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South Asian Fake Nuclear Power

Empty claims by Bharat cannot be used as 'evidence'. We've seen GOI falsify and 'beef-up' claims in the past, only to fall on its face later on.

What claims? All the doubts are related to nuclear fusion only. Our nuclear fission tests were completely successful. Also the Indian warheards are based on fission technology.
It is interesting to note that the doubts are raised by an Indian only.
What claims? All the doubts are related to nuclear fusion only. Our nuclear fission tests were completely successful. Also the Indian warheards are based on fission technology.
It is interesting to note that the doubts are raised by an Indian only.

that is reason I call india Neo-Nazi:

1. refuse to sign NPT.
2. keep developing nuke.
3. using those nuke to threat neighbors.
that is reason I call india Neo-Nazi:

1. refuse to sign NPT.
2. keep developing nuke.
3. using those nuke to threat neighbors.

I do not want to post offtopic low quality post. But here is something.

1- Pakistan is yet to sign it as well.
2 - Everybody does the same. Be it India, Pakistan or any other countries.
3 - I agree with you. Someone thought and threatened of using nukes in 1998 (clue: kargil). India also holds no first use policy.

I do not want to call China with names as it is a great country. But alas!...trolls are everywhere.:tsk:
india is even not a space power. all india's space launches are using russian's rocket engine.

Well, dude i respect your intelligent openion. very unfortunately the Memebers of this forum irrespective of thier nationality are also eaqually intelligent.

Just replace India with China in your Qs. .. What will be your answer ?

something called "Evidence" ?? Since you asked first .. u get it ?

But , i will take you a bit seriously, dont you think if that was really true, we would have had the capability of launching 3 Ton+ Satellites long back ?
If you can buy a plane in one go... why buy a car ??
india is even not a space power. all india's space launches are using russian's rocket engine.

We never said we are not using russian technology. Infact we openly acknowledge and thank russia's involvement in many of our defence development projects.
India launches nuclear submarine
India launches nuclear submarine - CNN.com

Where as here is what u do...
1. AIPAC Agents Send Stolen
US Nuke Technology To China

AIPAC Agents Send Stolen US Nuke Technology To China?

2.China 'stole all US nuclear secrets.'
Abstracts: China 'stole all US nuclear secrets.'. Chinese farmers crippled by taxes. Second-rate Chinese team seeks premier slot

3.Chinese `stole all nuclear secrets'

Chinese `stole all nuclear secrets' - News - The Independent

and the list may go on and on....so Period.
just recently after i surfed the forums so i discovered that indians are so despicxxxx!!! when facing pakistan they weilded their big sticks threatening the people to submit to him, and by this way india subdued the surrounding immediate weak neighbours to make him the unchallengeable big brother!!!
But when facing china, it pretended to be the innocent victim to draw international sympathy to gain aids and assistance to contain china. such weaklixx.. if you dont want to confront with china, then dont make any aggressive stance to your neighbours or someday you shall get your retribution. the one oppresses others may get oppressed by stronger one eventually..stop this vicious cycle of hatred, if you truly has the will to abandon the hegemonic mindset !!! just a piece of sincere advice.

This is the fourth topic I have read today relating to India where I see the same reply cut & pasted by you.

Please... think of something original.
This is the fourth topic I have read today relating to India where I see the same reply cut & pasted by you.

Please... think of something original.

please, dont you think that all the topics we discussed in pdf are having the same roots of cause, especially in the topics relating to pak and india and some other weaker countries surrounding india being bullied by some derivatives jingoism from india itself. so i arrange those reasons and sources for all those cries and despair detected in this and other forums and then induce them into the sentences you saw above..,but dont get too provoked on my summary as it is still needed to be tested by time and reality, it may prove i am totally wrong. it can be considered as the incomplete thesis yet...we cannot be too hasty to make the final conclusions yet. authentic conclusions must be convincing and truthful to facts... so i shall make another longer comments some other time by integrating the useful info obtained to make the theories of oppression by indian philosophical subconsciousness action more meaningful and concrete to match the facts happened.
please, dont you think that all the topics we discussed in pdf are having the same roots of cause, especially in the topics relating to pak and india and some other weaker countries surrounding india being bullied by some derivatives jingoism from india itself. so i arrange those reasons and sources for all those cries and despair detected in this and other forums and then induce them into the sentences you saw above..,but dont get too provoked on my summary as it is still needed to be tested by time and reality, it may prove i am totally wrong. it can be considered as the incomplete thesis yet...we cannot be too hasty to make the final conclusions yet. authentic conclusions must be convincing and truthful to facts... so i shall make another longer comments some other time by integrating the useful info obtained to make the theories of oppression by indian philosophical subconsciousness action more meaningful and concrete to match the facts happened.

Yes....blame it on India.........India Bullying everyone...is it Indias fault that most of our neighbors are plagued by a leadership that lags vision...a ruling class that believes in me first......
and same things will go for the usa relationship with the rest of the world and present to the large no of members of this forums being trapped in the swirl of heated fighting until that they are not well aware of the true culprit that causes all of or most of misery on this earth,,though the usa worldly accepted righteous citizens 'egoism will first deny the statement at their contempyous first glance, and they will throw anything back to you according to their blind patriotism or chauvinism....to show that how other people to be blamed rather than the bloody trouble starter usa itself, even if the trouble caused may not need any authentic justification to appeal to other non americans..so india wont be lonely in this case, they should be investigated by the people of the world and not by the so called free media of their own to disclose the real truth as they both supposed to be responsible superpowers as they are so demoncratic in size and in glorious history..
I know that it is off topic but i cannot help but answer it due mainly to Indians talking specialy about leaders who put me (themselves) first.

Indians are always in either denials or using reverse psychology to put blames on others.

Talking about politicians "being all for me" is not only true in Pakistan it is more prevalent in India. Be it in judiciary or leadership or others, it is no less than others.

Read on.

PM ask CBI check rampant corruption in India

Corruption in Politics and Political. Yoga for Heart Disease

So do not throw stones on others when you yourself live in glass houses.
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We never said we are not using russian technology. Infact we openly acknowledge and thank russia's involvement in many of our defence development projects.
India launches nuclear submarine
India launches nuclear submarine - CNN.com

Where as here is what u do...
1. AIPAC Agents Send Stolen
US Nuke Technology To China

AIPAC Agents Send Stolen US Nuke Technology To China?

2.China 'stole all US nuclear secrets.'
Abstracts: China 'stole all US nuclear secrets.'. Chinese farmers crippled by taxes. Second-rate Chinese team seeks premier slot

3.Chinese `stole all nuclear secrets'

Chinese `stole all nuclear secrets' - News - The Independent

and the list may go on and on....so Period.

Stole US nuclear secrets?We stole nuclear secrets from US!!US stole nuclear secrets from martians!!Martians stole nuclear secrets from India!!
Stole US nuclear secrets?We stole nuclear secrets from US!!US stole nuclear secrets from martians!!Martians stole nuclear secrets from India!!
Why are you diverting from the question my friend asked.
Yes, China has stolen nuclear tech from US as it is confirmed by the links given by him.:tdown: We have neither questioned US and why are you reaching to martians.
If you dont have any reply dont give foolish and childish answers,:bunny: just stay quiet. And yes it was one of your fellow who had raised doubts on Indian space programme although it has nothing to do with this topic.
So can we have some serious discussion.:angry:
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