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Sidhu Moosewala PTI Song .

Most Pakistani Punjabis don't have an ethnic bias but you're right for the ones that do. Sikhs or non-Muslim Punjabis are not the friends of Muslim Punjabis and history shows this.

If Punjabi ethnonationalism is to exist in Pakistan it should be based on Muslim Punjabi ethnonationalism, at least it will have gheirat and match reality. Socially the two groups are very distinct due to different religious differences.

If we did have an ethnic bias we’d all be qaidianis... saadh just talks out of his azz.
We know

Farmers started waving the Khalistan flag on the Red Fort in Delhi​

You guys mistake a lot of sikh activism with separatism. Sikhs know very well which side of their bread is buttered. Indian Punjab is nothing without India. Sikhs thrive because their produce and their skills have a market in India. They work in Indian companies as engineers, doctors, researchers, brokers, they participate in Indian economy as farmers, industrialists, transporters, they serve in Indian government as soldiers, babus and cops. A stupid Khalistan sandwiched between India and Pak is a useless landlocked state with no industry or natural resources. It is no longer even the bread basket of India. India has moved on. Punjab is stuck.

Hindus respect Sikhs as long as they respect India. This mutual feeling is not to be taken for granted. Separatism is not treated well in India. Even if it takes 10 gangus to subdue 1 sikh, those 10 gangus will come. Make no mistake. The Sikhs love their daaru and they know where it is going to come from. That place is not Pakistan. Their women love their freedoms and they too know where it will come from. So let's just stop the charade.
If we did have an ethnic bias we’d all be qaidianis... saadh just talks out of his azz.
Explain the Qaidiani thing, is that a reference to Bajwa suspected of being one?
. Their women love their freedoms and they too know where it will come from.
Hold up, is this supposed to be a backhanded point about our women?
You don't know anything about em than...
If we did have an ethnic bias we’d all be qaidianis... saadh just talks out of his azz.
That dude is a cunt and will most definitely get beaten if I ever see him walking around near me
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Hold up, is this supposed to be a sly point about our women?

That dude is a cunt and will most definitely get beaten if I ever see him walking around near me

He’s 50 years old. Who gives a F?

He should get banned for constantly talking shit about Punjabis.. but I’m not in favor of bans in the first place.
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You guys mistake a lot of sikh activism with separatism. Sikhs know very well which side of their bread is buttered. Indian Punjab is nothing without India. Sikhs thrive because their produce and their skills have a market in India. They work in Indian companies as engineers, doctors, researchers, brokers, they participate in Indian economy as farmers, industrialists, transporters, they serve in Indian government as soldiers, babus and cops. A stupid Khalistan sandwiched between India and Pak is a useless landlocked state with no industry or natural resources. It is no longer even the bread basket of India. India has moved on. Punjab is stuck.

Hindus respect Sikhs as long as they respect India. This mutual feeling is not to be taken for granted. Separatism is not treated well in India. Even if it takes 10 gangus to subdue 1 sikh, those 10 gangus will come. Make no mistake. The Sikhs love their daaru and they know where it is going to come from. That place is not Pakistan. Their women love their freedoms and they too know where it will come from. So let's just stop the charade.

LOL all Sikh's religious places are in Pakistan.

Sikhs do not want to live as 2nd class citizens in India. Sikh can have beef in Pakistan.

Sikhs are natural allies of Pakistan. They have spoken in referendums. They want to be part of Pakistan.
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If we did have an ethnic bias we’d all be qaidianis... saadh just talks out of his azz.
Ahmedis caliph or imam can't be a non Punjabi and unlike your masjid imam Ahmedi imams wear a pagh (something I think regular masjids should also do)

But The whole thing was created by British to divide Muslim of British India - barelvi, deobandi for Indian, Bangali Muslims, ahmedis for Punjab, Peers for Sindh but Ahmedi was on the Cooku side so it didn't get a hold and was replaced by barelvi school of thaught now GOP is trying to replace it with deobandi for several decades
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A- dude was disliked in India cause he was khalistani
B- many of our legendary singers were famous in Indian Punjab- NFAK, Noor Jahan, Arif Lahor and many other , we don't say Bulleh Shah, baba Farid was Muslim or Pakistani only

Nothing wrong with listening to Sidhu, he was possibly the most famous Indian singer on our side more than anyother Indian ever
Ignore that pajeet.
The stupid extremist fcuk doesn't know that artists doesn't have any country. They have fans all over the world. He is a typical narrow minded chaddi dhaari modi voter.
That dude is a cunt and will most definitely get beaten if I ever see him walking around near me
Somehow I doubt that...2000 years burden of false bravado weighing you down.
Point being ?

He was an Indian singer from a state called punjab , just say you listen to Indian songs and watch Indian movies ...

Why cry like a lil bitch ?

Your Khalistan is limited to brampton.

In India we butcher people for even an Idea of separation.

Most Sikhs don't even think of pakistan.
Listen Dipshit, Punjabi does not equal Indian.
Why not a pakistani song ?

I thought pakistanis don't like Indian movies and songs.....

Nigga, don't be sour.
Hold up, is this supposed to be a backhanded point about our women?
You don't know anything about em than...

Not a back handed comment about your women, but my assessment of the relative freedoms for women in both countries, the operative word being 'relative', because on an absolute basis even India has a lot of progress to make. I may be wrong, and happy to be corrected.

I am friends with 2 senior Pakistani academics, both women and they share my assessment. They are not what you guys call 'landey ke liberals', but moderately conservative women, well educated and very reasonable in their views

LOL all Sikh's religious places are in Pakistan.
Factually incorrect. And even if this was correct, doesn't mean anything, except that the Khalistani map should then include Pakistani territories, which it miraculously omits.

Sikhs do not want to live as 2nd class citizens in India. Sikh can have beef in Pakistan.
Sikhs live better than any other ethnicity in India. And they don't want to have beef. It is haram for them, like for Hindus. Some ultra conservative Sikhs do not eat even eggs, let alone chicken. Some Sikhs eating beef means nothing in the larger context. I am from a Brahmin family and I eat beef. Doesn't mean Brahmins by and large approve of it.

Sikhs are natural allies of Pakistan. They have spoken in referendums. They want to be part of Pakistan.

Sure. In the manifesto of Gurpatwant Singh Pannu and his Canadian preferendums, they are. He and his friends can join Pakistan. Good riddance.
A while ago I had listened to this song in a PTI rally. Sidhu isn't in this world anymore but his words are 100 percent true for him and imran khan. Infact sidhu was already assassinated when this song was released.
You guys mistake a lot of sikh activism with separatism. Sikhs know very well which side of their bread is buttered. Indian Punjab is nothing without India. Sikhs thrive because their produce and their skills have a market in India. They work in Indian companies as engineers, doctors, researchers, brokers, they participate in Indian economy as farmers, industrialists, transporters, they serve in Indian government as soldiers, babus and cops. A stupid Khalistan sandwiched between India and Pak is a useless landlocked state with no industry or natural resources. It is no longer even the bread basket of India. India has moved on. Punjab is stuck.

Hindus respect Sikhs as long as they respect India. This mutual feeling is not to be taken for granted. Separatism is not treated well in India. Even if it takes 10 gangus to subdue 1 sikh, those 10 gangus will come. Make no mistake. The Sikhs love their daaru and they know where it is going to come from. That place is not Pakistan. Their women love their freedoms and they too know where it will come from. So let's just stop the charade.
Not all sikh women wants their freedom akin to sunny leone. They are actually more free without the gangus and brahmins around them. Before you point a finger on the freedom on Pakistani women have a good look at your own women specially ones living in your rural areas.Even in your urban areas your women live constantly under the fear of rape that's one hell of a freedom.
As far as the daruu is concerned sikhs grown enough barley and grapes for making enough good quality daruu for their state. They can set up their own breweries and distillaries.
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