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SHC summons Musharraf, Pirzada in treason case


Commissions work just fine, its just that their findings are not released to the public. This is something that a neutral government should be able to do. You have to understand that at least for Kargil affair, there is nothing legally criminal. The Army took action as it felt was appropriate after involving the PM. The disagreement is about who told whom when etc. Its something that should be discussed but in a non-legal setting.

Tried under constitution for what? That he discharged his duty based on the advice of his people on the ground? People should not be wronged. I do not have a problem with that. Someone should answer for the LM affair. Well who should? Should the ones who started this whole affair or the ones who tried to end it? Secondly by dragging all and sundry in the court of law, you are setting the wrong precedence. This precedence is that picking up arms against the government is fine and should there be any violence then the government would be liable. If this is the way it is to be done then do realize that the already shabby law enforcement in Pakistan will become even worse as nobody would be willing to make difficult decisions out of fear for their own hides.

So my point is that you simply cannot start a circus of a trial because certain people have personal gripes to settle. It will distract Pakistan. It will cause further divisions within the country.

I beg to differ Sir but this approach hasnt worked for Pakistan..we previously have let go some politicians, generals and bueracrats with some very serious allegations just because we were afraid of riots and stuff..but it seems to happen again and again....and it'll never end...every time a politician/general or any person with sources for that matter has done something wrong was given a free passage.

so I think we have to start somewhere.

Point Taken sir. :)
Do you think that what has gone on in Pakistan would be helped by putting one person on trial or instead by strengthening the law and putting clauses in it to ensure that a repeat of this never happens?

I think that is what should be done definately but we need to set an example so it isn't even tried again. But yes so far as making the law I do agree that 58-2B should be removed it was a dictatorial step in the first place.

The same powers that Musharraf wielded are concentrated in the President of the day. Why not fix that first?

I would agree but lets deal with the dictator first slowly we will start sorting things out.

Bottom line is that setting examples in Pakistan does not work when the law and its enforcement does not cover all the loopholes. Also the question comes up as to how far back do you want to go?

To as many as possible or atleast alive for that matter.

You single out the Army for making an example out of it then get ready for some firecrackers. This is the reality of Pakistan. Focus should be on the issues and not personalities.

I say that because army is the most disciplined organisation a bit like you can spot a stain on a white wall but not on a black wall of other organisations.

The only reason these cases are being instigated is because NS and his cronies have a gripe to level with the former General. As it is, NS' relations with the Army are not too great, pushing too much on this agenda may backfire.

I doubt that would happen however lets hope for the best.
. .

NS just has a personal vendetta to settle againts mushy, everytime he or one of his monkeys is on TV, we rant and howl about one thing alone..... MUSHYTHIS, MUSHY THAT, MUSHY STOLE MY CAT, MUSHY PINCHED MY ***, MUSHY ***** SLAPPED ME and the list is never ending !!!

one of the key postulates of conflict management is let gone by be gone bys... its gonna get dirty beyond conception ladies, and that Pakistan can't afford and the people don't give a crap shoot about!

About kargil, one of the 2 buggers is lieing, but my guess is that its NS, heck he lies so mush that i can swear i see his nose growing!! :bounce:

Pakistanis dont give two hoots about ch. inteshar being CJP, Naraz Sharif being pissed off all the time, Aetaraz Ahsan's beautifully rhetoric speeches, Bazari's horse trading to hold on to power, or Busharaf's dandy suits and audacious statements. :taz:

We want prosperity, peace, better law enforcement, better governance, jobs, strong economy, deflation, etc etc or else............ LET THE ARMY COME AND REINHABIT EACH VACANT CELL AT ADYALA!! :guns:
may be he is not answerable for kargil, lal masjid or bugti killing but definately he screwed the constitution many time and also went againt the ruling of supreme court by imposing emergency. he must be tried and all those who were partner in crime. then if he proves he is not guilty its fine or else.... all our leaders who have gone against the rule of law should be brought to justice. if you say this will open another pandora box then we should stop complaining about our leaders mintin money while in power. someone will have to open this pandora box to set things in rit order. we will have to start from somewhere and the later we start more dirtier it will be.
y should i obey the law when my leaders who have ruined lives of so many ppl are living in palaces. and when ill not obey the law then one day there will be no rule of law which will provide space to these talibans to come and take over in the name of shariah.
. .
At Above,

Dear, Blain put it very aptly,

We need to change the system, re enginner the system, de bug it, cut out the loop holes so that no one can play with it any more. whether its the beurocracy or politicians.

waging a personality war, how many culprits will u try? we will probably tire out the courts but cases will keep going on. every politician and the whole beuracracy is curropt, kis kis ko courts mey drag karo gey? and then our judges are not exactly the poster boys of justice if u know wat i mean :hitwall:

If a theif comes at night in ur house, while u r asleep and robs u off clean, the next morning wat do u do? do u start looking for him? even if u have seen his face, how will u implicate him keeping our current situation in mind.

What u will do is, attach barb wire on ur gates, hire a (reliable) gaurd, keep a dog, maybe equip ur house with an alarm sytem; point is, u will strenthen the SYSTEM of ur house so that the same theif or a new one, if attempts to repeat his crime he is caught. hope my analogy makes sence.

Blain is trying to insinuate (and i second him) that u need a lot of resources to get guilty individuals to justice, its best that u upgrade ur system.

Having said that, i also agree that these buggers should be brought to justice (and incarcerated for life or hanged):yahoo:


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