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Sikkim stand-off: India 'ignored international law', alleges China's official media

Stephen Cohen

Nov 21, 2014
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China's official news agency accused India of "ignoring international law" and "seriously interfering" with China's construction activities, amid the on-going stand-off in the Sikkim sector.

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    China's official news agency accused India of "ignoring international law".

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    It also said India has seriously interfered with China's construction activities.

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    It further called on India to "withdraw forces to the Indian side" and "avoid escalation".
China's official news agency on Sunday accused India of "ignoring international law" and "seriously interfering" with China's construction activities, amid the on-going stand-off in the Sikkim sector.

The official Xinhua news agency in a commentary reiterated the Foreign Ministry's claim that an 1890 Sikkim-Tibet treaty had "demarcated the China-India boundary", although India has maintained the treaty was only used as "a basis of alignment" and there remained differences between both sides, most notably on where China fixes the India-China-Bhutan trijunction.

Xinhua, however, claimed, that "it is well known that the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary has been demarcated by convention in 1890". "After India's independence, the Indian government has repeatedly confirmed it in writing, acknowledging that the two sides have no objection to the direction of the Sikkim section. There is a lot of evidence, including images, that the Indian military violated the historic covenant and the commitment of successive Indian governments."

Xinhua said India "ignored international law and has seriously interfered with China's construction activities."

Indian officials say China is misrepresenting India's position and that the 1890 treaty was only agreed insofar as the basis of alignment and watershed. In 2012, China even acknowledged there were differences over the trijunction, which China marks far south of where India and Bhutan do, and agreed it would be fixed in consultation with Bhutan as well. The border also still needs to be demarcated in maps and on the ground.

The Xinhua commentary said this "cross-border behaviour was a further departure from the consensus reached between the leaders of the two countries" on bilateral ties.

"These agreements are a strong guarantee for the smooth development of relations. Since India has promised to 'properly deal with the differences', why did it cross the border? After the event, why did India not admit the error? This is clearly paradoxical."

It also called on India to "withdraw forces to the Indian side" and "avoid escalation".

China has in recent days released several statements, photographs and a map in an unprecedented propaganda push over the stand-off alleging India "trespassed". Beijing's media has, however, played down the dispute with Bhutan and largely ignored Bhutan's concerns over China altering the status quo by building a road in the disputed Doklam plateau.
Chinese media is bluffing their own people. As usual Chinese are violating the boundary agreements and encroaching the china Bhutan boundary.

No one believes Chinese media except some of their own people. every one knows how credible Chinese mouth peices are.

These are the same guys who said the verdict on scs by international tribunal is invalid.
negative PR will sure affect china's reach... i Guess :P

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