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Sophistication of Indian tech is now sufficient to build a Rafale


Apr 20, 2011
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I see so many Indian posters who are fan boys of Dassault Rafale.

This shows they have no confidence in their own engineers and sientists. Which is really sad to see.

Aerospace industry and capacity of India is now among the best.

So do not waste money on buying 100s of Dassault Rafales. By a squadran or two.

Save the hard earned billions and build your own.

Sure it may take a bit of time, but it will be yours.

And above all, it will give high tech jobs to 1000s of Indians instead of exporting them to EU>
There's still a lot of work needed, LCA was a good aircraft with a fair bit of potential, the imports, delays and mismanagement are killing it in my opinion, and one too many foreign components. As a Pakistani I can honestly say, a capable LCA fielded in numbers would be a more worrisome development than imports of Rafale or other foreign aircraft.
I see so many Indian posters who are fan boys of Dassault Rafale.

This shows they have no confidence in their own engineers and sientists. Which is really sad to see.

Aerospace industry and capacity of India is now among the best.

So do not waste money on buying 100s of Dassault Rafales. By a squadran or two.

Save the hard earned billions and build your own.

Sure it may take a bit of time, but it will be yours.

And above all, it will give high tech jobs to 1000s of Indians instead of exporting them to EU>

Sirji we appreciate your concern.
But we know our limitations ,once our leaders try to establish a aerospace industry by developing HF marut.But our own corrupt bureacrats blocked its further development.
Then we initiate LCA program.Even if it takes some delay now we have a mature light fighter.But LCA cant come even nearer to Rafale in capabilities.
IAF need midclass fighters having twin engine .If we try for
our own twin engine then result will be duble the cost of MMRCA and less capable than Rafale.
AFAIK this MMRCA have 50% offset. Means half of that amount will reinvested in our industry.
FGFA is still in conceptual choice or in other we dont have any choice.
Sirji we appreciate your concern.
But we know our limitations ,once our leaders try to establish a aerospace industry by developing HF marut.But our own corrupt bureacrats blocked its further development.
Then we initiate LCA program.Even if it takes some delay now we have a mature light fighter.But LCA cant come even nearer to Rafale in capabilities.
IAF need midclass fighters having twin engine .If we try for
our own twin engine then result will be duble the cost of MMRCA and less capable than Rafale.
AFAIK this MMRCA have 50% offset. Means half of that amount will reinvested in our industry.
FGFA is still in conceptual choice or in other we dont have any choice.

off course, the next gen Indian version will be less capable.

But at least the step in the right direction.

if you buy Rafale now, India will be robbed of money and chances to refine its own industry and products.
There's still a lot of work needed, LCA was a good aircraft with a fair bit of potential, the imports, delays and mismanagement are killing it in my opinion, and one too many foreign components. As a Pakistani I can honestly say, a capable LCA fielded in numbers would be a more worrisome development than imports of Rafale or other foreign aircraft.

But LCA capabalities are much limited.Not good in NE theatre .But we will get necessary advanced tech from this deal.
As an Indian ,perhaps this deal would be the last deal of importing.In coming years we will either develop our fighter or JV .
Sirji we appreciate your concern.
But we know our limitations ,once our leaders try to establish a aerospace industry by developing HF marut.But our own corrupt bureacrats blocked its further development.
Then we initiate LCA program.Even if it takes some delay now we have a mature light fighter.But LCA cant come even nearer to Rafale in capabilities.
IAF need midclass fighters having twin engine .If we try for
our own twin engine then result will be duble the cost of MMRCA and less capable than Rafale.
AFAIK this MMRCA have 50% offset. Means half of that amount will reinvested in our industry.
FGFA is still in conceptual choice or in other we dont have any choice.

Actually Rafale can do all roles that a SU30 can do, and can do it equally good or better. Except that flankers come with additional payload and range.
Sirji we appreciate your concern.
But we know our limitations ,once our leaders try to establish a aerospace industry by developing HF marut.But our own corrupt bureacrats blocked its further development.
Then we initiate LCA program.Even if it takes some delay now we have a mature light fighter.But LCA cant come even nearer to Rafale in capabilities.
IAF need midclass fighters having twin engine .If we try for
our own twin engine then result will be duble the cost of MMRCA and less capable than Rafale.
AFAIK this MMRCA have 50% offset. Means half of that amount will reinvested in our industry.
FGFA is still in conceptual choice or in other we dont have any choice.
These are reasons ... true - but unfortunately sound more like excuses. Especially after sending a probe to Mars, we have no legs to stand on and justify the failure (yes) of our home grown fighter/multi-role etc.
off course, the next gen Indian version will be less capable.

But at least the step in the right direction.

if you buy Rafale now, India will be robbed of money and chances to refine its own industry and products.

sirjee, there is a great threat from china. china recent behavior with her neighbors is not at all encouraging. there is a price to pay for peace. anyways, apart from getting 126 rafales, we are getting TOT and there is also 50 % offset clause.
Actually Rafale can do all roles that a SU30 can do, and can do it equally good or better. Except that flankers come with additional payload and range.

Actually Su-30MKI capable of doing the job of Rafale and much more. Still there are people boasting for Rafale :hitwall:
off course, the next gen Indian version will be less capable.

But at least the step in the right direction.

if you buy Rafale now, India will be robbed of money and chances to refine its own industry and products.

But we dont have sufficient industries.Our private sectors are still infant stage when it comes to the Aerospace industry.Our one and only industry HAL is just not enough for Dassault.
Time is also a issue we dont have any other choice otherwise our squadrons will depleted.LCA mk2 is the real fighter that needed for IAF not mk1.
But if we get this deal then we will get advanced tech and fighters also.
These are reasons ... true - but unfortunately sound more like excuses. Especially after sending a probe to Mars, we have no legs to stand on and justify the failure (yes) of our home grown fighter/multi-role etc.
Actually Mars mission was simpler than making a state of art fighter. Mars mission was based on proven technology. It is not a competition where your performance should be better than others. And most of the tech was already available. Developing a 4th gen fighter means developing a lot of critical, cutting edge techs.
sirjee, there is a great threat from china. china recent behavior with her neighbors is not at all encouraging. there is a price to pay for peace. anyways, apart from getting 126 rafales, we are getting TOT and there is also 50 % offset clause.

Chinese are building their own. So I doubt they will beat Indian programs in sophistication and capabilities. (any time soon).

Looks like some baboos are getting huge commission in the deal.

And TOT is for Tots (kids).

No country will ever give you or I, their sophisticated tech.
Actually Mars mission was simpler than making a state of art fighter. Mars mission was based on proven technology. It is not a competition where your performance should be better than others. And most of the tech was already available. Developing a 4th gen fighter means developing a lot of critical, cutting edge techs.

There is tech

And there is determination.

If determination is lacking, no tech can help.
India needs to ditch both Rafale and pak-fa. It will save you about $40 Billion. Rope in foreign partners to develop LCA and AMCA jointly. India has the smarts to make it happen while keeping the R&D for future use. This is a bold step for which the biggest resistance will come from IAF which frankly and seriously needs to ground those widow making Migs and put them out of service.

Reduced numbers of fighter squadrons is a reality IAF brass needs to make peace with, its a chronic problem which is here to stay for the next decade. Even if India signs Rafale deal in 015, those jets won't complete delivery till 2020-21.

The integration of the jet into operations is a whole different game. Unlike your 50cc scooter, a Rafale would have to be adopted, integrated, tested and tested again, pilots and ground staff would have to be re trained, new gear would come and ultimately new tactics would have to be developed to use the jet for the reason it was bought for.

For a Pro organization like IAF it may not be an unchartered territory but throw in the Tejas, FGFA, Mirage H, Fulcrum SMT, Sukhoi upgrade, C-130s, C-17s and possibly Chinooks and Apache's in the same regime and my opinion becomes visible.
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