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Sk. Imran Hosein: Pakistan & The Great War

Makes some very good points in his videos but for some reason he is biased towards Pakistan and Turkey.
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Sheikh Imran Hosein Pakistan and The Great War.

Lecture series in Pakistan: May 2021

Part 2:

Part 3:

Imran Hosein is a man who dedicated his life toward Islam, the study of the Noble Qur'an and has written countless books in this endeavor. Over the years his intellectual prowess has proven him right, by the Grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. Be "Riba," be it the zionists, be it Gold vs the U.S Dollar, be it the modern western civilization, be it the "Arab Spring," or be it Syria and Libya.

This didn't because he is some super intelligent human, rather it because he devoted his life to the study of the Noble Qur'an. And I would listen to this man or any other man who devotes their life to the study of the Noble Quran. Because the Noble Qur'an imparts Hikmah to those who have sincerity in the hearts toward Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
They should ban him in Pakistan and also on PDF... can't believe he has over 200k+ on his youtube.. He has no idea what his talking about and changed up on the hadith upside down..

He says Russia will defeat NATO...... WTF is wrong with that guy is he mentally retarded.. While the hadiths are actully opposite what he said and I can even prove that it is the oppsite of what he says.. ''you and them will conquer an enemy behind you and then conquer some of the nations in the east'' what does that look like to you..

He also attributes the quran to his wishy washy opposite predictions to which is unacceptable.. His herectic..

WW3 will be 2 rounds not just one.. Just like how ww2 should have been 2 rounds but they refrained from it but in WW3 nobody will refrain the allies who will win WW3 will fall upon each other just months after winning it due each side claiming victory and as consequence they will clash...
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Russia is an Orthodox Christian State, who identify themselves as Christians and act the part. Whereas the collective West, including the Vatican, have abandoned Christianity had have imposed their hegemony on the rest of the world. Russia today engages with all countries even when some in the West criminally impose sanctions on it. Russia is also a state among other independent nations that oppose and challenge Western economic hegemony.

As for Russia defeating NATO is concerned, it is one of two nations on the planet that have fielded fully combat ready Hypersonic Missile Systems. A hint ... the other country deploying combat ready Hypersonic Missile System, is not any Western state.

Imran Hosein identifies "Rūm" in the Noble Qur'an as the Orthodox Christians and not the Western Catholic-Protestant-Evangelical "Rûm". As stated in the Noble Qur'an, that this "Rūm" identifies itself to being Christian. No Western state today identifies itself as a Christian State. And anyone says Italy, or the Vatican, well both have succumbed to accepting homosexuality as being Halal, when Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah has commanded it to be Haram.

Based on what the Noble Qur'an has stated, "Rūm" (real one) shall be victorious twice (Surah Rūm), that Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah shall raise these Christians to a position of dominance over the other pseudo christian West, till Judgement Day.

Pakistanis ought to pay attention to the Noble Qur'an, because if we are found to be devoid of the Noble Qur'an, then we are running into the enemy with a blindfold.
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