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Should india calm down a bit in dealing with kashmiri terrorist sympathisers?

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May 17, 2015
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Guys , Should our forces cut down their aggression a bit while dealing with terrorist sympathisers in kashmir(aka stone pelters). Somehow I am getting the feeling this modi government is acting ruthlessly(I maybe wrong). More than 80 people have already died. People there are on a rage now; let them calm down a bit and everythig will be normal again. I know that feeling.
During Telangana agitation I was also raging with fury..I was so angry on Congress because they went back on their word..at one time I even felt agitated at the indifference being shown by the rest of the country(media) towards our cause..Now when I look back it looks silly.
If the situation there is really out of control and police really have to fire pellets to protect themselves ,none of us need to feel any concern for them.But if it is not the case ,aren't their other ways to control them? But aren't there other ways to control the mobs?
Today for the first time (after reading the news of death of another young boy) my heart somewhat melted...Is it not possible to control the mobs with tear gas and water canons?
When people are furious, they don't care for their life..doesn't killing more people add fuel to the fire?
The issue is that there are a lot of lot of low IQ people making up Indian politics, bureaucacy, intelligence and armed forces. Its good to be tough and most people will like it to be tough. But is it not necessary to have in this age a video recording on each case/at least a significant number of cases to show what conditions the police/armed forces faced that forced their hands. At least making public such footage of injured/killed policemen, showing the unabated stone throwing, would help in gaining the narrative. But no, these dumb asses from ministers and down, don't seem to be ready to become more pro active in countering the narrative. Any suspected death should have postmortem reports and a single case of foul play would be helpful to the Indian narrative. I find the Kashmir renegades (not all Kashmiri), winning this battle by highlighting their case with images but not a single indian policeman injured has been seen on indian media (although reports say 4k injured). Hope fully they make evidence supporting Indian claim public or they are slowing moving towards losing this case and would also make India lose face.
Guys , Should our forces cut down their aggression a bit while dealing with terrorist sympathisers in kashmir(aka stone pelters). Somehow I am getting the feeling this modi government is acting ruthlessly(I maybe wrong). More than 80 people have already died. People there are on a rage now; let them calm down a bit and everythig will be normal again. I know that feeling.
During Telangana agitation I was also raging with fury..I was so angry on Congress because they went back on their word..at one time I even felt agitated at the indifference being shown by the rest of the country(media) towards our cause..Now when I look back it looks silly.
If the situation there is really out of control and police really have to fire pellets to protect themselves ,none of us need to feel any concern for them.But if it is not the case ,aren't their other ways to control them? But aren't there other ways to control the mobs?
Today for the first time (after reading the news of death of another young boy) my heart somewhat melted...Is it not possible to control the mobs with tear gas and water canons?
When people are furious, they don't care for their life..doesn't killing more people add fuel to the fire?

There is no simple answer for this. Both the Carrot and the stick has to be used.

There has to be the fear of the law and respect for the state. There should also be faith in the state leadership and local leadership.

The real problem is that the state and local leadership FAILED to inspire faith in the public. This Failure of the state leadership now has to be compensate by stronger action by the Police forces.

However one cannot be substituted by the other. BJP should have pulled out support for PDP and should have started Negotiations with the NC for an alternate govt. formation in the face of failure by the state govt. But then again maybe the NC was just happy to let the state burn for political gains.

End of the day the people of Kashmir has brought this on themselves so they will just have to suffer through it. There is no short cut out.
Guys , Should our forces cut down their aggression a bit while dealing with terrorist sympathisers in kashmir(aka stone pelters). Somehow I am getting the feeling this modi government is acting ruthlessly(I maybe wrong). More than 80 people have already died. People there are on a rage now; let them calm down a bit and everythig will be normal again. I know that feeling.
During Telangana agitation I was also raging with fury..I was so angry on Congress because they went back on their word..at one time I even felt agitated at the indifference being shown by the rest of the country(media) towards our cause..Now when I look back it looks silly.
If the situation there is really out of control and police really have to fire pellets to protect themselves ,none of us need to feel any concern for them.But if it is not the case ,aren't their other ways to control them? But aren't there other ways to control the mobs?
Today for the first time (after reading the news of death of another young boy) my heart somewhat melted...Is it not possible to control the mobs with tear gas and water canons?
When people are furious, they don't care for their life..doesn't killing more people add fuel to the fire?
Just like you my brother was on roads for united andhra struggle.
He was just standing outside our gate( on that day protest was violent) ...cops came n took him to custody.During such situations stay at home or else innocent people standing near by will b caught / May b injured along mob.
Its not mistake of security.....a small questions what does a small kid has to do in such place....Even I feel sorry for that kid.
Protesters using kids ...just like happened in Israel...
There is no simple answer for this. Both the Carrot and the stick has to be used.

There has to be the fear of the law and respect for the state. There should also be faith in the state leadership and local leadership.

The real problem is that the state and local leadership FAILED to inspire faith in the public. This Failure of the state leadership now has to be compensate by stronger action by the Police forces.

However one cannot be substituted by the other. BJP should have pulled out support for PDP and should have started Negotiations with the NC for an alternate govt. formation in the face of failure by the state govt. But then again maybe the NC was just happy to let the state burn for political gains.

End of the day the people of Kashmir has brought this on themselves so they will just have to suffer through it. There is no short cut out.
True, mehbooba has been soft on terrorists hence the problem and bjp in its greed for power does not want pull out support for her.

problem is that Indian bureaucracy or politicians are reactive when it comes to kashmir. Scale of such agitation cannot happen without proper planning & funding. Other than issues some usual dumb statements HM has not shown any out of the box thinking.

A long term approach is needed to solve the problem and take the anti national elements to task.
True, mehbooba has been soft on terrorists hence the problem and bjp in its greed for power does not want pull out support for her.

problem is that Indian bureaucracy or politicians are reactive when it comes to kashmir. Scale of such agitation cannot happen without proper planning & funding. Other than issues some usual dumb statements HM has not shown any out of the box thinking.

A long term approach is needed to solve the problem and take the anti national elements to task.

Rubbish. BJP has the Mandate of the people and a Responsibility to form a government.

So their choice is either PDP or NC and once they do they also have a responsibility of making that govt. work.

Otherwise they will turn into another AAP and its incompetent ministers looking always to blame somebody else.

The Agitation is obviously the work of the pakistan establishment using the Kashmirs to force India onto the negotiation table. The problem is India walked right into that trap.

I agree with the lack of Out of Box thinking but so far Modi is the only one who has demonstrated such capability. Rajnath Singh does not have that capacity.
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