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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

I'm recalling a war ancient China once fought with one of its neighbors. The neighbor won but immediately apologized to the Chinese emperor and sent him gifts. Chinese face was saved but China didn't try to invade this neighbor again: everything went back to normal.

Wonderful to see a student of history. A rational one? Question? For how long jews lived in Pakistan?
Ah. In its brief to the Tribunal the Philippines was able to point to an official Chinese declaration that the waters between the mainland and the Spratlys are "high seas" - which can only mean that at the time this was made China had no claims to either rights or title. (Paragraph 199)
Wrong. If China believes that the PCA does not have jurisdiction over the matter, then it is still the Tribunal that gets to decide whether it has jurisdiction or not. And in this case, the Tribunal had decided and ruled that it indeed has jurisdiction over most of the matter.

In 2013, Russia was also brought before the PCA by the Netherlands for detaining its ship and ordered to pay compensation. Russia simply refused and stated that the court has no jurisdiction.


So yes, in actual practice, if China believes the PCA doesn't have jurisdiction over the matter - the PCA doesn't have jurisdiction over the matter. And if you have a question about that, you can ask Russia who set the precedent.
It‘s about time for US kids to study world maps printed in the US and exam why the f US claim South pole and etc.
The U.S. makes no such claim: the U.S. presence in Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, which China ratified thirty years ago. The U.S. established and maintains Amundsen-Scott science station at the South Pole, which also operates under the ATS. Its presence does not establish any "claim" to the South Pole, it's appearance on any maps notwithstanding.

Are you saying that if the U.S. agrees to let China have the SCS, China will agree to give the U.S. an entire continent?
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Real Filipinos recognize that it was the Philippine government that has tricked them and spent millions of their tax dollars on this ruling, instead of bettering their condition. Every cent spent on this tribunal was a theft from the poor and the hungry. The slum dwellers of Cebu and Angeles City do not care about some small islands far away.
...The slum dwellers of Cebu and Angeles City do not care about some small islands far away.
When they're told the reason why food is expensive is because Chinese ships are illegally fishing in Filipino waters I'm sure they will care very much, aren't you?

In 2013, Russia was also brought before the PCA by the Netherlands for detaining its ship and ordered to pay compensation. Russia simply refused and stated that the court has no jurisdiction.
Do you think China would be happy to endure the same sanctions and subsequent economic recession Russia has for defying international laws?
In order to make the region peace, we have learned how the America use fabricated excues of "massive chemical weapons" to start the war against Iraq. To avoid Amercia use this excuse of SCS arbitration court, we need to tell them what the ruling is, though China isn't afraid of the conflict with Ameria, it's better to avoid a meaningless war potentially.

This have nothing related to the question I posted........

I said, if China don't care about this verdict, you should not be jumping up and down about it, that is the opposite of not caring...

Technically, if China don't care about the Verdict, the world don't care about the Chinese reaction, which made what you lot do here a moot point.
This is a powerful investigative report vindicated CHINA action in rejecting a biased Tribunal whose judges were all appointed by Shunji Yanai at the behest of Japan and with the approval of Philippines Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The judges were all fully employed and paid by Philippines.

Yoichi Shimatsu | Tuesday, July 12, 2016

First in a 2-part series, this investigative report exposes a high-level intrigue by pro-militarist Japanese diplomats in rigging “Philippines vs. China”, a law case in The International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), which will soon render its decision on the maritime dispute over the Spratly Archipelago (Nansha in Mandarin). The second part to come will uncover the Tribunal’s political bias in favor of Manila’s marine environmental complaints against China in blatant disregard of the Philippines’ worst-offender record on ecology.

This investigative report is an open call to the UN Committee on the Law of the Sea and the Secretary General to launch an internal investigation into the political influence-peddling and corruption at the International Tribunal for The Law of the Sea (ITLOS), which has compromised the impartiality of the judicial panel for Philippines versus China.

The evidence so far indicates that the Hon. Shunji Yanai, the President of Court of Arbitration/ITLOS, encouraged and facilitated the Philippines case on orders from the office of Shinzo Abe and Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The conspirators’ objective was to promote intentional bias and prejudicial tactics in the court proceedings in favor of the Philippine government in its dispute with the People’s Republic of China over sovereignty in the Spratly Islands (Nansha group) in whole as an archipelago or in part as separate sub-groups.

The evidence so far indicates that the ICA-ITLOS President, Shunji Yanai [柳井俊二], unlawfully and unethically promoted acceptance of Philippines vs. China into the Tribunal schedule at the behest of the Government of Japan. The tactical plan in the conspiracy involves judicial misconduct with the aim of influencing the United Nations and world public opinion to categorically reject without fair consideration all of China’s claims to the Spratly region. These illegal activities include a disguised effort to usurp jurisdiction from the International Court of Justice on principles of sovereignty as applied to maritime boundaries.

Since the predictable outcome for this one-sided case, throughout which only the Philippines side has been represented, will be to inflame regional tensions in East Asia and the Pacific to the military-strategic advantage of the Government of Japan, along with its pro-militarism supporters and criminal associates.

The principle suspects in this conspiracy, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and their chief strategist Shunji Yanai, should be investigated for tampering with the court with the intent of launching neocolonialist aggression in violation of the UN Charter and Constitution of Japan.

The UN, and especially the courts at The Hague, must not accept their own subversion and corruption toward the goal of war-making. The concerns related to covert agendas of intervention is drawn also from the many worldwide calls for investigation and judicial review related to similar deliberate falsehoods that led to the two Gulf Wars against the Republic of Iraq.


Shunji Yanai, a well known Japanese rightist had served in Japan Ministry of Foreign Affair together with another rightist Japan ABE. :-)
This is a powerful investigative report vindicated CHINA action in rejecting a biased Tribunal whose judges were all appointed by Shunji Yanai at the behest of Japan and with the approval of Philippines Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The judges were all fully employed and paid by Philippines.

Yoichi Shimatsu | Tuesday, July 12, 2016

First in a 2-part series, this investigative report exposes a high-level intrigue by pro-militarist Japanese diplomats in rigging “Philippines vs. China”, a law case in The International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), which will soon render its decision on the maritime dispute over the Spratly Archipelago (Nansha in Mandarin). The second part to come will uncover the Tribunal’s political bias in favor of Manila’s marine environmental complaints against China in blatant disregard of the Philippines’ worst-offender record on ecology.

This investigative report is an open call to the UN Committee on the Law of the Sea and the Secretary General to launch an internal investigation into the political influence-peddling and corruption at the International Tribunal for The Law of the Sea (ITLOS), which has compromised the impartiality of the judicial panel for Philippines versus China.

The evidence so far indicates that the Hon. Shunji Yanai, the President of Court of Arbitration/ITLOS, encouraged and facilitated the Philippines case on orders from the office of Shinzo Abe and Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The conspirators’ objective was to promote intentional bias and prejudicial tactics in the court proceedings in favor of the Philippine government in its dispute with the People’s Republic of China over sovereignty in the Spratly Islands (Nansha group) in whole as an archipelago or in part as separate sub-groups.

The evidence so far indicates that the ICA-ITLOS President, Shunji Yanai [柳井俊二], unlawfully and unethically promoted acceptance of Philippines vs. China into the Tribunal schedule at the behest of the Government of Japan. The tactical plan in the conspiracy involves judicial misconduct with the aim of influencing the United Nations and world public opinion to categorically reject without fair consideration all of China’s claims to the Spratly region. These illegal activities include a disguised effort to usurp jurisdiction from the International Court of Justice on principles of sovereignty as applied to maritime boundaries.

Since the predictable outcome for this one-sided case, throughout which only the Philippines side has been represented, will be to inflame regional tensions in East Asia and the Pacific to the military-strategic advantage of the Government of Japan, along with its pro-militarism supporters and criminal associates.

The principle suspects in this conspiracy, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and their chief strategist Shunji Yanai, should be investigated for tampering with the court with the intent of launching neocolonialist aggression in violation of the UN Charter and Constitution of Japan.

The UN, and especially the courts at The Hague, must not accept their own subversion and corruption toward the goal of war-making. The concerns related to covert agendas of intervention is drawn also from the many worldwide calls for investigation and judicial review related to similar deliberate falsehoods that led to the two Gulf Wars against the Republic of Iraq.


Shunji Yanai, a well known Japanese rightist had served in Japan Ministry of Foreign Affair together with another rightist Japan ABE. :-)

As I said before it's pretty retard to put a anti-China japanese as judge over SCS case, if we put an ISIS judge to judge American over America and Hawaii, Americans will have no identity and no place to live "LEGALY" speaking.
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Lol we respect him as a great leader that saved China but I'm not crazy enough about that red book maybe I'm living on different time, now it's 21st century and not mid of 20 century.

My advise for many of us in here is to focus on the topic and stop wasting our time with detractors.:laugh:

In fact if one agrees with the Tribunal ruling, it stated that the 12NM sea border around China's artificial island applied.

So I will like to see how US Naval warship in exercising their so-called Freedom of Navigation justify their actions now. :welcome:

Maybe a return trip for China warships to do the same in Guam or Hawaii may be great in testing USA hypocrisy and double standard. :cheers:
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