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Singapore Malaysia HSR cancelled

The measurement of that survey is irrelevant and not even real because there is many things they haven't taken into account.

But the PPP per capita is the official and real indicator. Malaysia's is 27 USD per individual while China is 17 USD per individual.

These buyers you were talking about are the chinese elite because China has a large number of elite since it is a big country and a large number of millioniares due to it's population size but that doesn't mean China is more wealthy then Malaysia and in fact on the contrary when you measure size and wealth. You don't see Malaysian elites because Malaysia is better then Australia they have no interest in a dry land across their border. They have everything they need in Malay peninsula

We are talking about pocket depth, ppp per capita can be seen as a variant of gdp per capita with extra alignment where domestic purchasing power is taken into account to a greater extent, it compares local price level to a numeraire country like america to create a meaningful measure. The ppp figure 27k means malaysia gdp per capita can actually buy 27k worth of goods and services in america while chinese gdp per capita can only buy 17k, which suggests things are much cheaper in malaysia so that malaysians are able to buy more hence better living for a given sum of money. However as far as the depth of pocket is concerned the approach of calculating median wealth per adult is far more appropriate. For instance you have one dollar which can buy you a cheeseburger in malaysia while the same cheeseburger costs ten dollars in the states, you are considered having the same purchase power as american under ppp rule, however if go to a different country say china a cheeseburger costs three dollars, american with ten dollars can still buy three, meanwhile sorry as malaysian with one dollar can not afford it. You see where I am coming from? Comparing purchasing power at the domestic level to differentiate rich and poor countries is what ppp approach tries to capture. Median wealth per adult is about the real money you have in your pockets. Chinese are richer than malaysians. The richest man in malaysia can not even be on chinese top ten list. Large number of malaysian overstayers here in new zealand who are reluctant to go home, they insist to stay at all costs despite the fact most of them are struggling to survive, life is very hard for them.
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