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Ship-breaking Sector Springs to Life


Jun 19, 2008
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Ship-breaking sector springs to life with import bonanza

Monira Munni

Chittagong-based ship-breakers have imported a record number of recyclable ships weighing about 2.1million tonnes of iron plates during the last nine months, industry people said.

They said over 200 ships have already been broken in the first nine months of 2012, which is the highest in the last two years when the industry saw many ups and downs due to legal complexities.

They said their business is back on track and they are expecting more ships to dismantle in the coming days.

"Now Bangladesh is on the top position in terms of dismantling ships," President of Bangladesh Ship Breakers Association (BSBA) Hefazatur Rahman told the FE.

Bangladesh is a unique place for ship-breaking as nearly cent per cent of the products coming from the dismantled ships are being used here, he said.

In a ship there are more or less 200 cabins and all the furniture goods are sold in the local markets reducing the pressure on forest, he said.

He expressed the hope to extract around three million tonnes of steel from the broken ships by the end of this year.

The situation is now different from that a few years back, he said adding over the years, the industry has improved safety standards for the workers and "it is also conscious about the environment".

A total of 206 ships weighing 2.1 million tonnes were imported at a cost of about $945 million, Technical Adviser of BSBA Captain Salahuddin Ahmed said.

"Bangladesh is the only country, where every part of the ship is sold at a doubled rate compared to other countries like India," he added.

Bangladesh was the top ship buyer for eight times in a row from 2000 to 2010 leaving China, India, Pakistan, Turkey behind, he said adding after 2009 various legal campaigns by environmental groups almost shut down the sector.

"But now it is back on the track," he said adding the ship-breaking sector is vital to the economy as it supplies the much-needed steel and iron to the domestic market.

Bangladesh's unique geography is also another reason why ageing ships are taken to its beaches. The unique tide pattern makes it easy to ground the ships during occasional tides, he explained.

The country's 125 ship-breaking yards imported 145 ships weighing 1.7 million tonnes of iron plates in 2011. The import had dropped significantly in 2010, upon a judicial verdict, as environmental groups took the issue to court on the allegations of dumping hazardous materials by the ships on the coast and exposing workers to toxic substances.

In the face of protest and obeying the court order, the government had suspended import of recyclable ships for about a year. Later, the government introduced new rules for ship-breaking and formed a Ship Breaking Cell at the Ministry of Industries to implement the rules.

The Ship Breaking and Recycling Rules 2011 was issued in a circular on December 14, 2011.

The once active ship-breaking yards at Sitakunda, 20 kilometres north of the port city of Chittagong, dismantled only 75 ships in 2010, more than 170 ships in 2008 and 150 in 2007. Bangladesh used to dismantle around 50 per cent of the ships sent to scrap-yards across the globe, according to BSBA.

The government gave ship-breaking the status of an industry in February this year as part of a long-term plan to promote labour standards and safe toxic management. The ship-breaking industry is the country's main source of iron and steel. Private re-rolling mills and steel mills melt the scrap pieces dismantled from ships to produce mild steel (MS) rods, bars and angles.
There is a thread about the competition among BD, India and Pakistan, the three south asian countries, in the ship-breaking sector. BD position was a little weak because of restrictions put by the Court and govt. Now, after a lapse of a few months the industry has come ahead of other two shipbreaking countries. I think, the country will keep on breaking more tonnage of ships than the other two countries during the next few years.

The shipbreaking sector is important because it is tied to the civil construction works needed for building a strong infrastructure in the country.
we are trying to compete in ship building not ship-breaking sector

Pipavav Shipyard :: Home Page
capable of building 300,000 tonne ships(Very large ore carriers & Very Large Crude Carriers)

Do not put up the word, 'we' as it is in your post, because there is no India Co., Ltd. There are people with diverse minds and diverse business interests. So , shipbreaking people are different from shipbuilding people. If you have nothing to contribute to this thread, just get away from it. It is not about your shipbuilding industry. Start a thread in Indian Forum, will you?
Do not put up the word, 'we' as it is in your post, because there is no India Co., Ltd. There are people with diverse minds and diverse business interests. So , shipbreaking people are different from shipbuilding people. If you have nothing to contribute to this thread, just get away from it. It is not about your shipbuilding industry. Start a thread in Indian Forum, will you?
There is no India....
It is all RAW propaganda

Gujarat in India had distinction of being India's ship breaking capital now it is trying to be a ship building capital

we are trying to compete in ship building not ship-breaking sector

Pipavav Shipyard :: Home Page
capable of building 300,000 tonne ships(Very large ore carriers & Very Large Crude Carriers)

do you know that shipbreaking can lead to dumping of asbestos and other dangerous chemicals on our countries?
will you let your workers work in that conditions?
Is India,Pakistan and Bangladesh dumpyard of the west???

Toxic management to save the ecology and labor safety are two most vulnerable issues with this industry. Govt. ruling will not help that much as usual. These are to be considered, Syeda Rizwana spoke vehemently about these. Otherwise it's fine, contributing to the economy. We can't put our ecology and workers at stake for money.
I seen a documentary couple years ago about ship-braking in Bd. I must say, I didn't like what I saw. Working condition is very poor. I hope it has improved.
I seen a documentary couple years ago about ship-braking in Bd. I must say, I didn't like what I saw. Working condition is very poor. I hope it has improved.

Working conditions are poor, there is no doubt about it. But, these breaker owners are after quick noney at the expense of those labours. Owners are merciless. Nothing counts to them more than money. Govt has changed a few laws and the conditions may have improved a little, I do not know. But, this is not unique to BD. It is happening to all other developing countries like China, India and Pakistan. Why? Because shipbuilding is a single largest source of steel in these countries.

Before Peking Olympic there was so much demand for scraps including scrap ships in China that poor countries like BD were cornered by the Chinese economic prowess. They were not getting steel scraps in their intended quantities and prices. After the Olympic the prices are now affordable.

Whatever may be the environmental effects, steel ships will remain a very important source of steel for a poor country like BD. We need this scrap to recycle it to many forms of steel products. The process creates jobs in many different sectors. So, we cannot neglect the ship-breaking sector.
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