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Soviet Russia helped China build Nuclear Weapons Programme


Aug 14, 2013
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Fattyacid : This is what you said to me

" Becoz you are being slimy. You twisted and turned around.
First you claimed Beijingwalker is on your side, but he wasn't
Second u said Russia helped China, which we know refers to PRC. Now, you change Russia help ROC.
But those assistance that you mentioned, "200 million, machines, etc" all came during PRC's time, not ROC. Now I got it, didn't I?

These assistance are not different from what Russia gave to other communist countries. Coz they were fight the cold war. These are small assistance by international standard. Did they help our with our nuclear? ICBM? Korean war where were they?

Have some shame, will you?

Your question was Did they help our with our nuclear? ICBM?

Dear Fattyacids ,

I posting evidence to support my statements

Based on PRCFMA – PRC Foreign Ministry Archives

Soviet russia’s contribution to China’s nuclear programme from 1954-1957
Soviets helped China build research reactor and cyclotron in China , co-operatvie uranius mining and processing , estblishment of Eastern atomic energy institute

Nuclear weapon programme 1957-1960
Soviets assisted China in establishment of Uranium enrichment , plutonium processing , warhead design and production and misile technology


Based on PRCFMA – PRC Foreign Ministry Archives
Here are other sources

The Soviets provided the Chinese with a nuclear reactor, a cyclotron and fissionable material. (Lewiss and Xue, 41)

These accords also included a geological survey for uranium in exchange for the Chinese supplying raw materials to the Soviets.
In the initial stages of the nuclear project Chinese scientists and planners stressed the need for the “vigorous assistance” of the Soviets. (Ibid., 48)
The Soviets, according to Davis and Xue, felt compelled to give the Chinese more than they were comfortable in doing, because their position among socialist countries was deteriorating. (Ibid., 62)
The Soviets directly aided Chinese scientists with the deployment of Russian experts and advisers, blueprints, machinery and scientific journals; the Chinese also indirectly pushed for scientific growth out of intrinsic strategic concerns.
Chinese scientists of the Communist period were much more deliberate at acquiring as much as they could from the Soviets before the 1960 Sino-Soviet split.
Sino-Soviet relationship deteriorated as time moved on and tensions between the Chinese and the Soviets grew worse. The Soviets pulled out early on during the bomb project, but they had provided enough materials and schematics so that the Chinese could reverse engineer and innovate the necessary procedures and components to build a bomb.
The following Sino-soviet split period would be one of counterproductive populist science and general decline that would last until Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978.
Sino-Soviet Scientific Collaboration B Y K E V I N H O

Germans helped US to build nuclear bombs..are nuclear bombs really that important to you?N.Korea has nuclear bombs and S.Korea doesnt,which of those two countries do you like to live in?

Russians helped setting up a pro Russia government in Korea and gave a lot of money and resources to maintain that state,do you think Korean peoplel should thank Russians for what happened to Korean people?
Germans helped US to build nuclear bombs..are nuclear bombs really that important to you?N.Korea has nuclear bombs and S.Korea doesnt,which of those two countries do you like to live in?

Russians helped setting up a pro Russia government in Korea and gave a lot of money and resources to maintain that state,do you think Korean peoplel should thank Russians for what happened to Korean people?

Your country man @fattyacid vehemently refused to accepted historic facts ....

He had imprudence of asking me whether Russians had helped in Chinese nuclear programme , missiles etc ....

He called me dodgy,slimy,shameless , liar.....and he attributed these to Indians .....

The truth is out ....Chinese are not saints ....
They also milked Soviets as much as possible....

There is nothing indigenous about Chinese nuclear programme ,Missile , Space programme

You guys are living in state of denial .....
I always mainatianed utmost descency in my discussion and see how your countryman resorted to namecalling !

all I am saying that you guys have been ungrateful to Russia ....

Russia helped PRC and Russia helped ROC....and continues to help even today....

Shows hypocracy of your people to turn against their benefactors ....

when millions were dying of poverty....and china had no one.....

It's true Soviets had their own intetions but that does not belittle crucial help it gave,,,,

You guys got everrything readymade on platter ....while being molycoddled under garb of Soviet bloc...
Nukes, missiles, armament not only that but money , men ,machines required.....

You guys have been in denial of historic world known facts .....

You owe a lot to Russia ......

You may or may not accept it .....
But whole world knows it

Accept Mao was the greatest leader of your country .....
he launched third word country like PRC to nuclear powered state totally with Soviet help .....

If you guys are going to deny PRC Foreign ministry archives .....

I have nothing more to say ...Let world judge you ...by the facts ......

You guys can't change the fact that Russia helped you then ....Russia helped you in 1990s again

and has been helping you all along in all crucial fields

You have been most ungrateful ....to Russia !!!
China owes Russia nothing,Russia used PRC as its paws and sacrifice hundreds of thousands Chinese lives defending their so called Communism bloc,they took away millions of square kilometers Chinese territory to create a "buffer state"and that's the irreparable loss to the Chinese nation.Russia help PRC but hurt the Chinese nation immensely.dont get so upset,we know who we owe and who owes us,you Indians are in no position speaking for the Chinese nation.change your font to normal size and have an objective discussion,would you?
Fattyacid : This is what you said to me

" Becoz you are being slimy. You twisted and turned around.
First you claimed Beijingwalker is on your side, but he wasn't
Second u said Russia helped China, which we know refers to PRC. Now, you change Russia help ROC.
But those assistance that you mentioned, "200 million, machines, etc" all came during PRC's time, not ROC. Now I got it, didn't I?

These assistance are not different from what Russia gave to other communist countries. Coz they were fight the cold war. These are small assistance by international standard. Did they help our with our nuclear? ICBM? Korean war where were they?

Have some shame, will you?

Your question was Did they help our with our nuclear? ICBM?

Dear Fattyacids ,

I posting evidence to support my statements

Based on PRCFMA – PRC Foreign Ministry Archives

Soviet russia’s contribution to China’s nuclear programme from 1954-1957
Soviets helped China build research reactor and cyclotron in China , co-operatvie uranius mining and processing , estblishment of Eastern atomic energy institute

Nuclear weapon programme 1957-1960
Soviets assisted China in establishment of Uranium enrichment , plutonium processing , warhead design and production and misile technology


Based on PRCFMA – PRC Foreign Ministry Archives

Yes, I stand by my words. First you claimed Russia helped China, then you changed it to ROC after some remark made by Beijingwalker. Are you not being slimy?

Second, you claimed Beijingwalker was on your side. Was he? He has replied in this thread and we know the truth. You are using my countryman against me, are you not slimy?

Last, but not least. I want to make clear to anyone reading this, I did not dispute the fact that we got help from Russia, but to say that we owe everything to the Russia is as valid as saying Japan owe everything to the American who assisted in their rebuilding after WW2. Many basic technology esp consumer products were from the US.
we owe everything to the Russia is as valid as saying Japan owe everything to the American who assisted in their rebuilding after WW2. Many basic technology esp consumer products were from the US.

Oh so now Japan owes everything to US ....

what a great Chinese melodrama
As China had launched a crash programme to master the entire spectrum of nuclear and missile technology in the shortest period of time, it desperately needed Soviet assistance. Mao Zedong, who described China as "poor and blank", considered Soviet military and scientific help as a temporary expedient. Soviet knowledge and assistance, if cleverly circumscribed, could accelerate China's developmental process.

Source: Soviet Contribution to Chinese Nuclear Programme Ibid., p.42.

" Marshal Nie Rongzhen, veteran of the Long March who later became the overlord of China's scientific development including the nuclear enterprise, suggested to the Central Committee and the Central Military Commission that China should start its own "preparations for research to develop missiles, atomic bombs, new fighter planes and other sophisticated weapons, while striving to continue the negotiations with the Soviet Union, trying everything possible to get help." The Soviet government had agreed to train 50 missile specialists, and China "should make the most of this chance".

Source : Excerpts from Marshal Nie Rongzhen's memoirs, titled "How China Develops Its Nuclear Weapons", in Beijing Review, April 29, 1985, pp. 15-18.
" Soviet aid began to flow and in July 1953 about 10,000 metric tonnes of nuclear equipment and material were sent to China. Soviet experts helped in the setting up of a number of laboratories. In 1954 a Joint Institute of Nuclear Research was established in Dubna near Moscow with nuclear experts from 11 countries of the Socialist bloc. About 1100 Chinese scientists received training at this institute."

Morton H. Halperin, China and the Bomb (New York: Praeger, 1966), p.79. On Soviet nuclear assistance, see pp. 51, 71, 74, 75, 77, 78-82, 102-4, 130, and 160.
" Between 1955 and 1958 six accords were signed relating to Soviet assistance in the development of China's science, industry, and weapons programmes. These included joint surveys of Chinese uranium ores, supply of a nuclear reactor and a cyclotron, and aid in building China's nuclear research facilities and industries. The New Defence Technical Accord of October 15, 1957, however, was unusual in the history of the nuclear age; the Soviet Union promised to supply China with blueprints for, and a working prototype of, an atomic bomb and missiles, as well as related data."

Source : Lewis and Litai, op. cit.,-" China Build the Bomb" - p. 41. Stanford University Press
" The Nuclear Co-operation agreements should be viewed in the context of evolving Sino-Soviet relations and the ideological turmoil within the world communist movement triggered by Nikita Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin at the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party in 1956. Chinese leaders played a leading role in restoring Soviet influence in Eastern Europe following the uprisings in Poland and Hungary. They used their leverage by extracting substantial nuclear concessions as part repayment for Chinese favours. During 1957 Khrushchev was also engaged in a power struggle within the Kremlin and the extraordinary Chinese demand for a prototype of an atomic bomb was made in the confidence that the beleaguered Khrushchev would have found it prudent to accede to it.12 He was trying to maintain a façade of harmony and to ensure China's acceptance of Soviet leadership of the communist bloc at the Moscow Conference in November 1957. The Russians also agreed to sell industrial equipment for the processing and enrichment of uranium and to provide enough uranium hexaflouride for the initial operation of China's gaseous diffusion plant. Eventually Russians helped China to construct uranium enrichment plants in Baotou and Lanzhou and a plutonium processing facility in Jiuquan in 1958 " .

Source : John Lewis and Litai Xue, China Builds the Bomb (Stanford University Press, 1991)- Page 62
As per the Sino-Soviet agreement -USSR had also promised to give away Prototype Atomic weapon to China. According to Khrushchev, Soviet Minister for Medium Machinery Yefin Pavlovich Slavskii reported to him that the prototype of the bomb was assembled and packed for its journey to Beijing. Anastas Mikoyan spoke against supplying the prototype while Nikolai Bulganin argued in favour. Sino-Soviet relations had considerably deteriorated by 1958 and in view of aggressive Chinese posture along Taiwan straits, Khrushchev decided to postpone the transport of prototype atomic bomb to China "

Source : Soviet Contribution to Chinese Nuclear Programme Ibid., p.60-61.
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