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Should Pakistan look into High flying planes instead of satellites

awww come on man....the trassnsmitter antenna size increasse for the military bandwith!!

if the gsm phone is 10 kilometer away from the serving BTS then the battery will run out very quickly

also,the gsm MS carries one channel which has the max transmission of 13.4kbps (x 2 for half rate).what if it has to carry two for higher data rate to match satellites.

imagine a cell with both wimax and gsm tranceiver and the cellphone is 5 km away from the serving site... :) it will literally drain in minutes...i dont think the so called miniature power system can deliver much amperes at all... :)

not to mention cloud ceiling here... which altitude are you guys talking about 30 km?? :D :D

When I said Iphone.. I did not imply you tear the Iphone apart and fit it onto a kite and fly it..
What I did state is that such a system can be miniaturized.. less antenna.. into a package the size of the iphone.

We arent talking about a single li-poly cell..
or the EXACT one thats used on your cell phones....
High ampere li-poly cells exist....which provide sufficient power suitable microwave transmission for an acceptable duration.
(both li-ions and li-poly's have been tested with outputs of 400w+ for over 30 minutes on a single cell).

As for the camera resolution is concerned..
Its the CMOS sensor that determines the resolution... 10ft by 10ft for a 20mp sensor is a few hundred thousand pixels...pair it with a good lens and you get excellent resolution.
However..without a suitable lens.. it can take a nice panorama from 70000ft and show it in crisp meaningless detail.
The weight comes in from the Lens... and the gimbal mount for it.
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