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SpaceX Crew Dragon Launch Live Stream!

Eek, the weather looks uncooperative:undecided:. Black clouds all around the launch area. Got a feeling they'll look to launch on the 30th instead.

Update: Trying again on the 30th. Weather just not right today.
Launch has been aborted for today. May 30 is the next launch date.
So I went to see this launch, I actually almost missed it because the traffic was so congested that if it didn't get scrubbed, I would've missed it. I was getting extremely stressed because of the traffic, literally thought I was gonna miss it until they scrubbed it. Probably spent 2-3 hours in traffic from Orlando to Cape when it normally takes 30 min, absolutely insane. I live in Orlando and have been to dozens of launches, but the traffic this time was crazy even by my standards. There was probably 50,000 more cars than usual. If you've never been to a launch, this is some of the most congested traffic you will see anywhere. People flying in from around the world into Orlando and other states like Georgia and North Carolina and then driving in from Orlando to Cape all at the same exact peak time. Chaos is an understatement. 528 Expressway and Titusville gets absolutely choked by traffic during any kind of major launch. Cops are everywhere trying to move along traffic quickly but it is still a mess. I probably counted at least 2 dozen cops today on the Space Coast. And the cellular signal is absolutely atrocious during a launch in Titusville since the equivalent of an entire city is all using maximum cellular data signal at the same time, so I only had 1 bar of LTE for most of the time there. You have to get there like 4 hours ahead of time to find a good spot and not miss the launch. I'm going back on Saturday and will get there much earlier this time. Trump also flew in to watch it on Air Force 1 and landed on the Space Shuttle Runway and then flew back to DC after it got scrubbed. Anyway here are some pics of the insane bumper to bumper traffic as well as from some of the viewing areas. Even though the launch got scrubbed, I still kept going to Titusville anyway since there was no way to make a U-turn in the traffic. Most places were extremely crowded but I found a quiet open area called Spaceview Park facing across the river that I will come back to on Saturday to adhere to social distancing by staying far away from crowds in a safe open area. A lot of news anchors were there getting coverage for TV channels. There is also a pic of bridge, note how many cars on that bridge, it is absolutely choked with people and cars. After all the hectic rush and insane traffic left, I decided to go and relax on a beach called Cocoa Beach with my family for the evening and then drove back to Orlando around sunset. Cocoa Beach also has a good view of the launchpad but from a very far distance unless you have a really good zoom on your camera. If you look carefully in the picture of the beach, you can faintly make out the launchpad way in the distance over the water. I took all of the pics below myself.
















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I'll be back Saturday!

The picture of the bridge I posted above the FOX 35 car, here is a picture of that same bridge today taken by one of my friends from another angle during today's launch. It is called Max Brewer Bridge and has the best view of the launchpad LC-39A. I was initially going to go here thinking it would be empty but when I saw the massive crowds, I decided to go to to an empty quiet park called Spaceview Park where I could social distance alone. Good thing I did not go on the bridge!

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