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Snakes in our midst

Ahmet Pasha

May 23, 2017
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United States
Illuminati/Freemason lifafa journalist and an important weapon of 5th gen war for foreign powers is still busy maligning military and supporting Indian narrative.

Notice how he listens very quitely to other guys. But heavily interferes when honorable Gen sab barely starts speaking. Constantly interrupts the Gen sab with useless questions.

And the Mosharraf scoundrel foreign stooge.

Malick and Mosharraf foreign useless idiots didnt let the Gen sab prove the point that India like it's proxies (TTP) is a Lernean Hydra if they fail to trap us in FATF then they will find try other deceitfull plots. Just like the Hydra if you will cut off one head India will grow another.

If you defeat TTP, they will try amalgamating ISIS-K with TTP. Ok now, we bombard their bases in Afghanistan. India grows another head now they team up with global kuffar such as USA, Israel, France etc and try to attack you. We cut off this head too. Now India grows another head. This time using same team India brings FATF upon you.

Also Gen sab had another valid point. That the same fking media is not able to tell Pakistan's story how we lost TENS OF THOUSANDS OF LIVES. I mean there were MULTIPLE terror attacks against us where we lost HUNDREDS OF INNOCENT LIVES IN ONE GO. If even one incident like this happens in West they incade 4-5 countries. Same fking lifafa media is never able to highlight Kulbhushan Yadav.
Then same fking media dares accuse military of ill doing????

This is the point Gen sab was trying to prove. But these turncoats throw a tantrum. Painting army as culprit. And spewing out Indian narrative in sugar coated words.

PTI govt to me smells fishy they gave away too many bargaining chips. Ok maybe releasing Abhinandan turned to be a good thing.
But our stance against Indian spewed venom should have been we never found any proof.

Even if Khan is honest. There are same turncoats/usefull idiots being used by foreign powers and agencies against Pakistan.
Mosharraf saala Beaconhouse ki pedawaar. I myself am a Beaconhouse alum alhamdulilah God saved me from extremist liberalism.

But on the most part such schools are emerging as missionaries of EXTREMIST LET'S WORSHIP THE WEST IDEOLOGY. And when graduates of such educational institutions go abroad for study. The foreign agencies whisk them away and show them amazing dreams and make them their agents. Hence they use our own cream against us.
Mosharraf saala Beaconhouse ki pedawaar. I myself am a Beaconhouse alum alhamdulilah God saved me from extremist liberalism.

But on the most part such schools are emerging as missionaries of EXTREMIST LET'S WORSHIP THE WEST IDEOLOGY. And when graduates of such educational institutions go abroad for study. The foreign agencies whisk them away and show them amazing dreams and make them their agents. Hence they use our own cream against us.

TRUE! It has happened with me. But I believe my "Niyyat" was clean and there was a lesson to be learned from my sufferings afterwards. And I could have sold my religion for the glamorous & lofty life and I could have possessed European Passports, but do you think selling your Allah & religion for a lofty life of few days in this mortal world is a good bargain?

Now I am a Mature Man, have left my Past behind me, but painful memories are still with me. :-)
I know its ironic and funny. I wish I could have gone to different scholl. But it also makes sense when my parents explain that there didnt seem to be a better choice. When it comes to education Pakistanis are stuck between a lion and a deep ditch
I cant stop laughing hahahahha

TRUE! It has happened with me. But I believe my "Niyyat" was clean and there was a lesson to be learned from my sufferings afterwards. And I could have sold my religion for the glamorous & lofty life and I could have possessed European Passports, but do you think selling your Allah & religion for a lofty life of few days in this mortal world is a good bargain?

Now I am a Mature Man, have left my Past behind me, but painful memories are still with me. :-)
Bro would u mind sharing skme details of your story. Maybe others can learn a lesson.
Bro would u mind sharing skme details of your story. Maybe others can learn a lesson.
Bro would u mind sharing skme details of your story. Maybe others can learn a lesson.

Its a long story, and often I have thought about writing it and posting it on PDF in vivid details, but its tragic, because I suffered most!

It's the true story of a "nojawan" who aspired for ISI, studied a lot of literature related to Intelligence, appeared in the fraudulent tests for Assistant Director (IB) conducted by FPSC, and finally landed in the Camp of MOSSAD. Then that "nojawan" was lured by mossad, but was later betrayed and that betrayal resulted in his numerous sufferings and pressure.

Well, that's the summary, and no more questions!
So Mossad does operate in Af-Pak theatre??
Its a long story, and often I have thought about writing it and posting it on PDF in vivid details, but its tragic, because I suffered most!

It's the true story of a "nojawan" who aspired for ISI, studied a lot of literature related to Intelligence, appeared in the fraudulent tests for Assistant Director (IB) conducted by FPSC, and finally landed in the Camp of MOSSAD. Then that "nojawan" was lured by mossad, but was later betrayed and that betrayal resulted in his numerous sufferings and pressure.

Well, that's the summary, and no more questions!
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