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Should Pakistan aim for BOTH IP pipeline as well as TAPI pipeline

How many Pakistanis opt for both IP as well as TAPI

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Jul 29, 2011
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Now that the long awaited Iran Nuclear deal has been reached with the World Powers, it appears that the long awaited Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline may pick up momentum. I think Pakistan should also work on the TAPI Project and make that a reality. Having two sources for our Energy needs will diversify our risks for depending on just one source. Also it will create competition which will keep prices in line. TAPI project which will originate in Turkmenistan will benefit Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. The project will also earn royalties for Pakistan from India for the passage of Gas Pipeline. It will also build our relations with an important country in Central Asia and give us leverage in that relationship.
Now that the long awaited Iran Nuclear deal has been reached with the World Powers, it appears that the long awaited Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline may pick up momentum. I think Pakistan should also work on the TAPI Project and make that a reality. Having two sources for our Energy needs will diversify our risks for depending on just one source. Also it will create competition which will keep prices in line. TAPI project which will originate in Turkmenistan will benefit Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. The project will also earn royalties for Pakistan from India for the passage of Gas Pipeline. It will also build our relations with an important country in Central Asia and give us leverage in that relationship.

I Whole Heartedly Agree Infact Oil And Other Resources From Landlocked Central Asia Should Be Channeled Via Pakistan To Global Level Considering India Is Also Trying To Jump Into It By Building Chabahar. But You Didn't Put The Option For Bot Iran and Turkmenistan!!
Energy security is the cornerstone of total security of the nation. The other being military and economy. We lack substantially on economic and energy security.

Pipeline with Iran is now a possibility. But the pipeline traversing Afghanistan is not possible at all. Its because security in that country is not guaranteed. After complete withdrawal of foreign troops one day, we dont know how stable the country will be.

For Iran pipeline, now Pakistan can find investors. Eventually for long term security, Pakistan will have to reduce dependence on imported fuel and depend on indigenous resources.
Now that the long awaited Iran Nuclear deal has been reached with the World Powers, it appears that the long awaited Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline may pick up momentum. I think Pakistan should also work on the TAPI Project and make that a reality. Having two sources for our Energy needs will diversify our risks for depending on just one source. Also it will create competition which will keep prices in line. TAPI project which will originate in Turkmenistan will benefit Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. The project will also earn royalties for Pakistan from India for the passage of Gas Pipeline. It will also build our relations with an important country in Central Asia and give us leverage in that relationship.
What if the taliban decide to blow up the pipeline ??? :lol:
TAPI is unsecured taliban are animals and they can bite anything
Pakistan should go for both as their economy is in good shape.
Currently, none. Wait for some time. Iran deal is like a newly born baby in critical condition. We all hope that it lives but worst case scenario is a possibility too.

As for TAPI, wait for some more time to decide for conception of this baby. :eek:
In next few months the situation after deal will be clearer then only a firm decision can be taken
If US stays in Afghanistan for 10 more years, it is probably to frustrate Taliban and bring them to negotiating table.TAPI in the absence of a US-Taliban deal is a risk which nobody will like to take, unless ISAF starts paying Taliban protection money just as they have been paying for their shipments. It would be a multibillion dollar risk from Private US money which venture capitalists will not be willing to take. First they will use publicly funded US army and publicly paid private contractors to bring peace in Afghanistan.

We should not put our hopes too high for IP at this - wait and see - stage.
Cosidering Nawaz is a Saudi puppet - he will never go for IP - all hopes are dashed as long he is in power.

I have always envisioned a post-oil and post-

best mode of energy generation would be wind energy. you can build on starting from one turbine, come rain or shine . there will always be wind, even after a nuclear holocaust when dust and soot clouds will blanket the earth (hope those tall wind turbines stay standing). there is no feedstock, no environmental pollution, no need of huge amounts of water used for cooling, can even be planted on the mountains and in the water. biggest advantage is to start from smallest scale, with immediate gains and build upon the capacity, something which is very relevant to cash starved economy of ours.
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TAPI is unsecured taliban are animals and they can bite anything

But again...Taliban support and work for your interest...why would they impact your financial interest by blowing up the pipeline?
But again...Taliban support and work for your interest...why would they impact your financial interest by blowing up the pipeline?
killing our 60000 is not enough for you to understand ? you indians live in dreamworld . in real world pakstani forces and people are front line in this war and facing taliban face to face . do you thing its need 10 years for mullah umer to order TTP is haram and fighting pakistani public and army is not jihad ?
6 months more to wait before the 'real' sanctions are lifted which affect both India and Pakistan in respect to Iran.
Neither IPI or TAPI are in favor of India.... india should consider under water lines from iran if technologically feasable
killing our 60000 is not enough for you to understand ? you indians live in dreamworld . in real world pakstani forces and people are front line in this war and facing taliban face to face . do you thing its need 10 years for mullah umer to order TTP is haram and fighting pakistani public and army is not jihad ?
.....But the taliban who fight with you are different than the taliban who you support in Afganistan...So why those group will oppose you?
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