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Some millions feeding 220 millions what a shame.

Cash GK

Sep 20, 2015
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Some millions Pakistani living abroad are making more money for Pakistan than the entire population of 220 million people, is indeed a shameful reality. Yet, it is crucial to recognize the immense contribution that Pakistani expatriates make to the country’s economy.

According to statistics released by the State Bank of Pakistan, Pakistanis living abroad contributed over $21 billion in remittances during the year 2022. This makes remittances the country’s largest source of foreign exchange reserves, exceeding the revenues generated by exports, foreign investment, and tourism combined.

These remittances from Pakistani expatriates are a lifeline for many families back home, providing essential funds for education, healthcare, and daily living expenses. However, it is not just individual families that benefit from this inflow of funds. The entire economy benefits from the injection of foreign exchange, as it supports business growth, job creation, and infrastructure

Despite their contributions, many individuals living in Pakistan disrespect these Pakistanis. This can be due to a variety of reasons ranging from perceived disloyalty, envy, and admiration to complete disregard. However, this attitude is detrimental to the nation's unity and prosperity.
Some millions Pakistani living abroad are making more money for Pakistan than the entire population of 220 million people, is indeed a shameful reality. Yet, it is crucial to recognize the immense contribution that Pakistani expatriates make to the country’s economy.

According to statistics released by the State Bank of Pakistan, Pakistanis living abroad contributed over $21 billion in remittances during the year 2022. This makes remittances the country’s largest source of foreign exchange reserves, exceeding the revenues generated by exports, foreign investment, and tourism combined.

These remittances from Pakistani expatriates are a lifeline for many families back home, providing essential funds for education, healthcare, and daily living expenses. However, it is not just individual families that benefit from this inflow of funds. The entire economy benefits from the injection of foreign exchange, as it supports business growth, job creation, and infrastructure

Despite their contributions, many individuals living in Pakistan disrespect these Pakistanis. This can be due to a variety of reasons ranging from perceived disloyalty, envy, and admiration to complete disregard. However, this attitude is detrimental to the nation's unity and prosperity.

Not only that
Expatriates are often ripped off by their own family members who are lazy and picky when it come to have a steady job. Its not uncommon for a expatriate to come back to his home country, only to realize that relatives and local strongmen have looted his hard earned money and preoperties.
Problem isn't that the rest of 215 million are incompetent, lazy or non-productive. In other countries, those governments know how to utilize your skills and they use it. Pakistan and it's administration have no use for atleast 100 million of its population. The same unemployed, dependent, lazy person when go to Europe or Canada, he earns a million Pkr atleast. What changes ?
Truth is the entire pakistani population is being kept in dark ages on purpose so the shadowy elite figures can feed without any challenge. Dumb educated zombie like population is in thier best interest. Look at sindh and rural Punjab.
Truth is the entire pakistani population is being kept in dark ages on purpose so the shadowy elite figures can feed without any challenge. Dumb educated zombie like population is in thier best interest. Look at sindh and rural Punjab.
Much agree with you on that one as the likes of Zardari and Nawaz and Molana diesel in power we don’t expect Pakistanis to have true freedom..

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