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So Whose Country is it?

Humble Pakistani


New Recruit

Apr 27, 2013
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The Nation is at war and a major offensive has been launched against an enemy who has caused havoc on the country including the deaths of over 50,000 civilians and military personal. The Prime Minister announces the war and next day leaves, with a high level delegation, for a “scheduled” visit to Tajikistan. While the chief of army staff, who had a scheduled visit to Sri Lanka the same day cancelled it, citing that the country is in a state of active war so the trip can wait. But not for the country’s Prime Minister! This is what happens when the people who come to power with rigged elections are given the reigns of the country. The do not care. The travesty is that these people are patriotic Pakistanis while the Army Chief who has served the nation diligently all his live without one proven case of corruption against him or his kin is on trial for treason and being called a traitor.

The question is very simple… Why do we as a nation should question the current and past rulers of Pakistan? The answer is even simpler; the last two civilian “democracies” have everything in common. Both the PPP and PMLN leaderships have their vast majority of wealth starched overseas. They come in power just to loot Pakistan, even scores and add on to their illegal wealth. We have seen this since PPP came into power some six years ago. They disbanded the local governments all over the country. Aren’t the local governments responsible for the betterment and uplift of a common person? And isn’t that the grassroots of democracy? So why do the “champions of democracy” not care about local governments and betterment of a common Pakistani?

Time has come to think very hard and answer the questions above. What happened today in Lahore under a so called ‘democratically’ elected government where eight people of another political party were gunned down and scores injured by the police is another feather in the crown of democracy in Pakistan! We had not seen the kind of high handedness even during the rule of the “traitor dictator.”

Pakistan has the potential of becoming among the “GREATEST” nations on this planet. The proof is in the pudding; it has been looted constantly by its civilian leaders, who are today among few hundred billionaires worldwide, but the country is still standing and still offering its blood to these looters. Time is here to pluck these blood suckers, once and for all, and burn them on the stake so the wealth that Pakistan has to offer tickles down to the common person who can give his family a better life with education for his/her children, three healthy meals, safe drinking water, safe and secure environment, and a country to be proud about. This the Pakistan the Quaid, Mohammad Ali Jinnah had envisioned. Let us start rebuilding one again. Let us start today!

Source:So Whose Country is it? | The Pakistani Spectator
It is high time someone announced trial a politician season! or simply just hang em, "readjust their plane" or their oven ...anything I mean there are soo many hand for hire...all the nation has to do is get together...the day that happens we will be liberated from half our problems!
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