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South Korean ruling party avoids ferry backlash


May 29, 2014
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United States
Reference: Japan Times

SEOUL – South Korea’s ruling party breathed a sigh of relief Thursday after a stronger-than-expected showing in local elections seen as a referendum on President Park Geun-hye’s handling of April’s ferry disaster, which killed about 300 people.

Despite fears of a voter backlash, Park’s Saenuri Party managed to win eight of the 17 main contests for city mayors and provincial governors.

The main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD), which had urged voters to register their dissatisfaction with Park’s response to the Sewol ferry tragedy, took nine.

“I don’t think either side can really claim much of a victory,” said Choi Jin, head of the Institute for Presidential Leadership. “The opposition was hoping for more but, given Park’s high ratings before the Sewol disaster, it’s still done better than it would have expected two months ago.”

Park’s administration was sharply criticized over the Sewol disaster, and the polls were the first real opportunity to measure the severity of the political impact on a national level.

As well as retaining posts in its traditional regional strongholds, the Saenuri Party managed to win a number of battleground contests in the city of Incheon and Gyeonggi province.

“We put up a good defense even in the midst of the Sewol disaster,” party Secretary-General Yoon Sang-hyun told reporters.

In a statement, the presidential Blue House said it “humbly” accepted the election outcome.

The high popularity ratings Park has enjoyed since taking in office in February 2013 have been hammered by the sinking of the Sewol on April 16 — the defining moment of her presidency so far.

Overcoming public anger
Initial investigations exposed a culture of institutional negligence, greed and incompetence that contributed to the scale of the tragedy, most of whose victims were schoolchildren.

Although these problems have roots stretching back decades, Park and her officials became a default focus for much of the public grief and anti-establishment anger.

As a result, local issues were largely pushed aside in Wednesday’s elections as the rival parties concentrated on attacking and defending the president’s reputation.

While the NPAD asked voters to hold Park responsible, the ruling party urged them to support the president’s vow to overhaul the country’s safety infrastructure.

With emotions still running high over the Sewol, some had expected a particularly strong turnout. But a provisional figure of around 56.8 percent was only slightly up from 54.5 percent in 2010.

NPAD co-chairman Kim Han-gil said it is now time for all parties to work together to “wipe away the despair” South Koreans felt following April’s tragedy.

If the NPAD was disappointed that the hoped-for backlash never really materialized, there was some consolation in its victory in the election’s most high-profile race for Seoul mayor.

The popular incumbent, Park Won-soon, won comfortably over his Saenuri Party challenger to hold on to what is seen as the most powerful political office outside the central government.

“My election is the victory of all citizens who, in their grief over the Sewol, demanded fundamental change,” Park told celebrating supporters.

The office of Seoul mayor has taken on extra importance since former President Lee Myung-bak used it as a springboard for his successful run to the Blue House.

Although Park has insisted he will see through his full term, there is widespread speculation that he will seek the NPAD presidential nomination in 2017.
I always think that a random accident has bearing on a nation's selection of its government is ridicules concept. Accidents happen. If the leader handle the aftermath, then he/she really shouldn't live in fear that it will put him out of office.
So when a boat sinks, blame it on the ruling party. Democracy logic. Lol.
I always think that a random accident has bearing on a nation's selection of its government is ridicules concept. Accidents happen. If the leader handle the aftermath, then he/she really shouldn't live in fear that it will put him out of office.

Agreed, and it defies logic that so many were angry at the government response more than the company that was directly at fault for the tragedy.
So when a boat sinks, blame it on the ruling party. Democracy logic. Lol.

Its not just democratic, its the concept of responsibility. They are angry at the government for not having the Coast Guard, which is an arm of the Government, to react efficiently and with earnest. This is why ROK recently disbanded their coast guard services.

If you study ancient north east asian kingdoms, dynasties, you will notice that the ruling power looses the 'Mandate of Heaven' if there is uncontrolled natural calamity , death of people. One could argue the same in this instance.
Jury is still out if this will affect next election. It will become clear during next election, not before that.
Jury is still out if this will affect next election. It will become clear during next election, not before that.

If Park's administration is replaced, then this will be a new opportunity to rebuilding ties between Tokyo and Seoul. Park is clearly and adamantly anti-Japanese.
If Park's administration is replaced, then this will be a new opportunity to rebuilding ties between Tokyo and Seoul. Park is clearly and adamantly anti-Japanese.

I think the anti-Japanese thing is across the political divide. What may happen if Saenuri looses, is that relations with North Korea will improve, as they will continue with the Sunshine policy of peaceful unification started by Kim Dae Jung.

There is kind of regional dimension in Korean politics, Jeolla Do (South West) people dominate the NPAD, whereas Gyeongsang Do (South East) people dominate the Saenuri party. In 3 kingdom period before unfied Silla, Jeolla was Baekche and Gyeongsang was original Silla land.


Kim Dae-jung for example is from near Mokpo in Jeolla, whereas Park Chung-hee is from near Busan in Gyeongsang. People who support NPAD sometimes call the Saenuri party as traitors (Bhaeshinjang in Korean). So according to their narrative, these traitors collaborators were in lower rung of Chosun aristocracy (Yangban class), they betrayed Chosun King in favor of Japan, helped and collaborated with the Japanese during the colonial rule and now the same people are collaborating with the US to keep the Korean peninsula divided, against greater Korean national interest. If I connect the dots, this narrative does make sense. So for a century this broad group of people have pandered to others to become rich and powerful and dominate the country using foreign powers. We have exactly similar situation in Bangladesh, so I can relate to this really well.

So if the current Saenuri looses, the US will loose influence and Korean "unificationists" will gain the upper hand. So Korean peninsula will move further away from the US vision of containing China using South Korea, which may affect Japan's future plan as well.
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