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Sitting ducks: Elite personnel don’t use basic tools

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Sitting ducks: Elite personnel don’t use basic tools
By Rameez Khan
Published: September 26, 2011

At least 300 officials have been assigned to the Sharif family, 125 to the prime minister’s family and 50 to Pervaiz Elahi’s family.

LAHORE: Elite Force personnel on security duty are often without bulletproof jackets, though wearing them is mandatory and an essential tool for doing their jobs. Officials say there is a shortage of jackets, while personnel say the jackets are uncomfortable to wear, particularly in the heat.
An Elite Force soldier’s standard gear includes a pistol with 15 bullets, an SMG rifle with two magazines of 30 bullets each, a helmet and a bulletproof jacket. Sources in the force said that there was no shortage of guns, but there was a lack of bullets and jackets.
Many personnel haven’t been issued jackets, and those that have often don’t wear them, they said.
This correspondent approached an Elite Force soldier on escort duty why he was not wearing his bulletproof jacked. “We are short of jackets,” he said. “The jackets that we have are in bad shape; many are missing the breast plate.” Each jacket includes a heavy metal plate that actually stops the bullet. “The plate is quite heavy, about five to seven kilos. Many personnel on security duty will remove the plate and just wear the empty jacket,” he said. “I’ve even known men on security with VVIPs, like the prime minister, to do this.”
An officer said that Elite Force personnel guarding VIPs were often on ‘static duty’, meaning standing stationary at one place, which was a tough task when wearing full gear and in the heat. He pointed out that Elite Force personnel were only supposed to serve on static duty for a very brief period, but this was not the case in practice, with guards often standing stationary at one place for several hours.
An ammunitions expert and a senior police officer told The Express Tribune that lighter bulletproof jackets were available, but they did not provide enough protection against the sort of weapons that Pakistani security personnel come up against. “The lightweight jackets they use in developed countries can only stop small arms fire. Here most terrorists use Kalashnikovs; you can’t stop that with a lightweight jacket. To stop rifle bullets you need a heavy plate,” he said.
Superintendent of Police (Mobiles) Romail Akram said it was mandatory for Elite Force personnel to wear bulletproof jackets. He admitted that they had a limited supply of jackets. “We will try to buy new jackets to overcome the shortage,” he said.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 26th, 2011.
Sitting ducks: Elite personnel don
I don't know but the fundamental problem with our PSP is only one: that of discpline & politicization. When these are overcome, everything else will fit in.
This will happen when you will not send these Elite forces to capture or kill the terrorists instead they are protecting these politicians and their family members and sitting like ducks.
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