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Sikh community decides to boycott indian independence day

They are do I g this every year since 1993, nobody gives a crap to such fringe groups.
10 Million I Challenge you to Get 1 Million And Oh When Your PM Will Start Becoming Non Start And Start To Deflect Kashmir Issue By Talking About Balochistan and Azad Kashmir Pakistan Will Also Not Limit Itself Then What Goes Around Comes Around

Ha ha roflmao ..do you really think that those 1 lakh signatures you received were actually from Sikhs..? Most of the list would have been made by butthurt Pakistani keyboard warriors like you...india has an internet population of 500 million plus ..so getting 10 million signatures is no big deal ...point is that it's worth Jack shit ..because nothing's going to happen . ..ever
AISSF and Sikhs For Justice are the same organisation.This is an annual affair!
I think there is without a doubt lot of hatred but is not so much "Muslim" as I doubt Sikhs have issues with Bosnians, Azerbaijaini or Iranians. This hatred is more directed against Punjabi Muslims on account of the 1947 legacy of bloody partition. However much as there is hatred you can't ignore the similarities between Punjabi's on both sides. I have met Pakistani's from Lahore, Bahalwapur, Sheikhapur who talk, act like Sikhs across the border. They are after all Punjabi's and Lahore was and is the capital of the Punjab.
Most Sikhs surely have a bias against Muslims in general but for some unknown reason Punjabi Muslims aren't on the list.That maybe because language and culture overcomes the religious bias.
I don't think a Punjabi speaker from Pakistan will have any issues in Indian Punjab until and unless they end up at a RSS or Bajrang Dal office. :lol:

My grandfather's family moved in from a village near Lyallpur during the second half of 1947.They were not thrown out by the villagers but by the overgrowing number of new settlers who moved in from other parts of India.

Do you know why you see these demonstrations?

Most of these people immigrated to the West under the asylum category and they need to prove periodically to the authorities that they are still being persecuted for them to maintain their asylum status.
They are all 3'rd generation citizens (not asylum seekers) who believe in the idea of Khalistan just like a lot of people believe in the idea of Akhand Bharat.

Nothing wrong in having a belief?
They are all 3'rd generation citizens (not asylum seekers) who believe in the idea of Khalistan just like a lot of people believe in the idea of Akhand Bharat.

Nothing wrong in having a belief?

But it helps who are already citizens to sponsor new family members and the sponsorship fee is in lakhs of rupees. It is a big business.
Partition forget

Do you know why khalsa pant was established
Who killed Sikh guru's

Child go play
Son, you don't know anything; tell me why the Indian army killed those people that it swore to protect during Blue Star.
They did the same crap 32 years back too, shows what miserable failures they are.


Violence mars India's 35th Independence Day celebrations
Aug. 16, 1982
United Press International

NEW DELHI, India -- In Punjab state, activists of the All-India Sikh Students Federation (AISSF) disrupted two Independence Day events in Amritsar, 210 miles north of New Delhi.

They reportedly stormed a dais, damaged furniture and hurled pamphlets at speakers before five of the agitators were arrested.

The Sikh students were demanding a greater government role in Punjab for the estimated 10 million Sikhs, adherents to a religion that broke from Hinduism about 400 years ago.

Independence Day activities in India's 21 other states were reported peaceful.
@hadeer khalid @The Eagle @Viper0011. @Samlee
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But it helps who are already citizens to sponsor new family members and the sponsorship fee is in lakhs of rupees. It is a big business.
Citizens can sponsor their family without Asylum especially in US and Canada.
Asylum seeking from Punjab ended back in the 90's.
Citizens can sponsor their family without Asylum especially in US and Canada.
Asylum seeking from Punjab ended back in the 90's.

The queue for immigration through family category is so huge that it takes more than a decade.
Why are American/Canadian Sikhs worried about India?
Son, you don't know anything; tell me why the Indian army killed those people that it swore to protect during Blue Star.
Those are armed Militants See the People who are commanding the Operations are sikhs themselves
lmao.. retardation at it's finest
They did the same crap 32 years back too, shows what miserable failures they are.

So....SIkhs are a miserable failure, Muslims are being butchered in Kashmir and everywhere else in India, the Christians were killed in numbers and forced out of villages to hide in jungles, as they work as "missionaries and spread Christianity" (the POP had to call Modi on this so this can stop). So apparently all minorities are miserable failures. What's left?? The only respectful, amazing, superior by all counts, form of human beings are only Hindus??

You guys should make a separate state out of India, ask all the Christians, Sikhs and Muslims to move there, so they don't have to die at the hands of Hindu majority. And you can keep the entire country to yourself!! Hindus rule and work with Hindus. No other minorities will be there and everyone will be happy and millions of lives can be saved that way :enjoy:!
he Christians were killed in numbers and forced out of villages to hide in jungles, as they work as "missionaries and spread Christianity" (the POP had to call Modi on this so this can stop). So apparently all minorities are miserable failures. What's left?? The
Utter bull crap fool and you Know this sitting US

Im christian you Don't Any thing about india
The queue for immigration through family category is so huge that it takes more than a decade.
Jeez!You think these guys who migrated in 50's and 60's still have families in India?
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