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South Korea cancels defence meetings, military programs with Japan


Nov 4, 2011
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South Korea cancels defence meetings, military programs with Japan
Posted2 hours 29 minutes ago
PHOTO:Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe (centre) visits the Yasukuni shrine for war dead in Tokyo on December 26, 2013.(Reuters: Toru Hanai)
RELATED STORY:China must retaliate for Japan PM shrine visit: media
RELATED STORY:Japan PM Abe visits controversial war shrine
MAP:Korea, Republic Of
South Korea has cancelled a series of proposed defence meetings and military exchange programs with Japan following Japanese prime
minister Shinzo Abe's controversial visit to a war-linked shrine.

South Korea's National Defense Ministry has decided to cancel plans to hold talks on a proposed memorandum of understanding, the Yonhap News Agency reported.

It is also reconsidering visits by officials to Japan scheduled in the first half of next year, the news agency reported.

Japanese vice defence minister Masanori Nishi had proposed to his counterpart Baek Seung Jooto to facilitate exchanges between ministries during a meeting in Seoul last month.

The ministers signed a memorandum of understanding in last month's meeting.

Prime minister Abe visited the Yasukuni war shrine on Thursday honouring Japan's war dead including officials executed for war crimes, angering South Korea and China, which
suffered Japan's past militarism during the Second World War.
Both South Korea and Japan are allies of USA and USA controls them.

South Korea extended the ADIG which overlaps with that of Chinese and Japanese do not mean S.Korea is pro china and is completely against Japan.
Both South Korea and Japan are allies of USA and USA controls them.

South Korea extended the ADIG which overlaps with that of Chinese and Japanese do not mean S.Korea is pro china and is completely against Japan.

Who cares if SK is pro-China or not?

In fact, we should thank Abe for creating the tension with other US allies and completely foils their US master's plan.

Haven't you seen that his US master is now completely pissed at him for derailing its pivot in Asia-Pacific?
Who cares if SK is pro-China or not?

In fact, we should thank Abe for creating the tension with other US allies and completely foils their US master's plan.

Haven't you seen that his US master is now completely pissed at him for derailing its pivot in Asia-Pacific?

It is always a game played by USA, they are doing it for centuries. They did it with Nazi Germany and now unfolding the game with China.
Looks like abe shouldn't have gone.
If Japanese military industrial complexes/hi-tech companies/heavy industries start to produce weaponries again, Japan alone can militarily defeat any country in Asia that they want. It's no surprise that they don't give a phuck about what Korea think because Japan does not need Korea as an ally.
Both South Korea and Japan are allies of USA and USA controls them.

South Korea extended the ADIG which overlaps with that of Chinese and Japanese do not mean S.Korea is pro china and is completely against Japan.

For the million times. The US does not control both country if they did they would have told that piece of shit Abe to not visit Yasukuni.

You don't know what the average Korean think do you? SK might not completely pro-China, but they sure as hell prefer China over Japan.

Even the Average Japanese think his action is controversial.
69% say Abe should heed fallout from Yasukuni: poll

  • Dec 29, 2013
Nearly 70 percent of respondents to a weekend opinion poll say Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should heed the diplomatic implications of his visit to war-linked Yasukuni Shrine and expressed concerns about the provocative move, the results showed Sunday.

The nationwide telephone survey conducted Saturday and Sunday followed Abe’s Thursday visit to the Shinto shrine, which was the spiritual backbone of the war and honors Japan’s war dead, including Class-A war criminals. Predictably, the visit angered China and South Korea, which were liberated from Imperial Japanese militarism at great cost.

Phone calls were made to 1,429 households with eligible voters and drew 1,013 valid responses.

According to the results, 69.8 percent think Abe should take diplomatic relations into consideration when deciding whether to visit the contentious shrine, versus 25.3 percent who disagree.

Another 47.1 percent said it “was not good” to visit the shrine, compared with 43.2 percent who appreciated the act.

The visit has drawn criticism not only from South Korea and China, but also from Japan’s key ally, the United States. The U.S. State Department said it was “disappointed” to see Abe make the trip because it will exacerbate ongoing tensions with Seoul and Beijing.

According to the survey, 54.6 percent of the respondents support the idea of building a new facility to pay respects to the war dead, versus 32.9 percent who did not.

The approval rating for Abe’s Cabinet, meanwhile, stood at 55.2 percent, up a point from last week’s survey. Its disapproval rating stood at 32.6 percent, down slightly from 33.0 percent.

As for the Osprey, the tilt-rotor transport aircraft deployed to U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa, 71.2 percent said local governments other than Okinawa should host military drills involving the odd-looking aircraft, which takes off and lands like a helicopter but can fly like a plane.

On the plan to move the Futenma base from Ginowan to the Henoko area of Nago, further north in Okinawa, 49.8 percent backed it and 33.6 percent did not.

By political party, Abe’s conservative Liberal Democratic Party garnered a support rating of 39.7 percent, up 3.5 points, while the largest opposition force, the Democratic Party of Japan, draw a support rating of 7.4 percent, up 1.3 points.

The Japanese Communist Party won 5.5 percent support, followed by the Japan Restoration Party at 5.0 percent, ruling coalition partner New Komeito at 4.8 percent, and Your Party at 1.7 percent.

69% say Abe should heed fallout from Yasukuni: poll | The Japan Times
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