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Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US


Jun 19, 2014
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EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan laboratory not as a bioweapon, but as part of China's effort to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States, multiple sources who have been briefed on the details of early actions by China's government and seen relevant materials tell Fox News.

This may be the "costliest government coverup of all time," one of the sources said.

The sources believe the initial transmission of the virus was bat-to-human, and that "patient zero" worked at the laboratory, then went into the population in Wuhan.

Asked by Fox News' John Roberts about the reporting, President Trump remarked at Wednesday's coronavirus press briefing, "More and more we're hearing the story...we are doing a very thorough examination of this horrible situation."

Documents detail early efforts by doctors at the lab and early efforts at containment. The Wuhan wet market initially identified as a possible point of origin never sold bats, and the sources tell Fox News that blaming the wet market was an effort by China to deflect blame from the laboratory, along with the country's propaganda efforts targeting the U.S. and Italy.

U.S. Embassy officials warned in January 2018about inadequate safety at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab and passed on information about scientists conducting risky research on coronavirus from bats, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Responding to the report, Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Tuesday afternoon: "It should be no surprise to you that we have taken a keen interest in that and we've had a lot of intelligence take a hard look at that. I would just say at this point, it's inconclusive, although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural, but we don't know for certain."

Americans were originally helping train the Chinese in a program called PREVENT well before the Chinese started working on this virus. The French government helped the Chinese set up the Wuhan lab.

China "100 percent" suppressed data and changed data, the sources tell Fox News. Samples were destroyed, contaminated areas scrubbed, some early reports erased, and academic articles stifled.

There were doctors and journalists who were "disappeared" warning of the spread of the virus and its contagious nature and human to human transmission. China moved quickly to shut down travel domestically from Wuhan to the rest of China, but did not stop international flights from Wuhan.

Additionally, the sources tell Fox News the World Health Organization (WHO) was complicit from the beginning in helping China cover its tracks.

Trump announced at the White House coronavirus news briefing in the Rose Garden on Tuesday that the United States will immediately halt all funding for the WHO, saying it had put "political correctness over lifesaving measures." The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period.

Senior administrations separately tell Fox News the rollout of the president’s “blueprint for re-opening the U.S. economy” will happen Thursday afternoon, first for governors and then briefed to the press.

Meanwhile, Trump's own handling of the crisis has come into focus. On January 24, for example, Trump tweeted in praise of China’s “transparency" on coronavirus.

Though they were not speaking for the president, the sources ventured an explanation, saying it was diplomatic talk to make the Chinese "feel good". while the investigation was ongoing, with trade and other talks happening simultaneously.

In the six days after top Chinese officials secretly determined they likely were facing a pandemic from a new coronavirus, the city of Wuhan at the epicenter of the disease hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people; millions began traveling through for Lunar New Year celebrations.

President Xi Jinping warned the public on the seventh day, Jan. 20. But by that time, more than 3,000 people had been infected during almost a week of public silence.

“This is tremendous,” said Zuo-Feng Zhang, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. “If they took action six days earlier, there would have been much fewer patients and medical facilities would have been sufficient. We might have avoided the collapse of Wuhan’s medical system.”


If proven to be true the ramifications for China would be unreal.
It could be.

But how did it explain the outbreak in USA in June that lead to the ban of vape?

As well as Group A is more prevalent in USA than in China?
Ft Detrick had the bioweapon - SARS from horseshoe bat.

That was given North Carolina labs, who set up China with the weapon. The motive to punish China and strip China of factories and investments is always with USA. This has been known for weeks and known by the East Asians, for months.


US had the virus released in the US first. Wuhan was not the first city to have the bioweapon. Strain A was traveling around the globe last year, and started in the US.
If this is proven to be true . China as we know it might cease to exist. World will unite and turn against china.

If this is proven true.
If this is proven to be true . China as we know it might cease to exist. World will unite and turn against china.

If this is proven true.
What if it's the other way round? If the virus is leak from US fort Detrick. Will US cease to exist and wipe off from earth?

Why US has not release any info of Maatje Benassi? Is she alive or dead? Did she infected with covid-19? If , when?

Why US keep a lip tight about her? Maybe they got something they don't want u to know?
What if it's the other way round? If the virus is leak from US fort Detrick. Will US cease to exist and wipe off from earth?

Why US has not release any info of Maatje Benassi? Is she alive or dead? Did she infected with covid-19? If , when?

Why US keep a lip tight about her? Maybe they got something they don't want u to know?

Yep then world shall try to unite against the united states. But can they? Will they? Lets wait and watch.
What if it's the other way round? If the virus is leak from US fort Detrick. Will US cease to exist and wipe off from earth?

USA has not existed for a long time. It is a terrorist regime. Those who support it are terrorists.

Washington did the 9/11 attacks. And the world attacked the Islamic World, including drone striking thousands of Pakistanis over a false flag incident.

This is the new 9/11, so China has to expose the first 9/11 as a false flag to help prove this new 9/11 is a false flag.

Will US cease to exist and wipe off from earth?

The whole point of the bioweapon attack was to blame China, to isolate China ad usher in a new cold war on China. These China haters are proving the very motive of US.
USA has not existed for a long time. It is a terrorist regime. Those who support it are terrorists.

Washington did the 9/11 attacks. And the world attacked the Islamic World, including drone striking thousands of Pakistanis over a false flag incident.

This is the new 9/11, so China has to expose the first 9/11 as a false flag to help prove this new 9/11 is a false flag.
I am not going to comment on 9/11 but why until now, not a single info about these Maajte Benassi is updated? We have a lot of questions for her but it seems US is not willing to answer by keeping her secret.
I am not going to comment on 9/11 but why until now, not a single info about these Maajte Benassi is updated? We have a lot of questions for her but it seems US is not willing to answer by keeping her secret.

The Hunt for Patient Zero
Another American Index Case?
Godfree Roberts • April 10, 2020
• 2,800 Words • 345 Comments1 NewReply

In our last episode, Last Man Standing, we wondered if the Covid-19 outbreak might prove advantageous to China. Here we speculate about how–thanks to a bureaucratic decision about a common illness–it may cause America to lose world hegemony.


Finding the Index Case, Patient Zero, of an epidemic is critical to understanding and curbing further transmission. Dating its first appearance, sequencing its genomes, following the changes in its genetic structure, and finding the root of its genetic family tree help estimate the epidemic’s scale and scope of transmission, find intermediate hosts, understand how spreading took place and curb future transmission by focusing resources to contain it. Since genetic sequencing data can only come from those who are diagnosed, health workers still rely on contact tracing to find people whose infections have gone undetected. Once a patient is diagnosed, their primary contacts must be located and questioned about relevant symptoms and, if any of those contacts themselves fall ill, they trigger a second layer of contact tracing and the workload grows exponentially. Covid-19’s long incubation and asymptomatic transmission can make the search herculean: Indian health officials contacted 2,666 people after the first case was confirmed in Karnataka.

Every public health official on earth knows this yet, despite its WHO obligations, the CDC refuses to identify America’s Patient Zero and attacks those–including the WHO itself–who requests the information. The thesis of this article is that the CDC’s coverup will fail and the consequent revelations will hasten the fall of our First Republic[1].


In 2012, the Rand Corporation concluded, ‘the only threats capable of destroying America’s way of life are pandemics.’ In 2015, after Ezra Klein spoke with Bill Gates about his algorithmic model showing how a new strain of flu could spread rapidly he wrote, “A pandemic disease is the most predictable catastrophe in the history of the human race, if only because it has happened to the human race so many, many times before.” In 2017, Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed ‘no doubt’ that President Trump would face a viral pandemic during his tenure. In 2019, HHS’ Crimson Contagion pandemic report, marked ‘not to be disclosed,’ found Federal agencies jockeying over who was in charge, states and hospitals struggling to figure out what equipment was stockpiled or available, and cities and states going their own ways on group and school closings. This is truly astonishing, since

  • Patient Zero for both the Spanish Flu and Swine Flu (the deadliest[2] pandemics of their centuries), were Americans.
  • Our public health system is so ineffectual that we now host endemic diseases like typhus, usually seen only in wartime.
  • Our public health system is so ineffectual that our healthy life expectancy at birth is lower than China’s.
  • The CDC is remarkably corrupt.
  • The CDC has often been slow to detect pandemic outbreaks and incurious about tracing them.
  • The CDC classifies discussions of Covid-19 Top Secret.
  • The CDC is led by a non-scientist military officer.
  • The CDC did nothing when the WHO issued its warning January 3.
  • The CDC blocked Covid-19 testing for months after thousands started dying.
The CDC has been dismantling our public health system. In 2018 the White House pushed Congress to eliminate $252 million for disease security programs and reduce health spending by $15 billion by cutting the global disease-fighting operational budgets of the CDC, NSC, DHS, and HHS and eliminating the $30 million Complex Crises Fund. The President ordered the National Security Council’s Global Health Security unit shut down and reassigned Adm. Timothy Ziemer and his team. Then-National Security Advisor John Bolton pressured Adm. Ziemer’s DHS counterpart, Tom Bossert to resign, too, and neither team was replaced. Much of the staff of the CDC’s Global Health section was laid off and cooperating countries were cut from forty-nine to ten, and CDC Director Robert Redfield sought a further $7 billion cut for FY 2021. Last November a bipartisan panel convened by the CSIS concluded, “The United States must either pay now to gain protection and security or wait for the next epidemic and pay a much greater price in human and economic costs.”

A Series of Unfortunate Events.

On June 30, 2019, a pneumonia of unknown cause at Greenspring, a nursing home fifteen minutes from Fort Belvoir[3], VA, killed three and sickened 54.

On July 9th, another pneumonia of unknown cause was reported in Alexandria, VA and all lung images showed the ‘ground glass’ shadow typical of Covid-19. Coincidentally, the CDC chose that date to withdraw the only American epidemiologist embedded with Beijing’s CCDC. The following week a pneumonia epidemic was reported at a nursing home in Burke, VA and the Virginia State Health Bureau banned collective activities and began screening residents in assisted care facilities and requiring enhanced hygiene. In early August the CDC expanded its pneumonia patient detection system and, in an unprecedented civilian intervention in military affairs, shut down the Army’s main military biowarfare lab (and Superfund site), Fort Detrick, MD where, a senior scientist said, the atmosphere was one of “fear and mistrust.”

In late August, the Virginia Department of Health confirmed three more cases of severe lung illness of unknown origin. Between August-October, 2,500 patients reported gastrointestinal symptoms beginning before respiratory symptoms, with fever, elevated heart rate, and elevated white blood cell count–all symptoms typical of Covid-19. Many sought ambulatory care several times before hospitalization and their lung images showed a ‘ground glass’ shadow. Fifty percent needed intubation, many required supplemental oxygen, and some required assisted ventilation. Fifty-three died and the cause of the outbreak remains unexplained[4]. A similar outbreak[5] was occurring simultaneously in Lombardy, Italy.

The following month the Deputy Director of the CIA participated in a pandemic tabletop exercise, Event 201, that modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic and, after years of reducing headcount, the CDC began hiring quarantine managers:

In January, after private briefings on the COVID-19 pandemic, five senators avoided significant losses by selling major stock holdings and 219 CEOs, the largest cohort ever, retired at the top of the stock market.

On January 3 ILINet[6] was functioning normally when the WHO alerted the CDC to Covid-19. When Beijing uploaded its genetic sequence a week later the CDC forbade its sentinels, including UW’s Dr. Helen Chu[7], to test for it. A New York Times reader commented[8] that such information suppression is common with the CDC, “I presume her lab continues to conduct the tests for research but is barred from sharing the results with public health authorities. I used to be the principal investigator on an IRB-approved, non-clinical brain imaging study for research many years ago. We decided that in the rare case we detected an abnormality in a participant’s brain, we would strongly suggest that they consult a clinician. Similarly, perhaps your lab could inform a participant testing positive for the virus in your study to seek medical attention immediately.” Two months later Dr. Chu ignored the CDC’s injunction and immediately discovered Covid-19 fatalities in Seattle. The CDC still obstructs and discourages testing.

DETROIT – A NURSE was found dead from coronavirus after her employer reportedly refused to test her because she wasn’t showing symptoms. Lisa Ewald, 53, worked as a nurse at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit for more than 20 years but died last week after being exposed to the deadly virus. Ewald said she believed she was exposed to the coronavirus by a patient around March 24 while working in the emergency room. Neighbor Alexis Fernandez said Ewald immediately tried to get herself tested, but was told by her employer she couldn’t until she showed symptoms. According to her family, the nurse was refused a test twice.

WASHINGTON — A coroner in Indiana wanted to know if the coronavirus had killed a man in early March, but said that her health department denied a test. Paramedics in New York City say that many patients who died at home were never tested for the coronavirus, even if they showed telltale signs of infection. In Virginia, a funeral director prepared the remains of three people after health workers cautioned her that they each had tested positive for the coronavirus. But only one of the three had the virus noted on the death certificate. Across the United States, even as coronavirus deaths are being recorded in terrifying numbers—many hundreds each day—the true death toll is likely much higher. New York Times, April 7, 2020.

Hunting for Patient Zero

Chinese research shows that the virus was introduced into their country from elsewhere, Japanese and Taiwanese studies point to the US as its likely source, and Russian and Czech authorities share their suspicions.[9] Kristian Andersen, a Scripps Institute evolutionary biologist, said it is ‘entirely plausible’ that infected persons brought the virus into the seafood market from somewhere outside and dated their ‘most recent common ancestor’ as early as 1 October 2019, when US athletes participated in the 2019 Military World games in Wuhan. Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown University, said the first infection has been confirmed as occurring in November 2019, (not in Wuhan), suggesting the virus originated elsewhere. “One group put the origin of the outbreak as early as 18 September 2019. China must have realized the epidemic did not originate in that Wuhan Huanan seafood market.” Lucey also noted that MERS was originally believed to have come from a patient in Saudi Arabia in June of 2012 but later, more thorough studies traced it to an earlier hospital outbreak of unexplained pneumonia in Jordan in April of that year and Western media’s origin stories about SARS, MERS, and ZIKA have all later proven wrong.

Circumstantial Evidence

  • The Director of the CDC is a career military officer and a non-scientist.
  • The CDC blocked Covid-19 testing for months and still obstructs it.
  • The CDC discusses Covid-19 in a top secret, secure facility because, staffers said, “It has something to do with China.”
  • Only under persistent Congressional questioning did the CDC Director reluctantly reveal the existence of earlier cases that had been diagnosed as influenza.
  • The CDC Director flatly refuses to discuss Patient Zero.
  • Western media show no interest in investigating Patient Zero.
  • Western media dismiss questions about Patient Zero as ‘political’ despite the fact that they are scientific.
  • Powerful US Government officials acted on foreknowledge of the epidemic
  • The media have been attacking the World Health Organization for months.
  • President Trump has threatened to de-fund the WHO.

Death of a Thousand Cuts

It appears that China has chosen to play offense this time and its weapons may prove decisive. Most American medical laboratories employ Chinese researchers, some of whom smuggled hospital tissue samples to China during the period under discussion. This explains the FBI’s medical panic[10] last Fall, the CDC’s secrecy, and the Chinese Government’s brazen demand that the US reveal Patient Zero. If China has biological samples of American Covid-19 from 2019, then its demand is just the opening shot in a war of perceptions. Uncharacteristically, Chinese diplomats have ensured that a global audience is paying attention by repeating its challenge in major languages:

Next, to garner publicity for an analysis that could have been performed on a desktop, China chose Tianhe, the world’s first petaflop computer, to compare lung images attributed to vaping and to Covid-19. Using AI-assisted analysis whose algorithm’s accuracy is over 99 percent, Tianhe-1 found a high probability of Covid-19 in the CAT image of a patient who became severely ill between July and August in North Carolina. The features included white patches encroaching on the lower parts of both lungs, a phenomenon raising the eyebrows of some radiologists at the early stage of the outbreak because it was rarely seen in other types of pneumonia. Said the AI-generated report, “The image shows features of Covid-19, and a comprehensive diagnosis is recommended in combination with epidemiological information and other clinical characteristics.” The patient was one of five who presented at the WakeMed Hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina at about the same time, with acute lung injuries, according to information on the CDC website. Dr Kevin Davidson, who led a medical team that examined the patients at WakeMed, defended the original diagnosis but, said a Wuhan doctor, “The disagreement between Tianhe and WakeMed could be resolved by a laboratory test for the new coronavirus in the patient’s samples. If the samples are no longer available, an antibody test can be performed instead.” Pigs will fly…

Truth and Consequences

There are more rounds to be fought but, if China wins, will be sweet revenge for America’s many biological attacks since 1951[11], including Harvard’s theft of thousands of biological samples in the 1990s, and recent epidemics of mysterious origins. With ninety percent of its workforce already back in operation, if China does wins, where will the world be in twelve months if

  • Covid-19, like Swine Flu and Spanish Flu, began in the United States?
  • Covid-19 began at a notoriously unsafe military biowarfare facility?
  • The US Government and media covered it up?
  • The US blamed an innocent nation?
  • The US scapegoated the WHO?
  • The US mishandled its own outbreak disastrously?
  • The US coverup precipitated another financial crisis?
  • China again rescued the world from the American recession?
For politicians seeking to deflect attention from their own shortcomings and curry favor with the new superpower, blaming America may prove irresistible.

Postscript: That HHS and the CDC might be involved in villainy is not news. In the 1980s Linus Pauling described the criminal lengths to which HHS went to discredit years of promising research on Vitamin C’s effects on the longevity of thousands of cancer patients.
The Hunt for Patient Zero
Another American Index Case?
Godfree Roberts • April 10, 2020
• 2,800 Words • 345 Comments1 NewReply

In our last episode, Last Man Standing, we wondered if the Covid-19 outbreak might prove advantageous to China. Here we speculate about how–thanks to a bureaucratic decision about a common illness–it may cause America to lose world hegemony.


Finding the Index Case, Patient Zero, of an epidemic is critical to understanding and curbing further transmission. Dating its first appearance, sequencing its genomes, following the changes in its genetic structure, and finding the root of its genetic family tree help estimate the epidemic’s scale and scope of transmission, find intermediate hosts, understand how spreading took place and curb future transmission by focusing resources to contain it. Since genetic sequencing data can only come from those who are diagnosed, health workers still rely on contact tracing to find people whose infections have gone undetected. Once a patient is diagnosed, their primary contacts must be located and questioned about relevant symptoms and, if any of those contacts themselves fall ill, they trigger a second layer of contact tracing and the workload grows exponentially. Covid-19’s long incubation and asymptomatic transmission can make the search herculean: Indian health officials contacted 2,666 people after the first case was confirmed in Karnataka.

Every public health official on earth knows this yet, despite its WHO obligations, the CDC refuses to identify America’s Patient Zero and attacks those–including the WHO itself–who requests the information. The thesis of this article is that the CDC’s coverup will fail and the consequent revelations will hasten the fall of our First Republic[1].


In 2012, the Rand Corporation concluded, ‘the only threats capable of destroying America’s way of life are pandemics.’ In 2015, after Ezra Klein spoke with Bill Gates about his algorithmic model showing how a new strain of flu could spread rapidly he wrote, “A pandemic disease is the most predictable catastrophe in the history of the human race, if only because it has happened to the human race so many, many times before.” In 2017, Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed ‘no doubt’ that President Trump would face a viral pandemic during his tenure. In 2019, HHS’ Crimson Contagion pandemic report, marked ‘not to be disclosed,’ found Federal agencies jockeying over who was in charge, states and hospitals struggling to figure out what equipment was stockpiled or available, and cities and states going their own ways on group and school closings. This is truly astonishing, since

  • Patient Zero for both the Spanish Flu and Swine Flu (the deadliest[2] pandemics of their centuries), were Americans.
  • Our public health system is so ineffectual that we now host endemic diseases like typhus, usually seen only in wartime.
  • Our public health system is so ineffectual that our healthy life expectancy at birth is lower than China’s.
  • The CDC is remarkably corrupt.
  • The CDC has often been slow to detect pandemic outbreaks and incurious about tracing them.
  • The CDC classifies discussions of Covid-19 Top Secret.
  • The CDC is led by a non-scientist military officer.
  • The CDC did nothing when the WHO issued its warning January 3.
  • The CDC blocked Covid-19 testing for months after thousands started dying.
The CDC has been dismantling our public health system. In 2018 the White House pushed Congress to eliminate $252 million for disease security programs and reduce health spending by $15 billion by cutting the global disease-fighting operational budgets of the CDC, NSC, DHS, and HHS and eliminating the $30 million Complex Crises Fund. The President ordered the National Security Council’s Global Health Security unit shut down and reassigned Adm. Timothy Ziemer and his team. Then-National Security Advisor John Bolton pressured Adm. Ziemer’s DHS counterpart, Tom Bossert to resign, too, and neither team was replaced. Much of the staff of the CDC’s Global Health section was laid off and cooperating countries were cut from forty-nine to ten, and CDC Director Robert Redfield sought a further $7 billion cut for FY 2021. Last November a bipartisan panel convened by the CSIS concluded, “The United States must either pay now to gain protection and security or wait for the next epidemic and pay a much greater price in human and economic costs.”

A Series of Unfortunate Events.

On June 30, 2019, a pneumonia of unknown cause at Greenspring, a nursing home fifteen minutes from Fort Belvoir[3], VA, killed three and sickened 54.

On July 9th, another pneumonia of unknown cause was reported in Alexandria, VA and all lung images showed the ‘ground glass’ shadow typical of Covid-19. Coincidentally, the CDC chose that date to withdraw the only American epidemiologist embedded with Beijing’s CCDC. The following week a pneumonia epidemic was reported at a nursing home in Burke, VA and the Virginia State Health Bureau banned collective activities and began screening residents in assisted care facilities and requiring enhanced hygiene. In early August the CDC expanded its pneumonia patient detection system and, in an unprecedented civilian intervention in military affairs, shut down the Army’s main military biowarfare lab (and Superfund site), Fort Detrick, MD where, a senior scientist said, the atmosphere was one of “fear and mistrust.”

In late August, the Virginia Department of Health confirmed three more cases of severe lung illness of unknown origin. Between August-October, 2,500 patients reported gastrointestinal symptoms beginning before respiratory symptoms, with fever, elevated heart rate, and elevated white blood cell count–all symptoms typical of Covid-19. Many sought ambulatory care several times before hospitalization and their lung images showed a ‘ground glass’ shadow. Fifty percent needed intubation, many required supplemental oxygen, and some required assisted ventilation. Fifty-three died and the cause of the outbreak remains unexplained[4]. A similar outbreak[5] was occurring simultaneously in Lombardy, Italy.

The following month the Deputy Director of the CIA participated in a pandemic tabletop exercise, Event 201, that modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic and, after years of reducing headcount, the CDC began hiring quarantine managers:

In January, after private briefings on the COVID-19 pandemic, five senators avoided significant losses by selling major stock holdings and 219 CEOs, the largest cohort ever, retired at the top of the stock market.

On January 3 ILINet[6] was functioning normally when the WHO alerted the CDC to Covid-19. When Beijing uploaded its genetic sequence a week later the CDC forbade its sentinels, including UW’s Dr. Helen Chu[7], to test for it. A New York Times reader commented[8] that such information suppression is common with the CDC, “I presume her lab continues to conduct the tests for research but is barred from sharing the results with public health authorities. I used to be the principal investigator on an IRB-approved, non-clinical brain imaging study for research many years ago. We decided that in the rare case we detected an abnormality in a participant’s brain, we would strongly suggest that they consult a clinician. Similarly, perhaps your lab could inform a participant testing positive for the virus in your study to seek medical attention immediately.” Two months later Dr. Chu ignored the CDC’s injunction and immediately discovered Covid-19 fatalities in Seattle. The CDC still obstructs and discourages testing.

DETROIT – A NURSE was found dead from coronavirus after her employer reportedly refused to test her because she wasn’t showing symptoms. Lisa Ewald, 53, worked as a nurse at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit for more than 20 years but died last week after being exposed to the deadly virus. Ewald said she believed she was exposed to the coronavirus by a patient around March 24 while working in the emergency room. Neighbor Alexis Fernandez said Ewald immediately tried to get herself tested, but was told by her employer she couldn’t until she showed symptoms. According to her family, the nurse was refused a test twice.

WASHINGTON — A coroner in Indiana wanted to know if the coronavirus had killed a man in early March, but said that her health department denied a test. Paramedics in New York City say that many patients who died at home were never tested for the coronavirus, even if they showed telltale signs of infection. In Virginia, a funeral director prepared the remains of three people after health workers cautioned her that they each had tested positive for the coronavirus. But only one of the three had the virus noted on the death certificate. Across the United States, even as coronavirus deaths are being recorded in terrifying numbers—many hundreds each day—the true death toll is likely much higher. New York Times, April 7, 2020.

Hunting for Patient Zero

Chinese research shows that the virus was introduced into their country from elsewhere, Japanese and Taiwanese studies point to the US as its likely source, and Russian and Czech authorities share their suspicions.[9] Kristian Andersen, a Scripps Institute evolutionary biologist, said it is ‘entirely plausible’ that infected persons brought the virus into the seafood market from somewhere outside and dated their ‘most recent common ancestor’ as early as 1 October 2019, when US athletes participated in the 2019 Military World games in Wuhan. Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown University, said the first infection has been confirmed as occurring in November 2019, (not in Wuhan), suggesting the virus originated elsewhere. “One group put the origin of the outbreak as early as 18 September 2019. China must have realized the epidemic did not originate in that Wuhan Huanan seafood market.” Lucey also noted that MERS was originally believed to have come from a patient in Saudi Arabia in June of 2012 but later, more thorough studies traced it to an earlier hospital outbreak of unexplained pneumonia in Jordan in April of that year and Western media’s origin stories about SARS, MERS, and ZIKA have all later proven wrong.

Circumstantial Evidence

  • The Director of the CDC is a career military officer and a non-scientist.
  • The CDC blocked Covid-19 testing for months and still obstructs it.
  • The CDC discusses Covid-19 in a top secret, secure facility because, staffers said, “It has something to do with China.”
  • Only under persistent Congressional questioning did the CDC Director reluctantly reveal the existence of earlier cases that had been diagnosed as influenza.
  • The CDC Director flatly refuses to discuss Patient Zero.
  • Western media show no interest in investigating Patient Zero.
  • Western media dismiss questions about Patient Zero as ‘political’ despite the fact that they are scientific.
  • Powerful US Government officials acted on foreknowledge of the epidemic
  • The media have been attacking the World Health Organization for months.
  • President Trump has threatened to de-fund the WHO.

Death of a Thousand Cuts

It appears that China has chosen to play offense this time and its weapons may prove decisive. Most American medical laboratories employ Chinese researchers, some of whom smuggled hospital tissue samples to China during the period under discussion. This explains the FBI’s medical panic[10] last Fall, the CDC’s secrecy, and the Chinese Government’s brazen demand that the US reveal Patient Zero. If China has biological samples of American Covid-19 from 2019, then its demand is just the opening shot in a war of perceptions. Uncharacteristically, Chinese diplomats have ensured that a global audience is paying attention by repeating its challenge in major languages:

Next, to garner publicity for an analysis that could have been performed on a desktop, China chose Tianhe, the world’s first petaflop computer, to compare lung images attributed to vaping and to Covid-19. Using AI-assisted analysis whose algorithm’s accuracy is over 99 percent, Tianhe-1 found a high probability of Covid-19 in the CAT image of a patient who became severely ill between July and August in North Carolina. The features included white patches encroaching on the lower parts of both lungs, a phenomenon raising the eyebrows of some radiologists at the early stage of the outbreak because it was rarely seen in other types of pneumonia. Said the AI-generated report, “The image shows features of Covid-19, and a comprehensive diagnosis is recommended in combination with epidemiological information and other clinical characteristics.” The patient was one of five who presented at the WakeMed Hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina at about the same time, with acute lung injuries, according to information on the CDC website. Dr Kevin Davidson, who led a medical team that examined the patients at WakeMed, defended the original diagnosis but, said a Wuhan doctor, “The disagreement between Tianhe and WakeMed could be resolved by a laboratory test for the new coronavirus in the patient’s samples. If the samples are no longer available, an antibody test can be performed instead.” Pigs will fly…

Truth and Consequences

There are more rounds to be fought but, if China wins, will be sweet revenge for America’s many biological attacks since 1951[11], including Harvard’s theft of thousands of biological samples in the 1990s, and recent epidemics of mysterious origins. With ninety percent of its workforce already back in operation, if China does wins, where will the world be in twelve months if

  • Covid-19, like Swine Flu and Spanish Flu, began in the United States?
  • Covid-19 began at a notoriously unsafe military biowarfare facility?
  • The US Government and media covered it up?
  • The US blamed an innocent nation?
  • The US scapegoated the WHO?
  • The US mishandled its own outbreak disastrously?
  • The US coverup precipitated another financial crisis?
  • China again rescued the world from the American recession?
For politicians seeking to deflect attention from their own shortcomings and curry favor with the new superpower, blaming America may prove irresistible.

Postscript: That HHS and the CDC might be involved in villainy is not news. In the 1980s Linus Pauling described the criminal lengths to which HHS went to discredit years of promising research on Vitamin C’s effects on the longevity of thousands of cancer patients.
The US now try to avoid these inquiry by now blaming China with false accusations. China foreign minister shall now demand US to release info about Maatje Benassi and her health condition. Did she infected with covid-19 and if, when?
EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan laboratory not as a bioweapon, but as part of China's effort to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States, multiple sources who have been briefed on the details of early actions by China's government and seen relevant materials tell Fox News.

This may be the "costliest government coverup of all time," one of the sources said.

The sources believe the initial transmission of the virus was bat-to-human, and that "patient zero" worked at the laboratory, then went into the population in Wuhan.

Asked by Fox News' John Roberts about the reporting, President Trump remarked at Wednesday's coronavirus press briefing, "More and more we're hearing the story...we are doing a very thorough examination of this horrible situation."

Documents detail early efforts by doctors at the lab and early efforts at containment. The Wuhan wet market initially identified as a possible point of origin never sold bats, and the sources tell Fox News that blaming the wet market was an effort by China to deflect blame from the laboratory, along with the country's propaganda efforts targeting the U.S. and Italy.

U.S. Embassy officials warned in January 2018about inadequate safety at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab and passed on information about scientists conducting risky research on coronavirus from bats, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Responding to the report, Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Tuesday afternoon: "It should be no surprise to you that we have taken a keen interest in that and we've had a lot of intelligence take a hard look at that. I would just say at this point, it's inconclusive, although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural, but we don't know for certain."

Americans were originally helping train the Chinese in a program called PREVENT well before the Chinese started working on this virus. The French government helped the Chinese set up the Wuhan lab.

China "100 percent" suppressed data and changed data, the sources tell Fox News. Samples were destroyed, contaminated areas scrubbed, some early reports erased, and academic articles stifled.

There were doctors and journalists who were "disappeared" warning of the spread of the virus and its contagious nature and human to human transmission. China moved quickly to shut down travel domestically from Wuhan to the rest of China, but did not stop international flights from Wuhan.

Additionally, the sources tell Fox News the World Health Organization (WHO) was complicit from the beginning in helping China cover its tracks.

Trump announced at the White House coronavirus news briefing in the Rose Garden on Tuesday that the United States will immediately halt all funding for the WHO, saying it had put "political correctness over lifesaving measures." The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period.

Senior administrations separately tell Fox News the rollout of the president’s “blueprint for re-opening the U.S. economy” will happen Thursday afternoon, first for governors and then briefed to the press.

Meanwhile, Trump's own handling of the crisis has come into focus. On January 24, for example, Trump tweeted in praise of China’s “transparency" on coronavirus.

Though they were not speaking for the president, the sources ventured an explanation, saying it was diplomatic talk to make the Chinese "feel good". while the investigation was ongoing, with trade and other talks happening simultaneously.

In the six days after top Chinese officials secretly determined they likely were facing a pandemic from a new coronavirus, the city of Wuhan at the epicenter of the disease hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people; millions began traveling through for Lunar New Year celebrations.

President Xi Jinping warned the public on the seventh day, Jan. 20. But by that time, more than 3,000 people had been infected during almost a week of public silence.

“This is tremendous,” said Zuo-Feng Zhang, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. “If they took action six days earlier, there would have been much fewer patients and medical facilities would have been sufficient. We might have avoided the collapse of Wuhan’s medical system.”


If proven to be true the ramifications for China would be unreal.

This is a great piece of fiction. Seriously though this is a pure propaganda piece

The US now try to avoid these inquiry by now blaming China with false accusations. China foreign minister shall now demand US to release info about Maatje Benassi and her health condition. Did she infected with covid-19 and if, when?

Her specifically is a craps shot. The whole USA team is who did the spreading in Wuhan.
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