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Something big will happen this March


Nov 2, 2017
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United States
United States
War, and natural disaster such like earthquake, or global economic crisis.... will happen this March. It won't happen naturally, it will be man made.

The Pentagon’s “Ides of March”: Best Month to Go to War

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, March 01, 2018

Timeline of March Military Interventions (1965- 2017)

Recent history confirms that with the exception of Afghanistan (October 2001) and the 1990-91 Gulf War, all major US-NATO led military operations over a period of almost half a century –since the invasion of Vietnam by US ground forces on March 8, 1965– have been initiated in the month of March.

The Vietnam War

The US Congress adopted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized President Lyndon Johnson to dispatch ground forces to Vietnam on March 8, 1965.

On 8 March 1965, 3,500 U.S. Marines were dispatched to South Vietnam marking the beginning of “America’s ground war”.

NATO’s War on Yugoslavia
Well, what about the operations in which some other country was acting on behalf of USA? Allah knows better, my personal calculation is when Israel will jump properly in Syria, India will jump properly on Pakistan. And see, summers are good for wars, and Summer has only hit Asia yet(Europe still cold). So yes, Asia, and war. Can't say about March, but this year, this seems feasible for Israel and India, as till next year Chinese navy will be in Arabian sea, and Turkey will might have captured areas deep into Syria.
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I predict- How America will annihilate China @Feng Leng better quit pleasuring yourself and suit up for the attack and imminent death!

same ratio, same conscript army, but with no war experience as in the case of China

Winnie the 'Xi" POOH is within our target.
Don't know about the others, but the US backed terrorists are being surgically routed out in Afrin during March....
We thank you for your taxpayer dollars for helping us back these 'terrorist' groups that attack Turkey. You are a great Turkey yourself for doing so :D

I'm 100% Full Blooded American; The Indian flag in my profile is forced upon me because they don't like the substance of my posts and taking on bullies.
I predict- How America will annihilate China @Feng Leng better quit pleasuring yourself and suit up for the attack and imminent death!

same ratio, same conscript army, but with no war experience as in the case of China

Winnie the 'Xi" POOH is within our target.
LOL Amerikkka caved to nuclear blackmail from our attack dog North Korea!

North Korea nuclear 'blackmail' aimed at direct US talks

And all you can do now is boast about your shupa powa like India :rofl:
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