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Should Iran trust the West?

Should Iran trust the West?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 94.1%
  • I do not know

    Votes: 1 5.9%

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Mar 28, 2011
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I was thinking about this today, with all the talks of negotiations over Iran's nuclear program in world media. Should Iran trust west and give up its science and technology programs in exchange for lifting of some of the sanctions? My gut feeling says, Iran should not trust west, specially after what happened to Qaddafi who gave up his nuclear and missile program in exchange for making colonialist west happy. Here are my reasons:

1- Western countries led by UK started to steal Iran's hydrocarbon reserves specially oil from 1901 and this oil was the only oil UK used during world war I and world war II. All royal navy ships and planes and trucks running in Europe, Africa or South Asia was being fueled by Iranian oil which Iranians never got paid for. Infact UK had nationalized Iranian oil in 1914 and all Iranian oil and gas had become property of British crown forever. After Iranians tried to get it back, UK with US help orchestrated operation Ajax. After this color revolution brought about by operation Ajax, Iran got some small share in oil revenues but still the biggest share holders in Iranian oil remained British, French and Americans.

2- Western countries after the revolution in Iran, which cut their access to Iranian oil greatly, supported Saddam to invade Iran and play havoc with its economy through sanctions. This was more than a revenge. It was being done to make sure, Iran would remain a poor country despite its oil wealth and stop Iran's technological progress.

3- Iran had paid tens of billions of dollars to American and British companies in 1970's to supply it with numerous weapon systems eg. Kidd class frigates, submarines, tanks and war planes etc etc. None of them reached Iran and neither the money was returned. US and France continued to supply Saddam with helicopters and war planes and holding back Iranian purchased weapons during the war.

4- Iran had paid Germany in 1976 to build two nuclear power reactors for Bushehr plant which Germans never completed despite Germans being under obligation to complete under IAEA rules and NPT mandate which calls for nations with nuclear technology to help NPT members with all their needs. Germans never returned the money and Iranians had to literally beg the Russians for the technology. Russians took advantage and got maximum benefits from both Iranians and western countries by procrastinating the project. Finally the project which was supposed to be finished by Russians in 1999, is to become fully operational in 2012, that is 13 years later.

5- Iran had paid billions of dollars to France in 1970's for France to build a reprocessing plant in Iran which they never did. Iran had also paid France to build Darkhovin nuclear power plant, which of course French never did. Iran had also shared the costs of building Eurodiff Uranium enrichment plant which Iran owns 10% share of it to this day and France had agreed to provide Iran with enriched Uranium from that plant as well as the transfer of technology for Uranium enrichment. Iran never got even one gram of enriched Uranium from France neither got its share money.

6- Iran in 1970's had invested in Rössing uranium mine, the world's third largest Uranium mine and to this day owns 15% of the mine with government of Namibia holding 3%, South Africa holding 10% of shares and the Anglo-Australian corporation Rio Tinto having 69% of the shares. But as is the case, Iran still has not received a single gram of Uranium or any of the profits of the mine due to western pressures. Almost all of the Uranium taken out of this partly owned Iranian mine goes to US and EU.

7- The west is supporting terror inside Iran and despite the Algiers agreement of US with Iran, which had called for US to stop interfering in Iran's internal matters, US has kept interfering inside Iran. Now with unfair sanctions, US is trying to arm twist other countries that are trading with Iran too.

So what do you think Iran should do?
Libya tried trusting West and gave up nuke programme. They were looked thereafter in a very special way by the west.

If Iran wants to do that they know what to do.

Iran's case will be even worse if they give up their science and technology programs including missile and nukes. West will take such a revenge on Iranians that they will forget their own mother tongue. If they ever make the mistake they will be invaded, tortured, raped, killed and humiliated for the entire remaining part of this century.
West keeps talking Iran should "build confidence", "dispel doubts", "become trustworthy". Its the other way around, West should dispel the doubts they can be trusted, because as longbrained mentioned, the history shows which side is devious and untrustworthy.

I think the ideal compromise would be:

* West removes ALL sanctions, stops interfering in Iran's internal affairs.
* Iran signs additional protocol, enriches to 3.5%, and exchanges mats for 20% enriched in Brazil or elsewhere (exchanged at the same time, without delay).

It can be done as suggested by Russia, step-by-step. Iran does something, West removes some sanctions, and so on.

Sadly, I dont think it will work, since US will never stop pushing for Iran's gov. change to puppet. Sanctions wont work, so either full-out war will happen (some bombings wont achieve US goals), or fake "revolution", and then based on "humanitarian reasons" NATO will invade.
Of course we shouldn't.But we should try talking to them maybe we reach a deal that is a win-win for both sides.
We can stop our 20% Uranium enrichment(They don't give it to us,so we have to enrich it ourselves which costs us more than importing it) and give access to Parchin military site but we should never stop enrichment completely.If they don't lift sanctions in that way,then i really don't know what's going to happen.
Its like asking can I trust a snake.

being thinking about your post. I think it would be better to trust a snake than AIPAC sponsored American regime

---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

I don't even think its about Iran or nukes. Its about any Muslim country having an independent policy and potentially being a threat to Israel
Iran will eventually find a way around these sanctions, 'cause there is no way of taking knowledge from someone's brain or halt a nation's progress.
West will try to save face somehow and there won't be any prospect of reconciliation with Iran till the west changes governments
(polities) or opts for WW3 which is the only possibility to halt anyone's progress, but then this will halt the west's progress too or even destroy it .
Conclusion : no way out, west has to swallow its tongue and deeds or self destruct.
That's why I have every faith in the destruction of Israel. In the long run the excesses of the Zionists will not go unpunished

Yeah, unjust systems can no survive any length of time. They also know it. That is why 90% of Israelis have a second passport on ready and almost all of the own stuff outside Israel.
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