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Some reasons why the French language is the worst...

Numbers were the hardest to learn :-(
The alphabet 'r' required a throat clearing sound to pronounce correctly :D[ry/quote]

Oh, there's always a work-around; try an 'h' sound instead:

Place de la Hepublique


Even to this day
Je na parle pas tres bien francais :D
C,est tres difficile
In some cases meanings can change so not a really effective hack i would say :D
Grand Pere(Grandfather) could end up sounding like Grand Peche(Grand Peach)
In some cases meanings can change so not a really effective hack i would say :D
Grand Pere(Grandfather) could end up sounding like Grand Peche(Grand Peach)

As a grandfather in good standing, that would be a reasonable option. :p:
Numbers are easy. However,things get complicated from 70. Soixante-dix (60+10)

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You teach them mathematics before they even learn numbers :D

Numbers are easy. However,things get complicated from 70. Soixante-dix (60+10)

View attachment 421197
What do you call the alphabet G in German?
@SMS Derfflinger

. . .
Well they shortened the important sentences :D
J ai faim :D

Its their (French) craftsmanship.
Their country their rules.
Statute of liberty was made in France, who gave the USA this, as a gift.
As expected, a dumb European will bring up hurr durr like this.

We are talking about language, culture, and so on. Nobody talked about political institutions and scientific advancement etc.

My point was about French being proud of their (social) culture...as in, their everyday culture. Their language, dressing, societal norms, marriage, cuisine, family, music, and blah blah blah.

That is where it is utterly hilarious to see French taking pride. Yeah, it might be a bit better than trash called American culture of today---but French culture is sh*t as it comes. Again, talking about social culture here.

Pakistan's culture outperforms French in many, many aspects (and vice versa, offcourse).

Hell, majority of children in France are born out of wedlock. So basically lowly bastards :lol: Yeah much wow, so much 'culture' and civilization. Loool! French food is average at best. And yes, I am talking about FRENCH FOOD in France (well to be honest I had it in Paris. But that counts?).

Pakistani cuisine is far superior, Pakistan's clothing styles are far more diverse and colorful, Pakistan's family culture is significantly better where our girls don't whore themselves around and produce babies willy nilly, and I can go on and on. Our language, Urdu, is beautiful and poetic. And going by this thread, definitely not limited and shitty like French. Tradition and heritage is valued and lived throughout our land unlike in France.

France have better institutions, education/science, influence, and all that. But then again, nobody is in dispute with that to begin with.

In term of social culture, French are below average..just like almost all of West. If we take culture to be achievements, education, scientific advancements, military power, and yada yada---well, then U.S culture is supreme and nobody even comes slightly close...

The French dominates Urdu. Noone outside Pakistan is interested,
so it does not add to human culture in the same way as French.
Where are the Pakistani equivalent of Voltaire, Moliére, Jean-Paul Sartres, Descartes,
Émile Zola, Marcel Proist, Victor Hugo?
People study French worldwide, because it has something to offer.

Pakistani men act like whores as soon they get a chance, and women are
subject to limitations enforced by Arab culture, not indigenous culture.
Pakistani is mono cultural, and does not have the diversification of advanced cultures.

Manners were invented by the French, Pakistanis are not known for it.

Your personal preferences are not shared by the world.
"Pakistani" restaurants therefore often serve Indian food.
We all know what happened to Babu, when he opened a Pakistani restaurant.

If we take culture to be achievements, education, scientific advancements, military power, and yada yada---well, then France dwarfs Pakistan.
@AUz Why so much butthurtism ?

France is renown worlwide because of language,its rich history,culture,art,intellect,cuisine,haute couture,architecture etc.

Also respected because of its institutions,its healthcare,its social welfare,its transport systems and public infrastructures,its independant military industry,its landscapes,it's diplomatic network etc. I could continue,sorry no offence but Pakistan doesn't come near than that. And your rantings on a forum is going to change nothing.

Hell, majority of children in France are born out of wedlock. So basically lowly bastards :lol: Yeah much wow, so much 'culture' and civilization. Loool! French food is average at best. And yes, I am talking about FRENCH FOOD in France (well to be honest I had it in Paris. But that counts?).

In France, births outside marriage now occur most often within stable couples. And 95% of these children are recognized by their father, most just before or just after birth.

Moreover, in France, many children born out of wedlock are legitimized after the marriage of their parents who have become accustomed to marrying often after the birth of the second baby.
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I had a share of French when we were shooting in Quebec, Canada.

Damn you have one difficult language.

What is written isn't pronounced and whatever letter is mentioned on the paper isn't what it is. When one finally figures out how to pronounce it, the meaning also starts varying!


My mother tongue also has some issues like this but not to this level!
. .
@AUz Why so much butthurtism ?
Effects secondaires de syndrome de la internet tough guy :D

It`s more like the sound of this...

...and we let the G fade away in the end.:enjoy:

Thats a really big turkey shooter you got there :sniper:

As expected, a dumb European will bring up hurr durr like this.

We are talking about language, culture, and so on. Nobody talked about political institutions and scientific advancement etc.

My point was about French being proud of their (social) culture...as in, their everyday culture. Their language, dressing, societal norms, marriage, cuisine, family, music, and blah blah blah.

That is where it is utterly hilarious to see French taking pride. Yeah, it might be a bit better than trash called American culture of today---but French culture is sh*t as it comes. Again, talking about social culture here.

Pakistan's culture outperforms French in many, many aspects (and vice versa, offcourse).

Hell, majority of children in France are born out of wedlock. So basically lowly bastards :lol: Yeah much wow, so much 'culture' and civilization. Loool! French food is average at best. And yes, I am talking about FRENCH FOOD in France (well to be honest I had it in Paris. But that counts?).

Pakistani cuisine is far superior, Pakistan's clothing styles are far more diverse and colorful, Pakistan's family culture is significantly better where our girls don't whore themselves around and produce babies willy nilly, and I can go on and on. Our language, Urdu, is beautiful and poetic. And going by this thread, definitely not limited and shitty like French. Tradition and heritage is valued and lived throughout our land unlike in France.

France have better institutions, education/science, influence, and all that. But then again, nobody is in dispute with that to begin with.

In term of social culture, French are below average..just like almost all of West. If we take culture to be achievements, education, scientific advancements, military power, and yada yada---well, then U.S culture is supreme and nobody even comes slightly close...
Um ?

My American professors used to make fun of how French take their culture so seriously and how they think of it so highly.

French language is alright. Nothing special. French culture is a big deal if you compare it to uncultured trash called American culture. However, French culture is nothing special compared to countries with actual centuries old culture and traditions like Pakistan etc.
Cultures arent superior or inferior certain practices are good or bad

For example the practice of mid day nap breaks may sound weird to some but its a part of Spanish culture
I had a share of French when we were shooting in Quebec, Canada.

Damn you have one difficult language.

What is written isn't pronounced and whatever letter is mentioned on the paper isn't what it is. When one finally figures out how to pronounce it, the meaning also starts varying!


My mother tongue also has some issues like this but not to this level!

Take as exemple Œufs (plurial of egg) : œufs is just pronounced ø. All those letters for that. :partay:
No idea what she is saying but she says it so nice and smooth. No harsh pronunciations. We should all ditch English and switch to French.
french sounds smooth but its an useless language
The second language one should learn after English is spanish or arabic or chinese.
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