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Sino-India military exercise in November, China stresses on 'mutual trust’

Fine then what about these border issues you have yet to resolve? Tibet? Vietnam? Japan? Philippines? Spratly's? China is taking proactive measures to claim land under dispute by aggressive patroling and building up sand dunes into Islands in order to strengthen their claims. This has very little to do withestablished powers and more so to do with China's actions and the preceptions it gives off.

Let us not act like crybabies. Let us start acting like a mature nation. Every country pursues it's national interest, China is no exception. From Indian's perspective it is imperative for us to maintain and nurture good relation with our neighbours, particularly with an important nation like China (that doesn't include making compromises on issues of national interest). There is no denial that there are long-standing issues, but those issues must be sorted out at right platforms. We are talking about Sino-India military exercise here, which is a welcome CBM.

Frankly speaking we Indians must stop caring about other nations' issues and concentrate on serving our self-interest. Let me give you a hint, while Vietnam was instigation India to move into the South-China Sea, it had started a secret negotiation with China. We soon realized that Vietnam was using us to pressurize China and we moved only as much as we needed to. Geopolitical game is extremely complex. Emotional fools are doomed to be used by the intelligent and pragmatic people.
Let us not act like crybabies. Let us start acting like a mature nation. Every country pursues it's national interest, China is no exception. From Indian's perspective it is imperative for us to maintain and nurture good relation with our neighbours, particularly with an important nation like China (that doesn't include making compromises on issues of national interest). There is no denial that there are long-standing issues, but those issues must be sorted out at right platforms. We are talking about Sino-India military exercise here, which is a welcome CBM.

Frankly speaking we Indians must stop caring about other nations' issues and concentrate on serving our self-interest. Let me give you a hint, while Vietnam was instigation India to move into the South-China Sea, it had started a secret negotiation with China. We soon realized that Vietnam was using us to pressurize China and we moved only as much as we needed to. Geopolitical game is extremely complex. Emotional fools are doomed to be used by the intelligent and pragmatic people.

Wise words. Despite us arguing on this forum all day long who's right who's wrong, we are merely observers of our nations aspirations. I hope we can settle all outstanding bilateral issues and move on to better ties, economic, military & more. And as the SAS motto goes, "Who Dares Wins." So lets hope its a win-win for both of our people.
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Let us not act like crybabies. Let us start acting like a mature nation. Every country pursues it's national interest, China is no exception. From Indian's perspective it is imperative for us to maintain and nurture good relation with our neighbours, particularly with an important nation like China (that doesn't include making compromises on issues of national interest). There is no denial that there are long-standing issues, but those issues must be sorted out at right platforms. We are talking about Sino-India military exercise here, which is a welcome CBM.

Frankly speaking we Indians must stop caring about other nations' issues and concentrate on serving our self-interest. Let me give you a hint, while Vietnam was instigation India to move into the South-China Sea, it had started a secret negotiation with China. We soon realized that Vietnam was using us to pressurize China and we moved only as much as we needed to. Geopolitical game is extremely complex. Emotional fools are doomed to be used by the intelligent and pragmatic people.

Bro, we never go against China, until we have very serious threat to our nation.

You see everything is common between China and us, except Single- party rule vs multi- party rule. And even our future threat are same, we doesnt like western powers in IOR, they too doesnt like that.

Even after the 123 Agreement we start to see USA as our ally, before that we see him as our future enemy, same as China did. Diago Garcia is not for China, but to check India.

And helping Vietnam, I doesnt support that, why we put our leg in others problem, solve the border issue and thats all, we will be allies, I dont think India has any type of threat from China, if we resolve our border issues.
Let us not act like crybabies. Let us start acting like a mature nation. Every country pursues it's national interest, China is no exception. From Indian's perspective it is imperative for us to maintain and nurture good relation with our neighbours, particularly with an important nation like China (that doesn't include making compromises on issues of national interest). There is no denial that there are long-standing issues, but those issues must be sorted out at right platforms. We are talking about Sino-India military exercise here, which is a welcome CBM.

Frankly speaking we Indians must stop caring about other nations' issues and concentrate on serving our self-interest. Let me give you a hint, while Vietnam was instigation India to move into the South-China Sea, it had started a secret negotiation with China. We soon realized that Vietnam was using us to pressurize China and we moved only as much as we needed to. Geopolitical game is extremely complex. Emotional fools are doomed to be used by the intelligent and pragmatic people.

SO do you think the Indian gov't didn't know of this secret negotiation? There is nothing emotional about my post. It's completely based on facts. China has been pressuring us for over 4-5 decades. Arming Pakistan, leaving the borders unresolved, interfering with Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, etc....against our interests. You can't keep good relations with China no matter how hard you try. They don't respect us. The only reason they even reconsidered and are trying their level best to address some of our issues, is to stymie any intereaction with the West. We can sit and watch shit happen till its too late...or be proactive and nip it in the beginning before it becomes a major problem that can only be resolved with force.

Chinahas undermined us at every possibility. It has engaged in activites that harm our reputation. For example, Indian pharmceuticals being sold in Africa were really counterfeit and produced in China.

If you go back since the 60's.....our military has been concerned about China and for good reason. They have threatened us numerous times and continually aided Pakistan against us.

Bro, we never go against China, until we have very serious threat to our nation.

You see everything is common between China and us, except Single- party rule vs multi- party rule. And even our future threat are same, we doesnt like western powers in IOR, they too doesnt like that.

Even after the 123 Agreement we start to see USA as our ally, before that we see him as our future enemy, same as China did. Diago Garcia is not for China, but to check India.

And helping Vietnam, I doesnt support that, why we put our leg in others problem, solve the border issue and thats all, we will be allies, I dont think India has any type of threat from China, if we resolve our border issues.

Diego Garica is to check the entire region including middle east and parts of Africa
It is a good measure.

Perhaps understanding each other will help develop some understanding between even soldiers.
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