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Skinny wolves, sick bear: Pakistan officials wrangle over zoo

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Skinny wolves, sick bear: Pakistan officials wrangle over zoo
By Reuters
Published: July 24, 2019


ISLAMABAD: An emaciated wolf rested its head on a block of ice, seeking relief from stifling heat in a zoo in Pakistan’s capital, while another gazed at a family enjoying an afternoon picnic as an elephant swayed its head

The elephant, named Kavaan, generated international headlines for the zoo in 2016, when pop star Cher sent representatives to check on its living conditions after it had been chained for 27 of its 29 years there.

Now the zoo is getting headlines again, as government agencies in Islamabad tussle over who is responsible for its management, leaving neglected animals to run short of food and clean water, with many falling sick.

“The animals are suffering in this tug-of-war between federal and local governments over the zoo,” said Owais Awan, a lawyer who has gone to court to help resolve the issue.



The Islamabad High Court ordered the municipal corporation to hand management of the zoo to the Ministry of Climate Change on Friday, but a ministry official said the corporation had shut its offices and zoo management was reluctant to meet.

“The keepers of the animals are there, but not the management,” ministry secretary Hassan Nasir Jamy told Reuters. “We are sending volunteers and vets to check on the animals … We are afraid of the animals dying.”

The zoo management’s refusal to talk to ministry officials, despite repeated letters and telephone calls, amounted to contempt of court, he said.

The zoo’s deputy director declined to comment to Reuters and Islamabad’s metropolitan corporation could not be reached.

The court called for urgent steps to save the animals from further harm, ordering immediate treatment for a Himalayan bear that was injured in a fight with another bear, zoo officials said, and also suffering a long-term skin ailment, Awan said.

“The animals have been suffering,” said Sana Jamal, a spokeswoman for a group of about 40 citizens working to improve the zoo facilities.

“Whenever we have visited, there was no food and water in most of the enclosures. That’s the main reason we wanted the pressurise the ministry to officially take over.”

Some birds and animals died for lack of food and medication, newspapers said this year.

Asked about the conditions, one of the zoo staff told Reuters, “Everything is fine.”

Nearby, crows pecked at bones littering the wolves’ enclosure.
That's really sad. The institutions involved make sure that the poor animals do not suffer. They are our responsibility since they are in captivity.
Many people are against zoos because they feel it's wrong to keep animals in captivity.

Animals suffer in zoos. They get depressed, psychologically disturbed, frustrated, they harm each other, become ill, go hungry, and are forced to endure extreme and unnatural temperatures. These animals cannot live as they would wish to live
Many people are against zoos because they feel it's wrong to keep animals in captivity.

Animals suffer in zoos. They get depressed, psychologically disturbed, frustrated, they harm each other, become ill, go hungry, and are forced to endure extreme and unnatural temperatures. These animals cannot live as they would wish to live
If the zoo is adequately large and closely resembles the natural environment then it is not that bad and also I think there should a limit that each animal should spent a short duration the zoo and then it should be released into say like a safari to recover ..and the cycle should repeated.. similar to astronauts or submariners
Islamabad zoo is in pathetic shape for some years now. I am 31 years old, 32 now in fact and yes i still go to the zoo when i find an opportunity (last visit was when i had to go to Embassy to apply for a VISA, had some time free so went to the zoo, interesting right? :P). It pains to see how neglected this whole thing have been. Zoo can be a good picnic spot as well as good educational place for kids but the Zoo in capital city is such a shame. Lahore Zoo is no different. All they have there are peacocks, rabbits and dear really. (NO HAVING A SINGLE ELEPHANT CHAINED FOR DECADES DO NOT COUNT AND NOR DOES THOSE PMLN LIKE LIONS)
sorry to say but countries like us should not be allowed to have zoos.the condition their is pathetic.I visited Lahore zoo in January 2017 and what were they giving those big cats was a single chicken.bear was depressed.white tiger was injured severly.khila nae sakte tou laate q ho.last I heard were some other big cats gifted by some gulf state.dont send them here.keep them there.atleast there they may the luxury of air conditioner
Sorry I didn't get bro. Why do you need a visa for zoo? Do you intend to stay there for a long time i.e. 2-3 months?
Check again:
last visit was when i had to go to Embassy to apply for a VISA, had some time free so went to the zoo, interesting right?
Just saying that i dont live in Islamabad, was there for some work and when i had some time free i decided to visit the Zoo (saying it as i think many grown up feel that Zoo is for kids only). The main point was that it was disappointed to see the condition of the Zoo. They dont have enough animals.

Frankly, if it was in my hand i would build a large reserve area with fenced zones somewhere in Potohar region to hold the animals in a close to natural habitat and then from there we can transfer them to different Zoo's in Pakistan for a few months and then bring them back.
and now with Wild history national geographics and animal planet kinda channels all around.why do we still need zoos??oh right.so that we can go and shout at them and make them angry.so they can road for our videos.
If the zoo is adequately large and closely resembles the natural environment then it is not that bad and also I think there should a limit that each animal should spent a short duration the zoo and then it should be released into say like a safari to recover ..and the cycle should repeated.. similar to astronauts or submariners

Why don't you volunteer to go through this process and help us study the affects before putting animals through it?

The land of supposed Muslims needs to understand, Islam does not allow captivity of animals nor the brutality and curelity you people are putting them through. Each and every person who is both in power or a visitor to these poor victims will have to answer for everything these animals went through.
Why don't you volunteer to go through this process and help us study the affects before putting animals through it?

The land of supposed Muslims needs to understand, Islam does not allow captivity of animals nor the brutality and curelity you people are putting them through. Each and every person who is both in power or a visitor to these poor victims will have to answer for everything these animals went through.
May be you can contact the zoo administration and if they let you stay there for a year in different cells, I will happily volunteer to analyse data collected by the some local researcher. I would need data about your daily routines, food and health status i.e. blood samples, heart rate, BP, body temperature etc.
Check again:
last visit was when i had to go to Embassy to apply for a VISA, had some time free so went to the zoo, interesting right?
Just saying that i dont live in Islamabad, was there for some work and when i had some time free i decided to visit the Zoo (saying it as i think many grown up feel that Zoo is for kids only). The main point was that it was disappointed to see the condition of the Zoo. They dont have enough animals.

Frankly, if it was in my hand i would build a large reserve area with fenced zones somewhere in Potohar region to hold the animals in a close to natural habitat and then from there we can transfer them to different Zoo's in Pakistan for a few months and then bring them back.
Oh I got it now.

Bro, we should have like safari parks in Pakistan build on large areas but still cordoned off with walls or fence so that the animals cannot leave but they live in a natural habitat and people visit and see animal visa safari tours on special jeeps. I think it is kind of expensive but kind on the animals. We can also keep some PDF members there.
Set these animals free in the right areas where they can thrive.

Zoos in Pakistan should be for conservation purposes only, not displaying animals to public. To breed and release in wild.
Oh I got it now.

Bro, we should have like safari parks in Pakistan build on large areas but still cordoned off with walls or fence so that the animals cannot leave but they live in a natural habitat and people visit and see animal visa safari tours on special jeeps. I think it is kind of expensive but kind on the animals. We can also keep some PDF members there.
AND we can transfer some of those for a few months to the zoo as well. That is where you school kids etc will visit them mostly. Plus with permanent residence at the Safari they will be living in habitat close to natural.

Have you traveled from Islamabad to Lahore on motorway or on GT road?? When on motorway look at the left side (when going to Lahore) from Chakri up to Kalar Kahar. There are hundreds of Sq, Kilometers of unused land and natural landscape. Perfect for animals like wolves, dear, jackal, may be even a few cheetahs etc. Same area can be looked upon when traveling from GT Road. Here it is on your right hand and starts a bit after Gojar Khan and same continues to Dina almost. You look at the land and it instantly reminds you of a recent documentary you might have seen on National Graphics. The land is perfect for a project like the one you proposed.


Remember we are talking about upper Punjab here, have not even glanced towards lower Punjab let alone Baluchistan!!
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