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South Korea looks to U.S. for COVID-19 vaccine aid

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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SEOUL, April 21 (Reuters) - South Korea's foreign minister said on Wednesday he hopes the United States will help Seoul address its COVID-19 vaccine shortage in return for the test kits and masks it sent to Washington earlier in the pandemic.

The request comes as the South Korean government has come under fire from local media for not doing enough to secure enough vaccines early. It has inoculated just 3% of its population due to tight global supply and limited access.

"We have been stressing to the U.S. that 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'," Chung Eui-yong told reporters at the Kwanhun Club, a representative association of journalists in South Korea.

He said South Korea had airlifted Washington a large volume of coronavirus test kits and face masks in the early stages of the pandemic "in the spirit of the special South Korea-U.S. alliance," even as domestic supply was very tight.

"We are hoping that the U.S. will help us out with the challenges we are facing with the vaccines, based on the solidarity we demonstrated last year."

Chung said the two countries were in talks and raised the potential contribution it can make to the global semiconductor supply chain that the U.S. President Joe Biden is keen on.

Park Jin, an opposition party lawmaker, called for more aggressive vaccine diplomacy and urged the government to invoke its free trade agreement (FTA) with Washington to demand access to pharmaceutical products.

"The government needs to be more proactive... and The FTA provides us a legal base to demand (vaccines) as it stipulates the two countries' commitment to promoting the development of and facilitating access to pharmaceutical products," Park told Reuters.

The U.S. embassy in Seoul did not immediately reply to a Reuters' request for comment.

Around 1.77 million people in South Korea have had their first dose of AstraZeneca Plc or Pfizer vaccines. The low inoculation rate compares with a 40% vaccination rate in the United States, according to a Reuters data https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/vaccination-rollout-and-access.

South Korea reported 731 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, surging from 549 cases a day earlier, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 115,926, with 1,806 deaths. (Reporting by Sangmi Cha, additional reporting by Joori Roh; Editing by Miyoung Kim and Kim Coghill)
Even though populations are old, East Asian populations don't really seem to be at risk. Compare their infection rates and deaths with nations/people in South Asia, Europe, Catholics, Iran and North America. I'd have thought East Asians being quite safe would be patiently waiting at the end of the line (cue). Guess not.
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