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South China Sea Forum

Have the Vietnamese learnt any lessons from this? Can we expect to see a Chinese fishing boat rammed by the Vietnamese Navy in retaliation?
1 Can you affirm the RPC 1950 map was RPC official map?or It was printed by other foreign country(for example the United Kingdom)?
2 Other maps was error map drawed by foreign country. no other homologous document prove them.

1950 RPC official map




your posted máp or photos disappeared, don't seen nothing now. :omghaha:


Ship of Vietnam Marine Police.
Vietnam Says Chinese Vessel Rammed Fishing Boat Off its Coast

Vietnam said a Chinese ship rammed a fishing boat off its coast and demanded compensation, marking the first incident between the neighboring countries since China announced a unilateral fishing ban earlier this month.
The May 20 clash involved a Vietnamese vessel from the central province of Quang Ngai carrying 15 fisherman, according to a statement posted yesterday on the website of Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It took place within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone, according to the statement, which didn’t specify an exact location.
“The actions of the Chinese ships seriously infringed upon Vietnamese sovereignty, rights and jurisdiction in the Eastern Sea, damaging the property and threatening the lives of Vietnamese fishermen,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, referring to the South China Sea.
Competition for fish, oil and gas in the South China Sea has increased tensions in recent years as countries become more assertive in enforcing territorial claims. Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou this month froze the hiring of Filipino workers and urged citizens to avoid visiting the Philippines after one of its Coast Guard crews killed a 65-year-old Taiwanese fishermen.
China imposed a unilateral fishing ban in the South China Sea from May 16 to Aug. 1, an annual stipulation that has been in effect since 1999. Vietnam said on May 16 the prohibition violates its sovereignty in parts of the waters.
Depleted Fisheries
China’s increased capability to defend its maritime claims combined with depleted fishing resources in areas near its shores has led to increased tension with neighboring countries, according to Zhang Hong Zhou, a senior analyst at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies.
“Unilateral action against each other’s fishermen will cause bigger problems,” he said by phone. “It can easily become a major diplomatic and security conflict if you can’t handle it well.”
In March, the two countries sparred after Vietnam said a Chinese ship fired on Vietnamese fishermen near the Paracel Islands, which China took from Vietnam in a 1974 battle. China said its actions were necessary and the boat wasn’t damaged.
The Philippines on May 21 said it planned to file a diplomatic protest against China after a Chinese naval vessel escorted a fishing ship near a South China Sea shoal patrolled by Filipino soldiers.
An exclusive economic zone refers to an area of sovereignty stretching 200 nautical miles from a country’s coastal baseline, according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Daniel Ten Kate in Bangkok at dtenkate@bloomberg.net; Jason Folkmanis in Ho Chi Minh City at folkmanis@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rosalind Mathieson at rmathieson3@bloomberg.net

Vietnam Says Chinese Vessel Rammed Fishing Boat Off its Coast - Bloomberg
Why does India pride itself on "speaking English",having a stereotypical western form of governance that is obviously failing. And more importantly why are your call centers trying so hard to mimic western accents.

Because it is for business purposes; to communicate easier with western customer, which makes alot of sense.
Why does China go for beauty standards of western country when their own is perfectly fine?
Have the Vietnamese learnt any lessons from this? Can we expect to see a Chinese fishing boat rammed by the Vietnamese Navy in retaliation?

No,we wont,we just simply find some excuse to portray China as the next "evil empire",and we r poor victims, and idiot Chinese keep taking the bait:pop:
dude.... do you know that not long ago i visited a rural Chinese school and first thing the girls there asked my white friend was, do you know Justin Bieber and Taylor swift? at least hear Indian children have local celebrity idols but in china it seems all the children like western stars...
thus my conclusion is that the Chinese want to be more western than Indians want to be western.

and Justin bieber and taylor swift no less.........Why they like white trash like that??

Because it is for business purposes; to communicate easier with western customer, which makes alot of sense.
Why does China go for beauty standards of western country when their own is perfectly fine?

There are a reason why there are more people learning English then there are people learning Chinese (Does not count learning them as first language)

English is an international Language. Even China have English classes in their Middle/High School. But we don't have Chinese classes in our Middle/High School.

Notice you even need to write in English, not Chinese, in this forum, RIGHT HERE.
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