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Apr 24, 2007
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Field artillery is increasingly employing precision-guided munitions in order to engage targets with greater accuracy. Christopher F Foss reports
While fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft have been able to launch precision-guided munitions (PGMs) for many years, land forces have been much slower in obtaining this capability. This is beginning to change, however, with field artillery – including towed and self-propelled (SP) guns and howitzers, as well as artillery rocket systems – now starting to deploy munitions with a PGM capability.

There is also an increasing emphasis on the development and fielding of add-on precision guidance kits (PGKs) to conventional artillery projectiles to reduce their circular error of probability (CEP).

Conventional natures of ammunition can be manufactured with much tighter tolerance, resulting in greater accuracy. A good example is Norwegian manufacturer Nammo’s new 155 mm high-explosive (HE) projectile, which is designed to provide field artillery with a significant increase in accuracy over the US-designed 155 mm M107 round. Nammo’s HE Extended-Range (HE-ER) projectile has been in development since February 2013 under a contract from the Norwegian Army, with Nammo also providing some of the finance.

The Rheinmetall Denel Munitions 155 mm V-LAP HE projectile has a streamlined shape and features BB and rocket assist to provide an extended range.
Christopher F Foss: 1642739
The projectile has a more streamlined shape than conventional 155 mm artillery rounds, thus reducing drag and increasing range. Traditionally, 155 mm artillery projectiles have been forged – which remains the first step in this manufacturing process – but the new Nammo projectile is then machined outside and inside before nosing. Machining is more precise than is possible from forging and also reduces weight and run-out variation. Another benefit from adding this extra step and manufacturing to within such strict tolerances is a reduction in dispersion when compared with traditional 155 mm projectiles.

Using a 155 mm/39-calibre ordnance, trials have shown that at a range of 20 km and using the Rheinmetall DM72 modular charge system with five modules, Nammo’s 155 mm HE-ER projectile has a deviation of +/-30 m from target. For the Nammo NM28 – which is its version of the US-developed M107 HE projectile – this figure is +/-80 m.

In addition to having improved accuracy, the HE-ER projectile also has an enhanced fragmentation effect against a wide range of battlefield targets.

It has a modular design fitted with a screw-on interchangeable base-bleed (BB) unit to achieve increased ranges. This is used as an alternative to the screw-on, hollowbase unit, used for short and medium ranges.

Another 155 mm artillery projectile featuring a more streamlined design is the extended-range, full-bore, BB projectile manufactured by South Africa’s Rheinmetall Denel Munitions.

As with all types of artillery projectile, maximum range depends on the projectile/ charge combination, weather conditions, and the altitude of the firing platform. The South African Denel Land Systems G6 155 mm/45-calibre 6x6 SP artillery system, for example, has a maximum range of 39.3 km when firing a 155 mm HE-BB projectile that increases to 53.6 km firing the Velocityenhanced Long-range Artillery Projectile (V-LAP), which contains BB and rocket assist that both increase range.

Older 155 mm/39-calibre artillery systems are now giving way to 155 mm/52-calibre versions; these have a longer range, so increased accuracy becomes even more important.

Artillery and rockets can also carry submunitions of the HE fragmentation type fitted with a high-explosive anti-tank warhead to penetrate the vulnerable upper surfaces of main battle tanks and other types of AFV.

The main drawback of these is that they often fail to activate when striking some types of terrain – especially sand, soft soil, and snow. Unexploded submunitions are a potential injury threat not only to civilians but also to follow-up forces and can delay an advance. To counter this, some are fitted with a self-destruct fuze to reduce the number of potential duds on the battlefield. With the advent of the Ottawa Convention, this type of submunition has now been banned, although not all countries have signed up to the agreement and alternative blast-type warheads are being developed.

Many armies have now replaced their conventional towed-artillery systems with tracked or wheeled SP artillery systems that are able to more rapidly come into action, carry out a fire mission, and then redeploy using ‘shoot-and-scoot’ techniques before any counter-battery fire is returned.

The new Nammo 155 mm HE-ER artillery projectile is machined inside and outside to enhance accuracy.
Nammo: 1569898
Laser-guided projectiles

The US Army first fielded the 155 mm Copperhead laser-guided projectile (LGP) many years ago, but China and Russia have more recently developed LGPs that typically enable targets to be engaged at a range of around 20 km, although this does depend on prevailing conditions and the use of forward observers.

LGPs do suffer from a number of tactical disadvantages: the forward observer has to ‘paint’ the target throughout the whole engagement process; bad weather and terrain conditions can make target acquisition and designation difficult; and engaging moving targets can also be problematic as they can move out of line of sight. Further, AFVs are now being fitted with laser warning receivers that alert the crew as to whether they have been detected by a laser rangefinder, LGP, or laser-guided anti-tank guided weapon. Nevertheless, LGPs have been successfully used in combat by both India (the Russian 155 mm Krasnopol) and the United States (the now very old Copperhead round).

The Russian Army is the largest user of LGPs and a number of these have been developed under the leadership of the KBP Instrument Design Bureau.

KBP’s 152 mm Krasnopol is fired from the 152 mm 2S19 SP artillery system and some towed artillery systems. It is fitted with an HE fragmentation (HE-FRAG) warhead and has a typical range of about 20 km. When in flight four fins unfold at the rear, with the control surfaces sited towards the front. It is used in conjunction with the tripod-mounted ID22 laser target designator/rangefinder (LTD/R) and at 20 km hit probability is claimed to be between 70 and 80%. The 155 mm version developed for export is known as the Krasnopol-M.

Also in production is the 122 mm Kitolov-2M LGP. This can be fired from 122 mm systems such as the widely deployed D-30 towed weapon and the 2S1 SP system. This is also fitted with an HE-FRAG warhead and has a maximum range of 20 km with a claimed 80% hit probability.

In recent years China has developed complete families of new ammunition for 122 mm and 155 mm weapons. This has followed Russian attempts to move to the NATO 155 mm calibre to sustain its export potential.

At least two 155 mm LGPs, designated the GP1 and GP6, are being marketed by China’s Norinco. The GP1 has a maximum range of 20 km and a claimed hit probability of 90%. The GP6 increases the range to 25 km and is claimed to be more difficult to jam. It also features multiple-laser coding technology that enables co-operative multitarget engagements.

Meanwhile, Norinco’s GP5 122 mm LGP can be fired from the widely exported Russian 122 mm D-30, thus increasing its export potential. The projectile has a firing range of from 5 to 14 km and is fitted with an HE warhead. Norinco is marketing two LTD/Rs for use with this projectile: the OL1, with a maximum range of 5 km; and the OL2, with a maximum range of 14 km.

China is known to have supplied its 155 mm PLZ45 SP artillery systems to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and has also sold its towed 155 mm artillery systems, fitted with an auxiliary power unit, to customers in the Middle East.

Despite providing materiel for the fight against Russian-backed separatists in the Donbass, the state-owned Ukrainian Defence Industry (Ukroboronprom) is continuing to market to potential overseas customers a wide range of defence products, including the 152 mm Kvitnyk-E LGP (the ‘E’ in the designation means it is for export).

The Kvitnyk-E was developed by Scientific Industrial Complex Progress and is designed to be fired from 152 mm towed and SP artillery such as the Russian-designed 2S3 and 2S19 systems.

Although the projectile was accepted into service by Ukraine in December 2012, full-scale production has yet to commence. Its maximum range is currently quoted as 20 km and the projectile is 1,250 mm long and weighs no more than 50 kg.

Ukraine is also marketing a 155 mm LGP that can be fired from more widely deployed Western artillery systems such as the M109A3/A4/A5, which is fitted with a 155 mm/39-calibre barrel.

In the past it has been reported that the Iranian 155 mm Basir LGP is similar to the Kvitnyk-E; however, major differences exist between the two projectiles. The Basir LGP has wrap fins at the rear, while the Kvitnyk-E has four pop-out rear fins.

A Chinese 122 mm GP5 laser-homing artillery weapon system as the projectile would appear during part of its flight to the target.
Norinco: 1527042
Excalibur: combat-proven

The most significant Western purpose-designed guided artillery projectile on the market is the 155 mm M982 Excalibur (a joint project between Raytheon and BAE Systems Bofors), which costs in the region of five times as much as a PGK-equipped shell but officially has a CEP of about 5 m (in practice it is said to commonly strike within 2 m of the target). As a result, US forces prefer the Excalibur where high precision is required.

Excalibur is an extended-range, autonomously guided projectile using a combination of high-glide-ratio, lifting-body airframe and tightly coupled GPS/inertial measuring unit (GPS/IMU) guidance to achieve ranges of up to 37.5 km with a high degree of precision from both the US Army’s M109A6 Paladin SP gun and 155 mm/39-calibre M777 towed artillery system.

The M982 programme encompasses a family of three projectiles, differing in their respective payloads. Increment Ia.1 carries a unitary penetrating warhead; Increment Ia.2 increases the range from 24 km to 37.5 km; and Increment Ib aims to maintain performance and capabilities while reducing unit cost and increasing reliability. As of June 2014 production runs of the Ia.2 variant have been completed.

In mid-2014 Raytheon received approval for full-rate production of the Excalibur Ib and a USD52 million contract for continued Ib production. Increment Ib deliveries are to run until fiscal year 2017.

A full-scale model of the 155 mm version of Ukraine’s Kvitnyk-E LGP with extended control surfaces at the front and four fins at the rear.
Christopher F Foss: 1642738
In early 2015 the Excalibur Ib was successfully fired from older M109A2/A3s at Yuma Proving Ground using an M119A2 charge system. It has also been successfully fired from the 155 mm/39-calibre AS90, 155 mm/52-calibre PzH 2000, 155 mm/45-calibre G6, and 155 mm/52-calibre Archer SP artillery systems, among others.

Export customers must have access to pre-determined target and firing point co-ordinates, and at present the classified US target co-ordinate mensuration software is released only to a number of select end users.

A further development, Excalibur S, is also under way. This adds a semi-active laser homing system to the usual GPS guidance, providing the capability to hit moving targets with greater precision.

Oto Melara develops Vulcano family

With sponsorship from the Italian Ministry of Defence, Oto Melara is developing the Vulcano family of 155 mm ballistic extended-range (BER) and guided long-range (GLR) projectiles, as well as 76 mm and 127 mm naval munitions.

The Vulcano projectile is of the sub-calibre type and loaded with insensitive munitions (IM)-compliant explosive and patented tungsten rings.

The BER, which has been qualified and is under low-rate initial production, is an unguided 155 mm artillery projectile with a multifunction fuze (height, impact, delayed impact, time, and self-destruct) and a range of up to 50 km.

The GLR, which is under development and qualification testing, has canard control actuated by a GPS/IMU guidance system for navigation (gliding trajectory) and possibly for terminal guidance (pull-down) with optional semi-active laser and a range of up to 80 km. A mission-planning module enables data exchange with the fire direction centre for the management of the fire mission. Initial deliveries of both the land and naval applications are expected to begin in 2016.

The BAE Systems Rokar Silver Bullet PGK is designed to be rapidly fitted to standard 155 mm artillery projectiles.
IHS/Patrick Allen: 1625249
PGK: a cost-effective alternative

An add-on PGK is a cost-effective way of improving the accuracy of artillery projectiles. The first of these to enter production was what is now called the Orbital ATK M1156. The PGK is built around a fuze system and upgrades conventional 155 mm rounds into a GPS-guided weapon. It is less expensive than the Excalibur GPS-guided round but not as accurate.

ATK Armament Systems won a competitive shoot-out in 2009 against BAE Systems in order to move its PGK into the system development and demonstration contract. PGKs were first delivered to the US Army under an urgent material release in 2013 for use on 155 mm M549A1 and M795 HE artillery projectiles in Afghanistan. The kits are installed on the projectiles by simply fixing them into the fuze well. The PGK can then alter the munition’s trajectory towards a specific target location and can be point-detonated or proximitydetonated (or enter a ‘fail-safe’ mode if it does not come close enough to the prescribed target).

Low-rate initial production of the M1156 began in early 2014 and was followed by a full-rate production contract award worth USD120 million in May 2015. Some 12,000 units have now been completed.

The army’s total requirement is for more than 100,000 PGKs. Deliveries are scheduled to run from early 2016 through to early 2018 for the US Army, US Marine Corps, Australian Army, and Canadian Army.

During its first lot acceptance testing in April this year, the M1156 demonstrated median accuracy of less than 10 m with a reliability of 97% when fired from the 155 mm/39-calibre M109A6 Paladin.

A BAE Systems 155 mm/39-calibre M777 series artillery system carrying out a fire mission with a 155 mm HE projectile (right) fitted with Orbital ATK Armament Systems’ M1156 PGK.
Orbital ATK: 1642778
While the US Army uses the M1156 PGK with 155 mm/39-calibre M109A6 SP and M777 towed-artillery systems, it has already been successfully fired from a number of other 155 mm artillery systems, including the PzH 2000, G6, K9 Thunder, ATMOS, AS90, and CAESAR, with the first export customers being Australia and Canada.

“The PGK approach is a mature technology that, when applied to existing, indirectfire missions, has the ability to greatly increase accuracy and effectiveness of conventional stockpiles,” said Dan Olson, vicepresident and general manager of Orbital ATK Armament Systems Division.

“In this case, for 155 mm artillery projectiles, we have now proven this technology’s performance, reliability, and safety during rigorous acceptance testing that has consistently shown a median accuracy of less than 10 m,” he added. “We have also seen 5 m accuracy during testing with the PzH 2000 earlier this year.”

BAE Systems Rokar of Israel is marketing its Silver Bullet GPS-based PGK for 155 mm artillery projectiles for international customers.

The Silver Bullet, which has been in development since 1997, is attached to a 155 mm projectile as a screw-in fuze on the nose, changing a conventional round into a PGM that can be programmed through a radiofrequency link and then directed towards a target by two pairs of canards.

During initial firing trials carried out in southern Israel’s Negev Desert using a 155 mm/52-calibre system, a CEP of less than 10 m was achieved. Over the last several years more than 150 155 mm Silver Bullet PGKs have been tested, with some of these achieving a CEP of less than 4 m.

The Israeli-developed kit is probably easier to sell internationally than US-developed systems because it is not subject to US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). According to the company, the kit so far has been demonstrated for “several” potential customers, one of which was South Korea’s Poongsan Corp.

While the most recent live-fire event took place in February, over the last several years “more than 150 Silver Bullet precision guidance kits have been tested” in various conditions and terrains, “including land and sea”, said a BAE Systems Rokar spokesperson.

France is increasing the accuracy of its CAESAR SP guns by fitting a nose-mounted SPACIDO (Systeme à Precision Amelioree par Cinemometre Doppler) fuze into the 155 mm LU 211 round. SPACIDO is a course correction system that has a nose-mounted multifunction electronic fuze fitted with an aerodynamic brake, programming device, and Zodiac Data Systems muzzle velocity radar mounted above the armament. This is already installed on the upgraded 155 mm AUF1A SP artillery system and is standard on CAESAR.

The Orbital ATK Armament Systems M1156 PGK can be fitted to 155 mm artillery projectiles to give a significant improvement in accuracy.
Orbital ATK Armament Systems: 1642737
SPACIDO works by comparing the actual velocity profile of the projectile during the first 5,000 m of flight with its theoretical trajectory characteristics and uses this data to compute the expected time of flight and impact point. An air brake on the fuze is deployed to correct the flight profile, producing an optimised ballistic path.

The kit is being developed by a French industrial team comprising Nexter Munitions, Junghans T2M, and Zodiac Data Systems under contract to the French defence procurement agency Direction Générale de l’Armement. Nexter Munitions is responsible for the weapon system interface and air brake unit, Zodiac Data Systems for the velocity measurement and receiver electronics of the muzzle velocity radar, and Junghans T2M is the fuze integrator.

The first SPACIDO closed-loop firing was carried out at Bourges in June 2006 using an LU 211 155 mm projectile with an inert payload. Additional firings have taken place since then, and the programme is understood to be nearing completion.

SPACIDO can be fitted to existing 105 mm and 155 mm artillery projectiles as it has a standard NATO two-inch fuze well. It is IM-compliant and marketed as a multifunction fuze with a proximity mode, pointdetonating mode, super-quick mode, and post-impact delay mode.

Artillery rockets

Until recently multiple rocket launchers (MRLs) provided the force commander with the capability to provide a massive amount of suppressive fire in a very short period of time.

The main drawback of MRLs is that, as with artillery projectiles, they become less accurate as the range increases. This has led to the fielding of rockets with a guidance system to provide greater accuracy.

IMI’s 120 mm GMM is being qualified for the Israel Defense Forces’ 120 mm mortar platforms.
Anthony G Williams: 1331359
The first of these to be fielded in large numbers was the Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control Guided Multiple Rocket System (G-MLRS), which can be fired from the upgraded M270 series tracked launcher and the more recent M142 High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).

The tracked M270 has two pods each of six 227 mm rockets, while the HIMARS has just one pack of six rockets but greater tactical and strategic mobility.

Maximum range of the original 227 mm M26 unguided rocket is 31.6 km, which compares with more than 70 km the G-MLRS used in Afghanistan by the United States and the United Kingdom, with the latter deploying upgraded M270B1 tracked launchers.

With the Chinese defence industry having the widest range of MRL of any country in the world. In recent years a number of Chinese contractors have started to market rockets with guidance systems fitted for increased accuracy.

For the AR3 370 mm/300 mm MRL based on an 8x8 cross-country chassis, Norinco is already offering for export the BRE3 300 mm guided rocket with a maximum range of 130 km and the BRE6 and BRE8 370 mm guided rockets with ranges of 220 km and 280 km respectively.

Norinco has also developed the SR5 MRL based on a 6x6 cross-country chassis, which can be fitted with two pods each of 20 x 122 mm unguided rockets or two pods each of 220 mm unguided rockets.

For use with this system Norinco is now marketing the BRE7 guided 122 mm rocket with a maximum range of 40 km. This uses a GPS/inertial navigation guidance system claimed to give the rocket a CEP of 20 m.

Norinco’s GR1 220 mm terminally guided rocket, meanwhile, has a maximum range of 70 km. In addition to a GPS/INS, it also has a laser guidance system stated to give an accuracy of 3 m.

Norinco’s AR3 MRL with eight launch tubes for 370 mm rockets, which can include guided rockets (one of these is pictured on the left side).
Christopher F Foss: 1642736
Guided mortar rounds

Mortars are among the most effective weapons on the battlefield and are normally deployed by infantry on a scale of six mortars per battalion. However, in some countries mortars now come under the field artillery.

Like 155 mm artillery systems, 120 mm mortars normally fire HE, smoke, and illuminating projectiles, but there is also a trend to provide these with a precision target engagement capability.

Leveraging the design, development, and production of 155 mm, 152 mm, and 122 mm LGPs, KBP has developed a 120 mm laser-guided mortar projectile called the KM-8 Gran, which is used with the ID22 LTD/R. This has a maximum range of 9 km and is fitted with an HE-FRAG warhead.

Meanwhile, Norinco has recently entered the fray with two advanced 120 mm precision mortar systems. The first of these is the GP9 laser-guided mortar bomb, featuring control surfaces at the front and fold-out fins at the rear, that can be fired against targets from 2 to 7.5 km away. It is designed to operate in conjunction with Chinese OL1 or OL2 LTD/Rs.

These have maximum designation ranges of 5 and 7 km, respectively. The GP9 is claimed to be able to successfully engage targets moving at a maximum speed of up to 36 km/h and has an anti-jamming capability.

The second is the GP4: a 120 mm mortar projectile with a maximum range of 6 km. It uses the same LTD/R as the GP9 and has impulse-correction thrusters around the centre and fold-out fins at the rear. Israel Military Industries (IMI) is developing a 120 mm guided mortar munition (GMM), which is currently being qualified for use by the Israel Defense Forces’ 120 mm mortar platforms.

The brain of the 120 mm GMM is IMI’s ‘Pure Heart’ miniature guidance system, which integrates a synchronised navigation, real-time computing and control system into a single blast-hardened guidance package.

According to IMI, the 120 mm GMM enables targets to be engaged at ranges of up to 8 km with a precision effect, with the option of air-burst or impact fuzing. Leveraging its PGK developed for 155 mm mortar rounds, ATK (now Orbital Armament Systems) developed the XM395 Mortar Guidance Kit (MGK) to meet the US Army’s Accelerated Precision Mortar Initiative (APMI) for use with its 120 mm mortars. The APMI effort originated from an urgent operational need to precisely strike targets in Afghanistan’s complex terrain while limiting collateral damage.

The MGK replaces standard fuzes on 120 mm mortar rounds with an enhanced portable-inductive artillery fuze setter interface and fixed-canard assembly. The rear tail system has high-hat charge increments for extended range and fold-back fins to provide in-flight stability.

ATK’s design was selected in April 2010. By March 2011 the first batch of XM395 APMI rounds had been deployed, with deliveries continuing at a rate of 400 per month to reach around 5,480 cartridges in total over the life of the contract. On the horizon is the US Army’s High Explosive Guided Mortar (HEGM) requirement, which could start in FY 2017 with potential qualification for a production startup by FY 2020.

Christopher F Foss is the IHS Jane’s Land Consultant, based in London

First published online 02/09/2015

While there is a clear trend towards the design, development, and production of PGMs, they are still used by only a small number of countries. However, efforts have been made to drive down costs and increase their reliability.

Use of the PGMs will mean that fewer projectiles will be required to neutralise a given target, which in turn will have a significant effect on the logistics of ammunition resupply. According to Orbital ATK Armament Systems, for example, by using its M1156 PGK there is the potential to reduce the number of HE rounds needed for the same effect by 75%.

As a general rule, Orbital ATK said, to neutralise a given target a total of 301 155 mm projectiles, 301 fuzes, and 959 Modular Artillery Charge Systems (MACSs) are required, with a total weight of 18.2 tonnes. When PGKs are used, this drops to 77 projectiles, 77 PGKs, and 208 MACSs, with a total weight of only 4.5 tonnes.

While there is a trend towards PGMs and PGKs for field artillery, there will always be a requirement for general suppressive artillery fire; it is the only capability that can provide rapid, all-weather fire support and fire HE, smoke, and illuminating projectiles.
How PGM will actually locate the target?

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