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Shaurya Short- and medium-range ballistic missile


Apr 28, 2011
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The Shaurya is a land variant of Indian K-15 submarine-launched missile

Shaurya on a Tatra T815 8x8 TEL
Entered service 2013
Crew 2 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight ~ 30 t
Length ~ 10 m
Width ~ 2.5 m
Height ~ 5 m
Missile length 10 m
Missile diameter 0.74 m
Missile launch weight 6 200 kg
Warhead weight 180 - 1 000 kg
Warhead type Conventional or 17kT nuclear
Range of fire 700 - 1 900 km
CEP 20-30 m
Engine Tatra T930-50 19-liter diesel
Engine power 347 hp
Maximum road speed 80 km/h
Range 650 km
Gradient 50%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step ~ 0.5 m
Trench ~ 2 m
Fording ~ 1.4 m

The Shaurya is a hypersonic surface-to-surface ballistic missile, developed by Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO) of India. It is one of the top 10 missiles in its class with advanced navigation systems, propulsion system and control technologies.

The Shaurya is 6.2 t canister launched missile, with a 10 m length, and 0.74 m diameter. It boasts an intermediate operational range of 700 to 1 900 km and a payload weight of 180 to 1 000 kg. It can carry conventional or a 17 kT yield nuclear warhead.

The Shaurya is actually a land variant of Indian K-15 submarine launched missile. The first flight test was conducted in 2004. Further successful tests occurred, the latest in 2011 before the missile was officially inducted into service in 2013. The Shaurya fulfills the tactical need of the country in offensive/defensive scenarios. The canister launch capability improves the mobility of the system even in rough terrains and bad weather.

The propulsion system of the Shaurya uses a two stage solid propellants to attain a speed of Mach 7.5 and flight altitude of 40 km. It is also incorporated with advanced ring laser gyroscope, resulting in a good accuracy of 20-30 m CEP Circular Error Probable (CEP).

The two stage propulsion starts with the first stage solid fuel booster pushing the missile to a 5 km low atmospheric pressure altitude. At this point the second stage starts and an inter-stage coupling mechanism (softstage) separates the missile parts. The second stage payload rises to its flight altitude and conducts in-flight maneuvers to increase the accuracy before plummeting towards it during the atmospheric re-entry. The outer temperature rises to about 700 degree Celsius and composite nozzle with metallic backup & carbon phenolic liners protect the payload, associated electronics during the re-entry stage.

The hypersonic speed of the missile offers minimal chance of getting destroyed by any interceptor missile. Besides, the missile is highly maneuverable like a cruise missile and has reduced signature, rendering it invisible to the satellites to a very high extent.

Further improvements to the missile system include better operational range, accuracy and increased payload capability. Improvement in speed offers better chances of avoiding interceptors and to strike the target with minimal time.

Short- and Medium-Range Ballistic Missile


Short- and Medium-Range Ballistic Missile


Short- and Medium-Range Ballistic Missile


Short- and Medium-Range Ballistic Missile


Shaurya Short- and Medium-Range Ballistic Missile | Military-Today.com
Its a Quazi ballistic Missile. Perhaps the True Pakistan Specific Missile.
Shaurya is evolving. They are developing a smaller all composite two stage missile with the new solid fuel developed in HEMRL. That is the future of defence against Pakistan. I think Shaurya s a tech demo. The same will replace Agni-1 as well.
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