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Sharif govt puts Iran pipeline 'off the table'.

Turkey voices will to expand energy deals with Iran during PM Erdoğan’s visit - ECONOMICS

An excerpt from the article says
Iranian officials say trade between the countries stood at $22 billion (16.2 billion euros) in 2012, before dipping to $20 billion in 2013. It is expected to reach $30 billion in 2015.

Iran was Turkey’s third largest export market in 2012. In fact, Iranian media reported, Turkey exported more than 20,000 products to Iran, among them gold and silver.

The gold trade boomed in 2012 when Ankara was paying for Iranian natural gas and oil imports with the Turkish Lira and Tehran was using those deposits held in Turkey’s state-run Halkbank to buy gold.

Some of the gold was held inside Turkey at the peak of the trade while some was taken to Dubai by couriers to be sold for foreign currency that was urgently needed by Iran as sanctions increasingly cut off access.

We can easily trade with IRanians on a similar model. And the volume of trade between two countries can easily hit 10-15 billion dollars in a few years. If Iranians were being paid for gas in Pak Rupees(as Turks did in Lira), they would be importing huge value of goods and services from us.

We always get short sold by gifts of a Billion or so, instead of trade that can achieve monumental levels in a decade.
Honestly speaking, Iran should normalize relationship with the West and replace Russia as Europe's main gas supplier via Turkey.

This would be a great thing to do.
Honestly speaking, Iran should normalize relationship with the West and replace Russia as Europe's main gas supplier via Turkey.

This would be a great thing to do.

Just like Libya did , yea... we all know how that happy hand shake turned out


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