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Soldiers battle it out in Cambrian Patrol Selection Trials


Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom

Bangalore: The Cambrian Patrol Selection Trials (CPST) are one of the most prestigious professional competitions held in the Indian Army. It is held to select one team to represent the Indian Army at the exclusive patrolling exercise conducted by the British Army annually at Sennybridge Training Area (SENTA) of Wales, in Brecon, United Kingdom. Cambrian Patrol is a true reflection of professionalism of one’s Army and is designed to provide a challenging situation to develop operational capabilities and test the professional acumen of a small team.
During the Express' recent visit to the facilities of the Commando Wing (CW) in Belgaum, patrols participating in the CPST were seen returning after completing their reconnaissance missions. For the soldiers and their unit, getting selected to represent the nation on an international platform is a matter of great pride and honour.


The CPST is held at CW every year and the best teams from Indian Army are selected after trials at various levels to represent their Commands. “The exercise is set as a mission oriented tactical patrol in semi mountainous terrain. It focuses on evaluating patrols for their leadership, team work, physical fitness, patrolling, basic military skills, casualty evacuation, handling of prisoners of war, CBRN warfare (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) and fighting in built up area,” says Major Amol Kalel, Instructor, CW.
“The teams are assessed for knowledge of weapon, equipment held with NATO/WARSAW nations, CBRN, weapon handling and field craft and battle craft. Each team comprises of one officer, one junior commissioned officer or one non-commissioned officer and eight other ranks. Teams generally prepare for close to five months and are highly motivated, skillful, intelligent and possess great mental as well as physical robustness,” says Major Amol.


The trials are conducted over a period of 12 days in three phases. The initial phase consists of preparation and acclimatisation, second phase assesses preparatory drills before the reconnaissance and surveillance exercise and third phase is the exercise itself. Two teams are selected to represent the country. In the initial phase, the teams arrive at CW five days prior to commencement and acclimatise, as many report from Kashmir, high altitude areas of Sikkim and far flung regions of North East India. “In assessment for their preparation each individual is tested for his ability to swim 50 meters in combat fatigues with shoes. In this phase teams’ equipment is checked for their serviceability and correctness,” he said.
In the final phase, a mix of conventional and sub conventional tactical scenario is depicted. “Tasks such as infiltrating into enemy territory, linking up with friendly agents to gain information of targets, carrying out close reconnaissance of target and preparation of reconnaissance reports are done by the participants. Teams are also required to undertake crossing of a water obstacle approximately 100 meters wide enroute with combat load under simulated combat conditions,” says Major Amol.


This entire exercise is conducted over a period of 72 hours covering a distance of more than 60 kms of arduous terrain. The entire exercise is set in a manner so as to progress from one drill to another in a sequence. At no point of time there is any logistic pause in the exercise and it is ensured that teams are on the move for the complete duration. Teams are assessed for various drills as they navigate from check point to check point.


Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Making of a Commando-6 | Soldiers battle it out to become India's Army's best unit | Cambrian Patrol Selection Trials (CPST) test capabilities to the core

Before anyone says it- the PA won this back in 2010!

I'm sure the IA would like to emulate their neighbor's success!
Does IA specially trains its participants for this event? lol
Does IA specially trains its participants for this event? lol

Nope but we end up holding selection trials...its either that or arbitrarily select a team and disregard the scores of other soldiers who want to participate. Ergo we employ a selection process to be duly fair. Too many aspirants. Lol.
Does IA specially trains its participants for this event? lol

Where does article say it is training? It is very clear that it is selection or trials. IMHO, there is huge gap between training and trial.

Does IA specially trains its participants for this event? lol

Where does article say it is training? It is very clear that it is selection or trials. IMHO, there is huge gap between training and trial.
Does IA specially trains its participants for this event? lol
It never surprises me the number of members here who selectively forget how to read/comprehend such articles.

The word "train" does not appear ONCE in the entire article. The word TRAIL and SELECTION appears numerous times.

The IA is 1.2 million men+ strong with 365 infantry battalions how else does the IA pick a unit to represent them in an international event? Let me tell you EVERY proffesional army will conduct similar selection processes to put together a unit to send to such competitions. I'd assume the PA does the same, if you are saying they don't then I'd be very surprised.

They already did. Guess who won in 2011?:azn:

Indian Army awarded best patrolling force in the world - India - DNA

(It was a team from the 4th battalion of 9 Gorkha Rifles regiment.)

Here is an iconic picture of a jawan from that particular regiment, patiently sharpening his khukri:


Mate, had complety slipped my mind! Thanks for reminding me!!
@ Abingdonboy

Nice last pic of room intervention by regulars..check their knee pad.
Yeah bud- pic caught my eye too. Great to see regulars practicing such manoeuvres.

+ @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR did you notice the knee and elbow pads seem to be woven into the uniform? Pretty interesting IMHO, the US army has been experimenting with similar ideas too IIRC.

Could be nothing, could be something........
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