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SHOCKING: Taliban strike on a US base caught on film.

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Masha'ALLAH, keep the good work up !
LMAO. Their commander is hilarious firing 2 lmgs at the same time.
American Empire should leave Afghanistan now .... enough is enough!

You have these men fighting in Afghanistan....and then you have American boys fighting and killing innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan...some of those boys even started crying during intense gun-fight in Urban Iraq, even though they had all the advantage over the weak enemy :rolleyes:

Plus : The truck driver didn't even look like a fanatic...just a normal guy who gave his life fighting against the illegitimate invaders... :cry:

Last time ... Vietcong were the "terrorists" and now Afghans are ...:disagree:
LMAO. Their commander is hilarious firing 2 lmgs at the same time.


Must watch.
The Lions preparing and than hunting their pray ALLAH O AKBAR America run out of Afghanistan or you will be made part of history really very soon INSHALLAH MAY ALLAH BLESS THESE LIONS who are fighting for the honour of Islam and Muslims
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Yesterday I was looking at a video in which an Apache was wiping Taliban as if a Spiny Anteater was eating ants and I was thinking how much strength would Afghans have who face such technology and yet they are able to bring "mighty" america down to its keens. You cannot describe Afghan strength in words alone and if an unbiased history would be ever written, Afghans would stand as oneof the bravest and respected soldiers in the world.
The Lions preparing and than hunting their pray ALLAH O AKBAR America run out of Afghanistan or you will be made part of history really very soon INSHALLAH MAY ALLAH BLESS THESE LIONS who are fighting for the honour of Islam and Muslims

They are not fighting for the "honour of Islam" or for "Muslims". They are Murderers and oppressors of women. Deluded fools fighting for their rightful place in burning hell.

Maybe your "Islam" taught you something else.
More bunnies blowing up.
More will replace them..
More weapons sold..
More money for contractors..
More time the US will stay..
More joy for Taliban fans associations...

-More U.S Causalities...
-More spending in Afghanistan..
-More pressure on already troubled U.S economy..
-More time for China to close the gap ...
-World becomes "more" balanced and hence more secure..
-More troubles for Pakistan ---> and hence for India.

What you don't understand is that this war is "bread and butter" of Afghans such as you see in the video. Afghanistan doesn't have anything to lose...no industry ..no governance..no job... This war is wanted by Afghans..to keep their families fed....It is America who is losing everything...Its image , its precious solders , its billions of dollars , its dominance of the globe..

The more America indulge itself in these useless , expensive wars..the more closer China comes in balancing the U.S out!

In 2001 , China wasn't even in the radar! America was light years ahead of everybody...Today ..yes they are still much ahead..but look at the gap now :smokin:
-More U.S Causalities...
-More spending in Afghanistan..
-More pressure on already troubled U.S economy..
-More time for China to close the gap ...
-World becomes "more" balanced and hence more secure..
-More troubles for Pakistan ---> and hence for India.

What you don't understand is that this war is "bread and butter" of Afghans such as you see in the video. Afghanistan doesn't have anything to lose...no industry ..no governance..no job... This war is wanted by Afghans..to keep their families fed....It is America who is losing everything...Its image , its precious solders , its billions of dollars , its dominance of the globe..

The more America indulge itself in these useless , expensive wars..the more closer China comes in balancing the U.S out!

In 2001 , China wasn't even in the radar! America was light years ahead of everybody...Today ..yes they are still much ahead..but look at the gap now :smokin:

It does nt matter whether the US leaves or not. These radicals are taught from the birth to blow things up and kill somebody.

Even if they are given paradise and all free will inside afghanistan they will start killing each other.

Thats what they have been taught, thats what they are doing, thats what they will do in future too.

They can never integrate into a civil society and live a normal life raising a family by their income from any job they do.

They dont belong to a society and they will eventually end up in where they belong.. IN HELL...

And regarding China, they cant help much or do more than US, if US leaves talibs replace US with China and blow them instead... kungfuu wont help much..








They are not fighting for the "honour of Islam" or for "Muslims". They are Murderers and oppressors of women. Deluded fools fighting for their rightful place in burning hell.

Maybe your "Islam" taught you something else.

yea not to believe the Zionist media!

oops trucks .. owned by Pakistanis, driven by pakistanis carrying fuel for NATO blown by Afghanis or Pakistani talibans..

An Epic United nations photoshoot.
"The Taliban Are Well Liked" A Japanese Doctor's Up-close Observations Contradict Overseas Reports

15 September 2009
Japanese doctor Tetsu Nakamura works with leprosy patients and refugees in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's a job that keeps him in touch with the raw reality of life in that troubled country. And he says that from what he has seen, the Taliban are being wrongly portrayed internationally. "There's something wrong with the media reports," he says. "This talk of the Taliban being vicious and disliked doesn't fit with reality." Nakamura says the fundamentalists have wide support from the population, particularly in rural areas. "Otherwise, how can they rule 95% of the country with only 15,000 soldiers?"

Villagers around Nakamura's Peshawar base hospital and 10 clinics in both northwestern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan were pleased to see peace established under Taliban rule, he says. The Pushtun people, who make up two-thirds of the Afghan population, can accept strict Muslim codes because they have lived by them all their lives, he says. Women are not deprived of education or jobs, as far as he can see. In fact, half the local doctors at his clinics are women.

So why are the people of the capital, Kabul, reportedly hoping to see the Taliban overthrown? "The Taliban may act differently there," he told me when we met recently in Tokyo. "They're obliged to fix the corrupt urban life. The people most vocal in criticizing the Taliban are upper-class Afghans who have been deprived of their privileges." Nakamura's words reminded me of news footage I have seen several times since the attacks on New York and Washington. Shot by French journalists in Afghanistan, it showed Afghan women speaking critically of the Taliban. Significantly, they are dressed in shiny silk-like costumes, with large rings on their fingers.

Nakamura, 55, says the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance are not the freedom fighters some journalists describe them as. Villagers are frightened of them because they are more violent and cruel than the Taliban, he says. They execute innocent people in horrific ways, though not in public as the Taliban do as a warning to others.

Nakamura works for Peshawar – kai Medical Services, a Japanese aid agency based in Fukuoka City that has been operating in the Peshawar district for 17 years. He first visited the area as an alpinist when he was still a medical school student in Fukuoka. Shocked by the lack of medical care in the area, particularly for leprosy patients, he volunteered to work at a local hospital in l984. He says: "I spent most of my time not in straight medical work but in trying to understand my patients, their lifestyles and values -- what makes them weep or what matters most for them. "Luckily, I can eat anything and sleep anywhere," he grins.

Nakamura has seen foreigners visiting Afghanistan and returning home to criticize the Muslim culture -- from a Western perspective. These people may be "heroes or heroines in London or New York," he says, "but they contribute nothing to the welfare of Afghans." As for suggestions the Taliban have cut the country off from the world, Nakamura says the Afghans are perhaps better informed than the Japanese, as they listen daily to BBC radio in their own language.

The doctor's greatest concern is the fate of millions of starving refugees in and around Afghanistan. Over one million of them are suffering from hunger, he says, while up to 40% are bordering on starvation. He thinks 10% could die during the winter. Nakamura and his staff stopped focusing exclusively on leprosy in the l980s as they had so many refugees to deal with, many suffering from malaria, diarrhea, infections and fever. Severe draught in recent years created hundreds of thousands of refugees. And now the American bombing and the fear of an invasion has brought more. His aid agency helps to dig wells not only to provide water but also for irrigation for farms, so that the refugees can return to their villages.

Back home in Japan temporarily and thinking of his base area in Pakistan and Afghanistan, Nakamura says: "It's all like a mirage far off in the desert." He fondly recalls the red-brown soil of Afghanistan fields, the villagers sharing their joy about water from newly dug wells, and the friendly faces of Taliban soldiers helping villagers. "I have one simple question," he says. "What are the big powers trying to defend by attacking this ailing, tiny country?" It's a good question.
Is this video legitimate??
I mean a truck driving towards a NATO/US base in Afganistan is not stopped..?? :undecided:
No barricades/ No checkposts..?? :undecided:
I think before any truck or whatever can come so near the base; the Americans will blow it to smithereens..... :what:
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