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Space Vision India - 2025


Aug 14, 2013
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Satellite based communication and navigation systems for rural connectivity, security needs and mobile services
Enhanced imaging capability for natural resource management, weather and climate change studies
Space science missions for better understanding of solar system and universe
Planetary exploration
Development of Heavy lift launcher
Reusable Launch Vehicles - Technology demonstrator missions leading to Two Stage To Orbit (TSTO)
Human Space Flight

Welcome To Indian Space Research Organisation
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May be mention of Venus and asteroidal flyby and /or orbital missions is new .

What is that 'launch escape system'?????..Can any one educate me abt that ...? is it a new system or already present in US or Russian launch vehicles...?
Traditionally (US, Russian and now Chinese), it consists of a rocket with solid motors sitting on top of crew module. If anything goes wrong on the launch pad or within few seconds of liftoff, these motors are fired and the crew module is taken away from the main launch vehicle/launch pad. Space ex Dragon doesn't use such arrangement because the crew module itself has an inbuilt escape system.
What is that 'launch escape system'?????..Can any one educate me abt that ...? is it a new system or already present in US or Russian launch vehicles...?

Apollo Crew module launch escape system test

You can see two escape system motors burning below ...as well as pitch control motor burning at top !

This is the last line of defense to salvage crew module ...and its precious 'cargo' .....in case anything goes wrong at the launch !!!

see Wikipedia page for more details
Launch escape system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What about ULV's??

They may not be realized by 2025 . Given that focus in getting GSLV programme back on track after strings of setbacks has delayed development of technology that will make ULV possible .
Probably GSLV will remain main launch vehicle for next decade .

Even I was surprised to see no mention of ULV although it still mentions the TSTO and SSTO ..which are way more futuristic than ULV .

If they can mention TSTO and SSTO in vision document ...why not ULV ???

I agree with your question .

The ppt that I posted is actually 1 year old ... and is not official ISRO ppt but one by ISRO official ( not made in official capacity ) ...so we can't rely on that fully .
What is this Advanced propulsion to planetary exploration??
They will use nuclear reactors??
What is this Advanced propulsion to planetary exploration??
They will use nuclear reactors??

ISRO have already used Hall effect ion propulsion in GSAT 4 ( which couldn't make it to orbit ) ..but this I guess can't be used for interplanetary exploration...just for the spacecrafts !

ISRO is also funding preliminary engineering college projects regarding development of yet another class of electric thruster called Magnetoplasmadynamic Electric Propulsion Thruster which uses nuclear reactor .

BARC is developing compact portable 600 mw reactor prototype -CHTR Compcat High temperature Reactor - likes of which can be used in such propulsive treatment .

anyway during INS Arihant , BARC had first hand experience in making miniature nuclear reactor ....so miniature nuclear reactor shouldn't be a problem
Magnetoplasmadynamic Electric Propulsion Thruster: Design, Fabrication and Application – ISRO Sponsored Project, IEPC 2013

Finally, with our GRANTS received from ISRO, My team has started the design & fabrication of
the thruster in order to determine the performance of the device and accuracy of the model. This will
include a high-current power supply, ignition circuit, gas delivery system, and nozzle. Finally, the
measured performance of this thruster package will be measured and compared to the theoretical
predictions in order to validate the models constructed for this type of thruster. A theoretical model,
ba s e d o n normal M P D t h r u s t behaviour, will be used to estimate fall voltages and pumping
coefficients. An empirical model for thruster voltage i s created to estimate t h e behaviour of
voltage as a function of the similarity p a r a m e t e r . The e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d t h e o r e t i c a l
m odels will be then put together t o f i n d t h e s e l f - c o n s i s t e n c y . Total t e m p e r a t u r e s ,
specific impulses, and efficiencies for assumed isentropic nozzle expansion will be then

Read paper here ...
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What is this single stage to orbit using air breathing propulsion??/
Just curious, is India's next trip to moon will be a manned mission with a jeep for its astronaut.

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