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I dont know. Our house in Lucca is really strange. My mother and my sister both said they witnessed strange things. I as well but usually dont talk about it.

Its a pretty old house in the inner city.

The worst part is that 5 guys who worked in our house to build or repair something died soon afterwards.

One guy who placed new cables in our electric system died one week later in a car accident.

Another electrician died a month later through an electric shock.

The guy who lay the tiles in our bath had a car accident soon after.

The guy who repaired our water tubes had a stroke a month later.

Beside that its sometimes like there is a presence. Its hard to explain. I had several events.

One day i came home from training and was sleepy. I was alone at home and went in my bed. The moon was shining through my window and i looked around and then stopped while looking at a corner. The moonlight created a shadow there and the longer i looked the more it appeared like a person. I felt ice cold and shut on the light.

In another night i was sleeping and suddenly something touched my face. It felt so real that my first thought was that my pet python went out of his terrarium, so i shot my blanket away and clicked the light on...and nothing.

Another night something bumped again and again against my wall from above.

My sister said she once believed something came out of the dark and grabbed her leg. Both she and my mother also once saw a shadow forming into something at night.

So well...our house is pretty fucked up. I usually dont believe such stories and think its just imagination but it can feel incredible real. And honestly i dont know.
Some lady's Jinn story

One night when my husband was working very late at night, I was home alone sleeping with my 2 year old son. While I was sleeping I heard someone ask me my name, and of course I ignored it because I thought I was dreaming. Then again, I heard someone say “WHAT IS YOUR NAME” very angrily. I woke up very fast then I heard someone say my name. It was my sleeping son. Alhumdulilah I lived in the same apartment building as my husbands family and one call was made to bring everyone in and pray!
Now Sharing one of my stories.
My aunt's home in lahore is haunted. I was there during holidays last year. There is an entire family of jinn's living there (4 to be exact). I went to bathroom late night, every one was sleeping. Someone started banging the door from outside. then I heard my cousin's voice, he was calling me. I came out, there was no one there and then i remembered that cousin of mine was not home either.
Some lady's Jinn story

One night when my husband was working very late at night, I was home alone sleeping with my 2 year old son. While I was sleeping I heard someone ask me my name, and of course I ignored it because I thought I was dreaming. Then again, I heard someone say “WHAT IS YOUR NAME” very angrily. I woke up very fast then I heard someone say my name. It was my sleeping son. Alhumdulilah I lived in the same apartment building as my husbands family and one call was made to bring everyone in and pray!
do jinns only affect muslims? I have never experienced any jinn activity ever in my entire life.. one of my muslim friend used to ask me to come with him to kitchen(at night) because of jinns... when I asked he described how another guy fell ill suddenly. Not sure whether he was serious..
do jinns only affect muslims? I have never experienced any jinn activity ever in my entire life.. one of my muslim friend used to ask me to come with him to kitchen(at night) because of jinns... when I asked he described how another guy fell ill suddenly. Not sure whether he was serious..
No ..they affect other people as well . Thing is in other cultures they are given various other names like ghosts, spirits, demons etc. Jinns have different religions too like there are Hindu, Christian, Jewish and Muslim Jinns. Here is a very creepy story.
Once, my alarm rang and I just lay there trying to decide if I should just skip class and sleep longer. I decided not to skip class and as I sat up I was face to face with the jinn. it looked like it was kneeling at the foot of the bed watching me sleep. I remember it had one hand outstretched like it was going to pet my cat that was sleeping on my feet. It was as if I had startled it, because it had jerked it’s hand back away from me a bit then stopped. When it stood up,it looked like it was nearly over six feet. I was absolutely scared to death I remember saying Allah help me and praying. at times I wish I wasn’t such a coward so I could maybe have talked to it.
No ..they affect other people as well . Thing is in other cultures they are given various other names like ghosts, spirits, demons etc. Jinns have different religions too like there are Hindu, Christian, Jewish and Muslim Jinns. Here is a very creepy story.
Once, my alarm rang and I just lay there trying to decide if I should just skip class and sleep longer. I decided not to skip class and as I sat up I was face to face with the jinn. it looked like it was kneeling at the foot of the bed watching me sleep. I remember it had one hand outstretched like it was going to pet my cat that was sleeping on my feet. It was as if I had startled it, because it had jerked it’s hand back away from me a bit then stopped. When it stood up,it looked like it was nearly over six feet. I was absolutely scared to death I remember saying Allah help me and praying. at times I wish I wasn’t such a coward so I could maybe have talked to it.
so you mean only hindu jinns will try to contact me? why have they not already?is there anything I can do to attract them?
so you mean only hindu jinns will try to contact me? why have they not already?is there anything I can do to attract them?
No any Jinn can contact you, they don't interact with people according to their religion. It is mostly the evil ones who scare or possess. I have never seen a scary Jinn myself, had a few scary moments though. I am a supernatural enthusiast but what i have learned so far is that interacting with them is definitely not a good idea. There are people out there who can help you see some, but i would advise against that.
We’re sure of one thing that haunted places exist everywhere in the world. Most of us have also experienced paranormal activities.There are people who believe that Ghosts (Jinn) do exist while there are some people who don’t believe in such tales. Well I think that Ghosts do exist. They also have families just like us, they marry, they have kids. There are good and bad ghosts too. I personally never experienced anything like this. But i love listening to stories related to ghosts.

There are numerous places in Pakistan that people claim the undead haunt even today.Here is a list of places that I heard are haunted and one should never visit.

Koh-i-Chiltan Peak – Balochistan
The tallest peak in the Chiltan range is said to be haunted by the ghosts of 40 dead children. The local legend of the peak is about a couple who once left 40 babies on the peak to survive on their own. It is these children that they say can be heard crying in despair in the night when the winds blow strong, carrying down their voices calling to people to come up.
The story of the couple is fairly simple, poor and without a child, they sought the help of many clerics and healers. One such cleric’s son said he would be able to help them even though others couldn’t. He spent many nights praying and the couple was not only blessed with one but forty children.
Being unable to care for so many the husband decided to leave 39 on the mountain top to fend for themselves. They say the wife was drawn to the wails of the 39 and taking the 40th child she saw that all were alive, she left her last child there to tell her husband the good news. Upon returning, all of them were gone.

Mohatta Palace – Karachi
Built in 1927 by Shivratan Chandraratan, it was abandoned when India and Pakistan partition took place. This incredible palace is now a museum. But many strange things seem to happen here when the visitors are gone and the lights grow dim. Many of the workers claim that things have a tendency to move themselves, from one place to another, claims have been made of lights moving around, when no one is inside. The guards believe that the palace is haunted by ghosts from the British Raj; they say their presence can be “felt” during the night while the guards are on duty.

Dalmia Road – Bride of Karsaz – Karachi
On this road is the home of the Bride of Karsaz, that rests in the middle of this patch of road, which people claim forever seems haunted. The bride’s home is a small insignificant graveyard. It is said that there is a jilted bride that awaits late-night travellers on the Dalmia road that connects Karsaz with Jauhar. If a traveller passes her while going home, something usually causes them to stop, and she appears as a beautiful woman dressed in bridal red. The stunning beauty waves as if she needs a ride or help and speaking a language no one seems to understand. As you look at her beautiful face, you will see it start to turn into something else, maggots begin to come out of her face and the hair on the back of your head will stand. Some say they have been chased by her screaming while others were able to flee without a sound. But one thing they all agree on is that after dark no one should travel on Dalmia Road alone, for the bride still awaits her groom.

Lake Saiful Muluk – Kaghan Valley

Once, many centuries ago they say a Prince of Persia fell in love with the Fairy Princess of the Lake. The Fairy Princess in turn fell madly in love with the Persian Prince, but she was to all promised to a Demon. Upon hearing about their love, the Demon killed both the Prince and the Fairy Princess and to this day the fairies return to the lake to mourn the death of the two lovers.

Hawks Bay – Haunted Hut – Karachi
They say that this particular hut has never been rented out, and if someone is foolish enough to rent it, they never make it through the night there. For during the night especially on a full moon, weddings are held by Jinnat. They do not take kindly to uninvited guests. So beware before renting this hut at Hawk’s Bay.

Shamshan Ghat – Hyderabad
Guards who work at this 250 years old crematory say that during the night children can be seen playing among the graves, they pop out of nowhere and disappear just before sunrise. They also claim that throughout the night, strange noises and voices can be heard.

Shireen Cinema – Karachi
Who says’ you can’t enjoy a good movie just because you are dead? According to workers, this cinema has been closed for some time due to some visitors that were not expected. Apparently, voices and singing can be heard coming from the back of the cinema, and shadows can be seen on the screen when no on is there. How about that for a scary movie?

Chowkandi Graveyard – Karachi
Chowkandi graveyard located on the National Highway of Karachi, Pakistan is amongst the most ancient graveyard of the country, around 600 hundred years old. It is also considered as one of the most haunted graveyard, nobody attempts to visit there after sunset as they would most likely to experience some unusual/paranormal activities. According to the people who live nearby, they heard people shouting and apparition have also been witnessed. Overall the Chokandi Graveyard has its own ancient beauty that attracts visitors, but nobody dare to visit it after the sunset. Not to forget the great factor of Black Magic, usually done in this graveyard with a goat’s head.

The Sheikhupura Fort, Lahore
This fort is in bad shape and nobody want to reshape it because people believe that its haunted by the spirits of queens who used to reside there once.
Me and my family used to live in a Big house In rawalpindi around 2003..
It was quite old but huge.
The house used to have a front door I was about 10 or 11 years old the main door each night and every night used to have this noise as if someone was opening the door and letting go of the door handle.
In the same house I remember I had to sleep on the floor one night due to a wedding very near the main front door of the house so I heard foot steps "bare footed"coming from around the house it was really late into the night the foot steps came went into the kitchen and then they came near me and that I still remember afterwards I have no idea as I was just a kid.
To this day this experience is just weird and spooks me out..
Edit:I remember looking up and seeing nothing but hearing the footsteps
Two things which I myself never observed and felt anything though I have lived alone for most of my life. Furthermore, I never fell in love with anyone....is it normal or paranormal?

No ..they affect other people as well . Thing is in other cultures they are given various other names like ghosts, spirits, demons etc. Jinns have different religions too like there are Hindu, Christian, Jewish and Muslim Jinns. Here is a very creepy story.
Once, my alarm rang and I just lay there trying to decide if I should just skip class and sleep longer. I decided not to skip class and as I sat up I was face to face with the jinn. it looked like it was kneeling at the foot of the bed watching me sleep. I remember it had one hand outstretched like it was going to pet my cat that was sleeping on my feet. It was as if I had startled it, because it had jerked it’s hand back away from me a bit then stopped. When it stood up,it looked like it was nearly over six feet. I was absolutely scared to death I remember saying Allah help me and praying. at times I wish I wasn’t such a coward so I could maybe have talked to it.
Do Djinns use pdf too :rofl: and comment, in case you need a keyboard to type your comment?.
Two things which I myself never observed and felt anything though I have lived alone for most of my life. Furthermore, I never fell in love with anyone....is it normal or paranormal?

Do Djinns use pdf too :rofl: and comment, in case you need a keyboard to type your comment?.
Different people approach life differently and some deviate from what may be perceived as traditional life style......Its kind of normal stuff. As for love, it isn't for every one and for a loner like yourself it makes sense. I am not sure if Djinns can contact people via internet but if they do, i wont be surprised. With supernatural anything is possible.
One time my mother told me of how her friends actually contacted jinn and asked it questions. I wish she could remember the questions.
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