guangming Daily and All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) today is yet another important step to further promote friendship.

Editor-in-Chief of Guangming Daily, Zhang Zheng emphasized the importance of CPEC, a flagship project of Belt and Road Initiative and said the media should take responsibility to further strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries.

He said the mainstream media should repel the western propaganda against the CPEC and BRI and play its critical role in actively highlighting the project of economic prosperity and bringing our two people closer the mutual benefits.

Senior Vice President, APNS and Chief Editor of Daily Ibrat, Kazi Asad Abid said the CPEC is a buzz word for not only Pakistan but also for South Asia.

He said many people in Pakistan are excited about the opportunities to be available under the CPEC and asked the media from both the countries to play their role for a proper understanding of this project.

He said the exchanges of media and people to people contact to further promote our economic and cultural bonds.

Deputy Director, Chinese Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC national committee in his speech said the completion of Port Qasim has helped minimize electricity shortage in Pakistan. And it has provided employment opportunities to the locals.

He expressed the confidence that more countries would join the BRI after witnessing the benefits after completion of projects being completed by both China and Pakistan. Director of State Council Information Office Zhang Ye emphasized on strengthening cooperation between China and Pakistan for better understanding among people between the two countries.

There are challenges in forming a public opinion but media can play a vital role in creating a better environment and bridge civilizations, people to people contact and cultural exchange.

He said people will understand each other through the media coverage and for this purpose, cooperation between the media organization is important.

Counselor of the Asian department of the ministry of foreign affairs, Yao Wen said there were more than 200,000 exchanges between China and Pakistan since the signing of CPEC framework. Currently, over 22,000 Pakistani students are studying in universities across China out of which around 5,000 enjoy scholarship, he added.

He expressed a need of building media corridor between the two countries to aware the people about the fruits of economic development and prosperity under the CPEC.

Chief Editor of Daily “The Spokesman” and former federal secretary, Ashfaq Ahmed Gondal discussed the responsibility of media in promoting CPEC and strategies to counter challenges.

He said the CPEC is a milestone and it is expected to bring investment opportunities to stabilize socio-economic development in the country.

He said the World Bank has commended the CPEC as an economic engine for the South Asian region.

Director of the foreign exchange and cooperation department of People’s Daily, Fu Zimei highlighted the media cooperation in the construction of Belt and Road.

He stressed a need to hold more media exchanges to enhance understanding and learn from each other experience, adding, ”We need to increase media coverage of CPEC and BRI.” Deputy Director of International Department of Xinhua News Agency, Tian Fan called for providing better reports and information services for CPEC.

Director Jang Media Group, Masroor Ahmed in his speech highlighted the significance of CPEC in developing the relations between China and Pakistan.

He expressed a need to expedite the implementation of CPEC projects as opponents of this mega project hatching conspiracies for its delay.

Deputy Editor in Chief of Economic Daily, Ding Shi stressed a deeper cooperation between media from both countries and promote construction of CPEC.

Editor in Chief of Daily National Herald Tribune, Ghulam Akbar shared with the audience historical background of Pakistan China relations and their progress.

He said both the countries are natural partners and even high mountains cannot create hurdle between this friendship.

Deputy Editor in Chief of China Daily, Gao Anming threw light on strengthening the media cooperation between China and Pakistan and assist the BRI.

Deputy General Manager of China Construction Group, Yu Xiangrong shared his experience during the construction of Port Qasim project. This project is completed under CPEC framework. Vice President of China Red Cross Foundation, Liu Xuanguo said the first aid unit is functioning in Gawadar under the foundation and providing medical and emergency treatment to the people.

He informed a second first aid unit of this kind will be set up in Quetta and hoped to get support from the government and people of Pakistan in this regard.

Later, Secretary of the Secretariat of All-China Journalists Association, Wang Dongmei read out Beijing Declaration of China and Pakistan Media Forum.

The representatives from China and Pakistan signed the Beijing Declaration of China and Pakistan Media Forum.

All China Journalists Association and All Pakistan Newspapers Society signed an agreement of Belt and Road News Communication and Cooperation.
It is true if media is not doing enough.. It should do more to highlight OBOR and CPEC.. But pak-china should also encourage other countries to invest in CPEC and BRI pronects. Just like Russia is willing to invest in CPEC too.. So that your campaign will get success. Otherwise there is no meaning to promote it if you are going to do it only by your self.
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