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SpaceX crushes rocket engine world record during Raptor test


Jun 19, 2014
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United States

CEO Elon Musk has revealed that SpaceX crushed a global rocketry record during a recent Raptor engine test, pushing the crucial Starship component past years-old performance targets.

On August 17th, the SpaceX CEO unexpectedly released a photo of a Raptor test and a corresponding graph showing the engine’s chamber pressure, confirming that the company had successfully pushed the engine to record-breaking levels. Musk says that an unspecified Raptor – possibly serial number 39 (SN39) – briefly reached a main combustion chamber pressure of 330 bar (~4800 psi) during a controlled burn – and remained intact after shutdown.

Outside of subscale laboratory tests, the highest main combustion chamber known to full-scale, orbital-class rocketry was achieved by the Soviet Union in the 1980s with the RD-701 engine. Although the exceptionally unique engine was canceled before it could be used, it reportedly reached pressures of 290-300 bar in one mode of operation. Now, however, SpaceX and its Raptor engine appear to be the new world record holders – and by a huge margin.

Raptor’s new crown comes roughly 18 months after Elon Musk revealed that the engine had beaten the Soviet RD-270 full-flow staged combustion (FFSC) with a higher sustained chamber pressure (~257 bar vs 255 bar). A few days later, the same Raptor went even further, cresting the Russian RD-180 engine’s 257 bar operating pressure with a peak of 268 bar. Still, SpaceX needed 6-12 more months to refine Raptor into an engine capable of operating even close to those pressures for more than ~10 seconds. In July and August 2019, Raptor engine SN6 flew twice on Starhopper, culminating in a ~60-second, 150-meter hop that ended with the engine nearly destroying itself seconds before landing.

Almost exactly one year later, Raptor SN27 launched on Starship SN5 on the same 150m trajectory and appeared to perform flawlessly. Exhibiting barely a stutter or flare, SN27 never came close to the flamethrower-like death throes Raptor SN6 suffered in August 2019. In short, SpaceX continued to do what SpaceX does best, continuously refining rough prototypes into increasingly polished end products.

Originally revealed in 2016 as a methane/oxygen full-flow staged combustion engine with an operating combustion chamber pressure of 300 bar (4350 psi), Raptor’s August 17th achievement means that SpaceX has already exceeded one of its performance goals. Of course, combustion chamber pressure is significant but still far less important than engine longevity, burn duration limits, and reusability in the context of Starship. SpaceX likely wouldn’t be pushing the envelope of chamber pressure if it wasn’t confident about Raptor’s many other important attributes, but it’s still unknown if Raptor has ever burned for longer than ~90 seconds.

Regardless, if Raptor can actually sustain chamber pressures of 330 bar without damaging itself, the milestone could mean that SpaceX has already boosted Raptor’s maximum thrust from ~200 metric tons to ~225 metric tons (440,000-500,000 lbf. For Starship and Super Heavy, that 10% increase in thrust could easily translate to a 5-10% increase in payload to orbit per launch.

To reach orbit, though, Raptor still has a ways to go. For Super Heavy to be able to complete a normal launch, SpaceX will need to dramatically expand Raptor production (~31 engines per booster) and ensure that Raptor can reliably operate for 3-5+ minutes and reignite multiple times in flight. For Starship, SpaceX needs – at the minimum – to mature Raptor until it can burn continuously for 5-10 minutes to reach orbit. The company will likely also need to finish developing a custom vacuum-optimized version of Raptor for efficient orbital Starship flights.

Given just how quiet SpaceX is about most Raptor milestones, there’s a chance the company has already made substantial progress along those lines. For example, Starship SN8 – already well on its way to completion – will likely be the first prototype to fly with three Raptor engines and will need the ability to stop and start those engines in-flight to perform full-fidelity 20 km (~12.5 mi) launch and landing tests. Even just sustaining 330 bar for 10-100+ seconds without destroying the engine is likely several Raptor iterations away. Still, given SpaceX’s track record, all of those milestones are likely just a matter of time and perseverance.

:rolleyes1: This is about the high pressure chamber engine record so you are talking about something different.
I think your title is wrong.

Well this thread is from 2020 and your article is from 2021.
Plus that is a solid rocket booster which is not much different than a big bottle rocket.

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Well this thread is from 2020 and your article is from 2021.
Plus that is a solid rocket booster which is not much different than a big bottle rocket.
It is still the world most powerful rocket engine from China. (500tons thrust) :enjoy:
SpaceX has crushed ISRO. SpaceX rockets are cheaper, ISRO only launched 2 rockets in 2021.

ISRO is small boy only. They need to beat JAXA first before playing with the big boys.
It is still the world most powerful rocket engine from China. (500tons thrust) :enjoy:

Nice but it has nothing to do with the World Record the OP is talking about of the highest chamber pressure engine. It doesn't mean the Raptor engine is the most powerful engine in the world. It's not even very large compared to the Space Shuttle RS-25 engines nevermind a SaturnV F-1 sized one.

Raptor over 300 bar now

It is still the world most powerful rocket engine from China. (500tons thrust)
Sure...from China...but the US still holds the record..while your solid rocket engine is 3.5 meters giving you 500tons the US actually tested a 6.6meter solid rocket engine at close to 2000 tons :usflag::

The 1960 AJ-260 monolithic rocket motor produced Thrust: 17,695.30 kN (3,978,062 lbf) OR 1989.031 TONS
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Nice but it has nothing to do with the World Record the OP is talking about of the highest chamber pressure engine. It doesn't mean the Raptor engine is the most powerful engine in the world. It's not even very large compared to the Space Shuttle RS-25 engines nevermind a SaturnV F-1 sized one.

Raptor over 300 bar now

Sure...from China...but the US still holds the record..while your solid rocket engine is 3.5 meters giving you 500tons the US actually tested a 6.6meter solid rocket engine at close to 2000 tons :usflag::

The 1960 AJ-260 monolithic rocket motor produced Thrust: 17,695.30 kN (3,978,062 lbf) OR 1989.031 TONS

Wow impressive!

Specific impulse, pressure, force metrics for the modern and developing SpaceX engines are next level.

China's trying to finish the new engines for LM-9. I guess the two do have different purposes and re-use is not on the agenda for LM-9 I don't think.

1960s to 1980s developed some crazy force engines for Shuttle and booster stages. I don't think they are surpassed in terms of output only. These days no player seems that interested in those crazy thrust figures. I'm not familiar with space launch vehicle details so I don't know why. Same with the F1 engine being quite unsurpassed in just power output but surely long surpassed in other technologies.

This I assume would be due to the purposes of the intended missions and balancing economies and environmental concerns. As it stands it looks like only US and China are developing space vehicles and mission programs at normal or enhanced pace. Russia has faltered due to funding and development. India is increasingly a nobody in this due to society marching closer towards collapse every year... even greater poverty every year makes space programs a bit difficult. Japanese and Europeans focus on their niches and continue same slow but sure progress.
Wow impressive!

1960s to 1980s developed some crazy force engines for Shuttle and booster stages. I don't think they are surpassed in terms of output only. These days no player seems that interested in those crazy thrust figures. I'm not familiar with space launch vehicle details so I don't know why. Same with the F1 engine being quite unsurpassed in just power output but surely long surpassed in other technologies.

I believe they said a SaturnV F1 engine had 5600 parts. With modern machining/molding it today can be made with far fewer parts

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